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Summing the elements of a list

Summing the elements of a list, in various ways

Auteurs: Claude Marché

Catégories: List Data Structure

Outils: Why3

see also the index (by topic, by tool, by reference, by year)

theory SumList

use export int.Int
use export real.RealInfix
use export list.List

type or_integer_float = Integer int | Real real

(* sum integers in a list *)
function add_int (e: list or_integer_float) : int =
  match e with
  | Nil -> 0
  | Cons (Integer n) t -> n + add_int t
  | Cons _ t -> add_int t

(* sum reals in a list *)
function add_real (e: list or_integer_float) : real =
  match e with
  | Nil -> 0.0
  | Cons (Real x) t -> x +. add_real t
  | Cons _ t -> add_real t


module AddListRec

use SumList

let rec sum (l: list or_integer_float) : (si: int, sf: real) =
    variant { l }
    ensures { si = add_int l /\ sf = add_real l }
  match l with
  | Nil -> 0, 0.0
  | Cons h t ->
      let a,b = sum t in
      match h with
      | Integer n -> n + a, b
      | Real x -> a, x +. b

let main () =
  let l =
    Cons (Integer 5) (Cons (Real 3.3) (Cons (Integer 8)
      (Cons (Real 1.4) (Cons (Integer 9) Nil))))
  let s,f = sum l in
  assert { s = 22 };
  assert { f = 4.7 }


module AddListImp

use SumList
use ref.Ref

let sum (l: list or_integer_float) : (si: int, sf: real) =
    ensures { si = add_int l /\ sf = add_real l }
  let si = ref 0 in
  let sf = ref 0.0 in
  let ll = ref l in
  while True do
    invariant { !si + add_int !ll = add_int l /\
                !sf +. add_real !ll = add_real l }
    variant { !ll }
     match !ll with
     | Nil -> return !si, !sf
     | Cons (Integer n) t ->
         si := !si + n; ll := t
     | Cons (Real x) t ->
         sf := !sf +. x; ll := t

let main () =
  let l =
    Cons (Integer 5) (Cons (Real 3.3) (Cons (Integer 8)
      (Cons (Real 1.4) (Cons (Integer 9) Nil))))
  let s,f = sum l in
  assert { s = 22 };
  assert { f = 4.7 }


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