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Depth-First Search

Marking reachable nodes in a graph with left and right pointers

Auteurs: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre

Catégories: Graph Algorithms / Pointer Programs

Outils: Why3

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(* Depth-First Search
   (following François Pottier's lecture INF431 at École Polytechnique)

   We are given memory cells with two (possibly null) [left] and [right]
   neighbours and a mutable Boolean attribute [marked]. In Java, it would
   look like

     class Cell { Cell left, right; boolean marked; ... }

   We mark all cells that are reachable from a given cell [root] using
   depth-first search, that is using the following recursive function:

     static void dfs(Cell c) {
       if (c != null && !c.marked) {
         c.marked = true;

  We wish to prove that, assuming that all cells are initially unmarked,
  a call to dfs(root) will mark all cells reachable from root, and only
  those cells.


module DFS

  use bool.Bool
  use map.Map
  use ref.Ref

  type loc
  val constant null: loc
  val constant root: loc

  val (==) (x y: loc) : bool
    ensures { result <-> x = y }

  val function left  loc: loc
  val function right loc: loc

  type marks = map loc bool
  val marked: ref marks
  val ghost busy: ref marks

  let set (m: ref marks) (l: loc) (b: bool) : unit
    writes  { m }
    ensures { !m = (old !m)[l <- b] }
  = let f = !m in
    m := fun x -> if x == l then b else f x

  predicate edge (x y: loc) = x <> null && (left x = y || right x = y)

  inductive path (x y: loc) =
  | path_nil: forall x: loc. path x x
  | path_cons: forall x y z: loc. path x y -> edge y z -> path x z

  predicate only_descendants_are_marked (marked: marks) =
    forall x: loc. x <> null && marked[x] = True -> path root x

  predicate well_colored (marked busy: marks) =
    forall x y: loc. edge x y -> y <> null ->
    busy[x] = True || (marked[x] = True -> marked[y] = True)

  let rec dfs (c: loc) : unit
    requires { well_colored !marked !busy }
    requires { only_descendants_are_marked !marked }
    requires { path root c }
    ensures  { well_colored !marked !busy }
    ensures  { forall x: loc. (old !marked)[x] = True -> !marked[x] = True }
    ensures  { c <> null -> !marked[c] = True }
    ensures  { forall x: loc. !busy[x] = True -> (old !busy)[x] = True }
    ensures  { only_descendants_are_marked !marked }
    if not (c == null) && not !marked[c] then begin
      ghost set busy c True;
      set marked c True;
      dfs (left c);
      dfs (right c);
      set busy c False

  predicate all_descendants_are_marked (marked: marks) =
    root <> null ->
    marked[root] = True &&
    forall x y: loc.
      edge x y -> marked[x] = True -> y <> null -> marked[y] = True

  lemma reformulation:
    forall marked: marks.
    all_descendants_are_marked marked ->
    forall x: loc. x <> null -> path root x -> marked[x] = True /\ root <> null

  let traverse () : unit
    requires { forall x: loc. x <> null ->
               !marked[x] = False && !busy[x] = False }
    ensures  { only_descendants_are_marked !marked }
    ensures  { all_descendants_are_marked !marked }
    ensures  { forall x: loc. x <> null -> !busy[x] = False }
    assert { well_colored !marked !busy };
    dfs root


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Why3 Proof Results for Project "dfs"

Theory "dfs.DFS": fully verified

ObligationsAlt-Ergo 2.3.3CVC5 1.0.5Z3 4.12.2
VC for set------0.01
VC for dfs---0.60---
VC for traverse------0.01