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(* Utility module: reflexive transitive closure of a parameterized
   relation. *)
module ReflTransClosure

  type parameter
  type state
  predicate transition parameter state state

  inductive transition_star parameter (x y:state) =
    | Refl: forall p x. transition_star p x x
    | Step: forall p x y z.
        transition p x y -> transition_star p y z -> transition_star p x z

  lemma transition_star_one: forall p s1 s2.
    transition p s1 s2 -> transition_star p s1 s2

  lemma transition_star_transitive: forall p s1 s2 s3.
    transition_star p s1 s2 -> transition_star p s2 s3 ->
      transition_star p s1 s3


(* The machine operates on a code c (a fixed list of instructions)
   and three variable components:
    - a program counter, denoting a position in c
    - a state assigning integer values to variables
    - an evaluation stack, containing integers.

theory Vm

  use state.State
  use int.Int
  use list.List
  use list.Length
  use list.Append
  use int.EuclideanDivision

  type pos = int                           (* read position on stack        *)
  type stack = list int                    (* stack contains just integers  *)
  type machine_state = VMS pos stack state (* virtual machine configuration *)

  type ofs = int
  (* The instruction set of the machine.  *)
  type instr =
    | Iconst int   (*   push n on stack                               *)
    | Ivar id      (*   push the value of variable                    *)
    | Isetvar id   (*   pop an integer, assign it to variable         *)
    | Ibranch ofs  (*   skip ofs instructions                         *)
    | Iadd         (*   pop two values, push their sum                *)
    | Isub         (*   pop two values, push their difference         *)
    | Imul         (*   pop two values, push their product            *)
    | Ibeq ofs     (*   pop n2, pop n1, skip ofs forward if n1 =  n2  *)
    | Ibne ofs     (*   pop n2, pop n1, skip ofs forward if n1 <> n2  *)
    | Ible ofs     (*   pop n2, pop n1, skip ofs forward if n1 <= n2  *)
    | Ibgt ofs     (*   pop n2, pop n1, skip ofs forward if n1 >  n2  *)
    | Ihalt        (*   end of program                                *)

  type code = list instr

  (* Read pointer to code *)
  inductive codeseq_at code pos code =
    | codeseq_at_intro : forall c1 c2 c3.
        codeseq_at (c1 ++ c2 ++ c3) (length c1) c2

  lemma codeseq_at_app_right: forall c c1 c2 p.
    codeseq_at c p (c1 ++ c2) -> codeseq_at c (p + length c1) c2

  lemma codeseq_at_app_left: forall c c1 c2 p.
    codeseq_at c p (c1 ++ c2) -> codeseq_at c p c1

  let function push (n:int) (s:stack) : stack = Cons n s
  let function iconst (n:int) : code = Cons (Iconst n) Nil
  let function ivar (x:id) : code  = Cons (Ivar x) Nil
  let function isetvar (x:id) : code = Cons (Isetvar x) Nil
  let constant iadd : code = Cons Iadd Nil
  let constant isub : code = Cons Isub Nil
  let constant imul : code = Cons Imul Nil
  let function ibeq (ofs:ofs) : code = Cons (Ibeq ofs) Nil
  let function ible (ofs:ofs) : code = Cons (Ible ofs) Nil
  let function ibne (ofs:ofs) : code = Cons (Ibne ofs) Nil
  let function ibgt (ofs:ofs) : code = Cons (Ibgt ofs) Nil
  let function ibranch (ofs:ofs) : code = Cons (Ibranch ofs) Nil
  let constant ihalt : code = (Cons Ihalt Nil)

  (* The semantics of the virtual machine is given in small-step style,
     as a transition relation between machine states: triples (program
     counter, evaluation stack, variable state). The transition relation is
     parameterized by the code c. There is one transition rule for each
     kind of instruction, except Ihalt, which has no transition. *)

  inductive transition code machine_state machine_state =
    | trans_const : forall c p n. codeseq_at c p (iconst n) ->
        forall s m. transition c (VMS p s m) (VMS (p + 1) (push n s) m)

    | trans_var : forall c p x. codeseq_at c p (ivar x) ->
        forall s m. transition c (VMS p s m) (VMS (p + 1) (push m[x] s) m)

    | trans_set_var: forall c p x. codeseq_at c p (isetvar x) ->
        forall n s m. transition c (VMS p (push n s) m) (VMS (p + 1) s m[x<-n])

    | trans_add : forall c p. codeseq_at c p iadd ->
        forall n1 n2 s m. transition c (VMS p (push n2 (push n1 s)) m)
                                    (VMS (p + 1) (push (n1 + n2) s) m)

    | trans_sub : forall c p. codeseq_at c p isub ->
        forall n1 n2 s m. transition c (VMS p (push n2 (push n1 s)) m)
                                    (VMS (p + 1) (push (n1 - n2) s) m)

    | trans_mul : forall c p. codeseq_at c p imul ->
        forall n1 n2 s m. transition c (VMS p (push n2 (push n1 s)) m)
                                    (VMS (p + 1) (push (n1 * n2) s) m)

    | trans_beq: forall c p1 ofs. codeseq_at c p1 (ibeq ofs) ->
        forall s m n1 n2. transition c (VMS p1 (push n2 (push n1 s)) m)
                   (VMS (if n1 = n2 then p1 + 1 + ofs else p1 + 1) s m)

    | trans_bne: forall c p1 ofs. codeseq_at c p1 (ibne ofs) ->
        forall s m n1 n2. transition c (VMS p1 (push n2 (push n1 s)) m)
                  (VMS (if n1 = n2 then p1 + 1 else p1 + 1 + ofs) s  m)

    | trans_ble: forall c p1 ofs. codeseq_at c p1 (ible ofs) ->
        forall s m n1 n2. transition c (VMS p1 (push n2 (push n1 s)) m)
                 (VMS (if n1 <= n2 then p1 + 1 + ofs else p1 + 1)  s m)

    | trans_bgt: forall c p1 ofs. codeseq_at c p1 (ibgt ofs) ->
        forall s m n1 n2. transition c (VMS p1 (push n2 (push n1 s)) m)
                 (VMS (if n1 <= n2 then p1 + 1 else p1 + 1 + ofs) s  m)

    | trans_branch: forall c p ofs. codeseq_at c p (ibranch ofs) ->
        forall s m. transition c (VMS p s m) (VMS (p + 1 + ofs) s m)

  (* As usual with small-step semantics, we form sequences of machine
     transitions to define the behavior of a code. We always start with pc
     = 0 and an empty evaluation stack. We stop successfully if pc points
     to an Ihalt instruction and the evaluation stack is empty. *)

   clone export ReflTransClosure with type parameter = code,
     type state = machine_state, predicate transition = transition

   predicate vm_terminates (c:code) (mi mf:state) =
     exists p. codeseq_at c p ihalt /\
       transition_star c (VMS 0 Nil mi) (VMS p Nil mf)


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