why3doc index index

(* Usual definitions about (pre)orders. *)
module Ordered

  use export ho_rel.Rel

  predicate lower (o:erel 'a) (x y:'a) = o x y /\ not o y x

  predicate upper_bound (o:erel 'a) (s:'a -> bool) (u:'a) =
    forall x. s x -> o x u

  predicate lower_bound (o:erel 'a) (s:'a -> bool) (l:'a) =
    forall x. s x -> o l x

  predicate maximum (o:erel 'a) (s:'a -> bool) (u:'a) =
    upper_bound o s u /\ s u

  predicate minimum (o:erel 'a) (s:'a -> bool) (l:'a) =
    lower_bound o s l /\ s l

  predicate supremum (o:erel 'a) (s:'a -> bool) (x:'a) =
    minimum o (upper_bound o s) x

  lemma maximum_supremum : forall o s,x:'a. maximum o s x -> supremum o s x

  predicate infimum (o:erel 'a) (s:'a -> bool) (x:'a) =
    maximum o (lower_bound o s) x

  lemma minimum_infimum : forall o s,x:'a. minimum o s x -> infimum o s x

  predicate maximal (o:erel 'a) (s:'a -> bool) (x:'a) =
    forall y. s y /\ o x y -> o y x

  predicate minimal (o:erel 'a) (s:'a -> bool) (x:'a) =
    forall y. s y /\ o y x -> o x y

  predicate monotone (o1:erel 'a) (f:'a -> 'b) (o2:erel 'b) =
    forall x y. o1 x y -> o2 (f x) (f y)

  predicate monotone_on (s:'a -> bool) (o1:erel 'a) (f:'a -> 'b) (o2:erel 'b) =
    forall x y. s x /\ s y /\ o1 x y -> o2 (f x) (f y)


(* State that max/min/inf/sup are uniques in an ordered set. *)
module LimUniq "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => LimUniqProof *)

  use export Ordered

  function inf (o:erel 'a) (s:'a -> bool) : 'a
  function sup (o:erel 'a) (s:'a -> bool) : 'a

  axiom min_is_inf : forall o s,x:'a. minimum o s x -> minimum o s (inf o s)
  axiom max_is_sup : forall o s,x:'a. maximum o s x -> maximum o s (sup o s)
  axiom inf_is_inf : forall o s,x:'a. infimum o s x -> infimum o s (inf o s)
  axiom sup_is_sup : forall o s,x:'a. supremum o s x -> supremum o s (sup o s)

  axiom maximum_uniq : forall o s,x:'a. order o /\ maximum o s x -> x = sup o s
  axiom minimum_uniq : forall o s,x:'a. order o /\ minimum o s x -> x = inf o s
  axiom infimum_uniq : forall o s,x:'a. order o /\ infimum o s x -> x = inf o s
  axiom supremum_uniq : forall o s,x:'a. order o /\ supremum o s x -> x = sup o s


module LimUniqProof

  use import Ordered
  use import choice.Choice

  function inf (o:erel 'a) (s:'a -> bool) : 'a =
    let l = choice (minimum o s) in
    if minimum o s l then l else choice (infimum o s)
  function sup (o:erel 'a) (s:'a -> bool) : 'a =
    let u = choice (maximum o s) in
    if maximum o s u then u else choice (supremum o s)

  lemma iu : forall o s,x:'a. order o /\ infimum o s x -> x = inf o s
    by o x (inf o s) /\ o (inf o s) x

  (* All others are straightforward consequences:
     min is ok because a min is an inf,
     supremum is ok because a supremum is also a min, and max is a sup. *)

  clone LimUniq with
    function inf = inf,
    function sup = sup,
    goal min_is_inf,
    goal max_is_sup,
    goal inf_is_inf,
    goal sup_is_sup,
    goal maximum_uniq,
    goal minimum_uniq,
    goal infimum_uniq,
    goal supremum_uniq


(* Definitions about chains in orders, e.g totally ordered subsets. *)
module Chain

  use import ho_set.Set
  use export LimUniq
  use export Ordered

  predicate chain (o:erel 'a) (s:set 'a) =
    forall x y. s x /\ s y -> o x y \/ o y x

  (* chain-bounded = all chains admit upper bound *)
  predicate chain_bounded (o:erel 'a) =
    forall s. chain o s -> exists y. upper_bound o s y

  (* chain-complete = all chains admit supremum *)
  predicate chain_complete (o:erel 'a) =
    forall s. chain o s -> supremum o s (sup o s)

  (* quasi-chain-complete = all non-empty chains admit supremum.
     Rules out spurious minimums in some situations. *)
  predicate q_chain_complete (o:erel 'a) =
    forall s. chain o s /\ inhabited s -> supremum o s (sup o s)

  (* Prefix ordering between chains. *)
  predicate subchain (o:erel 'a) (s1 s2:set 'a) =
    subset s1 s2 /\
    forall x y. s1 x /\ s2 y /\ not s1 y -> o x y

  (* Well-founded chains: chains that are well-founded. *)
  predicate wf_chain (o:erel 'a) (s:set 'a) =
    forall s2. subset s2 s /\ inhabited s2 -> minimum o s2 (inf o s2)

  lemma wf_chain_chain : forall o:erel 'a,s. wf_chain o s -> chain o s
    by forall x y. s x /\ s y -> o x y \/ o y x
    by let s2 = fun z -> x = z \/ y = z in
      let mn = inf o s2 in
      (minimum o s2 mn by inhabited s2 by s2 x)
    so o mn x /\ o mn y

  predicate well_order (o:erel 'a) =
    order o /\ wf_chain o all


(* Alternative definition or well-founded chain: chains
   where all elements are accessibles. *)
module WfChainAcc "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => WfChainAccProof *)

  use export Chain

  axiom wf_chain_alt_def : forall o:erel 'a,s. order o ->
    wf_chain o s <-> wf_on (lower o) s /\ chain o s


module WfChainAccProof

  use import ho_set.Set
  use import Chain

  (* Proof that everything is accessible: by contradiction
     take minimal not accessible, and it must be accessible by definition. *)
  lemma wf_chain_hence_acc_on : forall o s.
    order o /\ wf_chain o s ->
      let lo = lower o in
      not (exists x:'a. s x /\ not acc_on lo s x
        so let s2 = diff s (acc_on lo s) in
          let mn = inf o s2 in
        (minimum o s2 mn by subset s2 s /\ s2 x)
        so acc_on lo s mn)

  (* Proof that if everything is accessible in a chain, every non-empty
     subset has a minimum. By contradiction, suppose the subset does not have
     a minimum. Then by induction the set must be empty,
     as otherwise the 'first' we would find would be the minimum.
     (proof could be done without the contradiction steps, proving
      by induction that for each elements, if s2 has a lower inhabitant
      then it has a minimum) *)
  lemma wf_on_so_wf_chain : forall o, s s2:set 'a.
    let lo = lower o in
    order o /\ chain o s /\ wf_on lo s /\ subset s2 s /\ inhabited s2 ->
    not (not minimum o s2 (inf o s2)
      so (forall o1 s1 x. o1 = lo /\ s1 = s ->
          ("induction" acc_on o1 s1 x) -> not s2 x)
      by forall x. (forall y. s y /\ lo y x -> not s2 y) ->
        not (s2 x so minimum o s2 x
           by forall y. s2 y -> not (not o x y so o y x so lo y x)

  clone WfChainAcc with goal wf_chain_alt_def


(* Show that the prefix order between chains is a complete order,
   and how to build the supremum. Also show that adding a maximal
   element produce a larger (wf-)chain, and that subchains of
   a common chain are comparable. *)
module SubChain "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => SubChainProof *)

  use export Chain
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps

  axiom subchain_complete_order : forall o:erel 'a.
    transitive o -> order (subchain o) /\ chain_complete (subchain o)

  axiom subchain_completion : forall o:erel 'a,ch.
    chain (subchain o) ch -> supremum (subchain o) ch (bigunion ch)

  axiom chain_subchain_completion : forall o:erel 'a,ch.
    chain (subchain o) ch /\ (forall x. ch x -> chain o x) ->
    chain o (bigunion ch)

  axiom wf_subchain_completion : forall o:erel 'a,ch.
    chain (subchain o) ch /\ (forall x. ch x -> wf_chain o x) ->
    wf_chain o (bigunion ch)

  axiom subchain_comparable : forall o:erel 'a, ch1 ch2 ch3.
    antisymetric o /\ subchain o ch1 ch3 /\ subchain o ch2 ch3 ->
      subchain o ch1 ch2 \/ subchain o ch2 ch1

  axiom add_subchain : forall o ch,x:'a.
    upper_bound o ch x -> subchain o ch (add ch x)

  axiom add_chain : forall o ch,x:'a.
    reflexive o /\ chain o ch /\ upper_bound o ch x -> chain o (add ch x)

  axiom add_wf_chain : forall o ch,x:'a.
    reflexive o /\ wf_chain o ch /\ upper_bound o ch x -> wf_chain o (add ch x)

  axiom singleton_wf_chain : forall o,x:'a.
    reflexive o -> wf_chain o ((=) x)


module SubChainProof

  use import ho_set.SubsetOrder
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps
  use import Chain

  lemma subchain_order : forall o:erel 'a.
    transitive o -> order (subchain o)

  lemma subchain_completion : forall o:erel 'a,ch.
    let u = bigunion ch in
    let sb = subchain o in
    chain sb ch -> supremum sb ch u
    by (upper_bound sb ch u
      by forall v. ch v -> sb v u
      by forall a b. v a /\ u b /\ not v b -> o a b
      by exists wb. ch wb /\ wb b
      so sb v wb)
    /\ forall v. upper_bound sb ch v -> sb u v
      by (subset u v by forall a. u a -> v a
        by exists wa. ch wa /\ wa a so sb wa v)
      /\ forall a b. u a /\ v b /\ not u b -> o a b
        by exists wa. ch wa /\ wa a so sb wa v

  lemma chain_subchain_completion : forall o:erel 'a,ch.
    let u = bigunion ch in
    chain (subchain o) ch /\ (forall x. ch x -> chain o x) ->
    chain o u
    by forall a b. u a /\ u b -> o a b \/ o b a
    by exists wa wb. ch wa /\ wa a /\ ch wb /\ wb b
    so exists w. ch w /\ w a /\ w b
    by if subchain o wa wb then w = wb else w = wa

  lemma wf_subchain_completion : forall o:erel 'a,ch.
    let u = bigunion ch in
    chain (subchain o) ch /\ (forall x. ch x -> wf_chain o x) ->
    wf_chain o u
    by forall s2. inhabited s2 /\ subset s2 u ->
      minimum o s2 (inf o s2)
    by exists y wy. s2 y /\ wy y /\ ch wy
    so let s3 = inter s2 wy in subset s3 wy /\ s3 y
    so let mn = inf o s3 in minimum o s3 mn
    so minimum o s2 mn
    by forall z. s2 z -> o mn z by if s3 z then true else subchain o wy u

  lemma add_wf_chain : forall o u,x:'a.
    reflexive o /\ wf_chain o u /\ upper_bound o u x ->
    let v = add u x in wf_chain o v
    by forall s2. subset s2 v /\ inhabited s2 ->
      minimum o s2 (inf o s2)
    by let s3 = remove s2 x in
      if inhabited s3
      then let mn = inf o s3 in minimum o s2 mn
      else minimum o s2 x by forall y. s2 y -> y = x \/ s3 y

  lemma subchain_comparable : forall o,ch1 ch2 ch3:set 'a.
    antisymetric o /\ subchain o ch1 ch3 /\ subchain o ch2 ch3 ->
    (subchain o ch1 ch2 \/ subchain o ch2 ch1)
    by if subset ch1 ch2
      then if subset ch2 ch1
        then sext ch1 ch2
        else subchain o ch1 ch2
      else if subset ch2 ch1
        then subchain o ch2 ch1
        else false by exists x. ch1 x /\ not ch2 x
          so exists y. ch2 y /\ not ch1 y
          so o x y /\ o y x

  lemma singleton_wf_chain : forall o,x:'a.
    reflexive o -> wf_chain o ((=) x)
    by forall s. inhabited s /\ subset s ((=) x) ->
      exists y. minimum o s y by y = x

  clone SubChain with goal subchain_complete_order,
    goal subchain_completion,
    goal chain_subchain_completion,
    goal wf_subchain_completion,
    goal subchain_comparable,
    goal add_subchain,
    goal add_chain,
    goal add_wf_chain,
    goal singleton_wf_chain


(* Product order, and relation with usual constraints
   (upper bound, lower bound, supremum, and infimum equivalent
    to the same on projections) *)
module Product "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => ProductProof *)

  use import Ordered
  use import ho_rel.Prod
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image

  axiom order_product : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b.
    order o1 /\ order o2 <-> order (rprod o1 o2)

  axiom prod_upper_bound : forall o1 o2 s,x:'a,y:'b.
    upper_bound (rprod o1 o2) s (x,y) <->
      upper_bound o1 (image fst s) x /\ upper_bound o2 (image snd s) y

  axiom prod_lower_bound : forall o1 o2 s,x:'a,y:'b.
    lower_bound (rprod o1 o2) s (x,y) <->
      lower_bound o1 (image fst s) x /\ lower_bound o2 (image snd s) y

  axiom prod_supremum : forall o1 o2 s,x:'a,y:'b.
    supremum (rprod o1 o2) s (x,y) <->
      supremum o1 (image fst s) x /\ supremum o2 (image snd s) y

  axiom prod_infimum : forall o1 o2 s,x:'a,y:'b.
    infimum (rprod o1 o2) s (x,y) <->
      infimum o1 (image fst s) x /\ infimum o2 (image snd s) y


module ProductProof

  use import Ordered
  use import ho_rel.Prod
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image

  lemma order_product : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b.
    order o1 /\ order o2 -> order (rprod o1 o2)
    by let op = rprod o1 o2 in
      reflexive op
    /\ (antisymetric op by forall x y. op x y /\ op y x -> x = y)
    /\ (transitive op by forall x y z. op x y /\ op y z -> op x z)

  lemma order_product_back : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b.
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    order op ->
    (order o1 /\ order o2)
    by reflexive o1 /\ reflexive o2
    so exists u:'a,v:'b. true
    so o1 u u /\ o2 v v
    so (antisymetric o1 by forall a b. o1 a b /\ o1 b a -> a = b
      by op (a,v) (b,v) /\ op (b,v) (a,v))
    /\ (antisymetric o2 by forall a b. o2 a b /\ o2 b a -> a = b
      by op (u,a) (u,b) /\ op (u,b) (u,a))
    /\ (transitive o1 by forall a b c. o1 a b /\ o1 b c -> o1 a c
      by op (a,v) (b,v) /\ op (b,v) (c,v))
    /\ (transitive o2 by forall a b c. o2 a b /\ o2 b c -> o2 a c
      by op (u,a) (u,b) /\ op (u,b) (u,c))

  lemma prod_upper_bound : forall o1 o2 s,x:'a,y:'b.
    (upper_bound (rprod o1 o2) s (x,y) <->
      upper_bound o1 (image fst s) x /\ upper_bound o2 (image snd s) y)
      by let op = rprod o1 o2 in
      (upper_bound op s (x,y) ->
        (upper_bound o1 (image fst s) x
         by forall z. image fst s z -> o1 z x
         by exists t. s (z,t))
        /\ (upper_bound o2 (image snd s) y
         by forall t. image snd s t -> o2 t y
         by exists z. s (z,t))
      ) /\ (upper_bound o1 (image fst s) x /\ upper_bound o2 (image snd s) y ->
        upper_bound op s (x,y)
        by forall z. s z -> op z (x,y)
        by let (zx,zy) = z in image fst s zx /\ image snd s zy)

  lemma prod_lower_bound : forall o1 o2 s,x:'a,y:'b.
    (lower_bound (rprod o1 o2) s (x,y) <->
      lower_bound o1 (image fst s) x /\ lower_bound o2 (image snd s) y)
      by let op = rprod o1 o2 in
      (lower_bound op s (x,y) ->
        (lower_bound o1 (image fst s) x
         by forall z. image fst s z -> o1 x z
         by exists t. s (z,t))
        /\ (lower_bound o2 (image snd s) y
         by forall t. image snd s t -> o2 y t
         by exists z. s (z,t))
      ) /\ (lower_bound o1 (image fst s) x /\ lower_bound o2 (image snd s) y ->
        lower_bound op s (x,y)
        by forall z. s z -> op (x,y) z
        by let (zx,zy) = z in image fst s zx /\ image snd s zy)

  lemma prod_supremum : forall o1 o2 s,x:'a,y:'b.
    (supremum (rprod o1 o2) s (x,y) <->
      supremum o1 (image fst s) x /\ supremum o2 (image snd s) y)
      by let op = rprod o1 o2 in
      supremum op s (x,y) ->
      (supremum o1 (image fst s) x
        by forall u. upper_bound o1 (image fst s) u -> o1 x u
        by upper_bound op s (u,y) so op (x,y) (u,y))
      /\ (supremum o2 (image snd s) y
        by forall u. upper_bound o2 (image snd s) u -> o2 y u
        by upper_bound op s (x,u) so op (x,y) (x,u))

  lemma prod_infimum : forall o1 o2 s,x:'a,y:'b.
    (infimum (rprod o1 o2) s (x,y) <->
      infimum o1 (image fst s) x /\ infimum o2 (image snd s) y)
      by let op = rprod o1 o2 in
      infimum op s (x,y) ->
      (infimum o1 (image fst s) x
        by forall u. lower_bound o1 (image fst s) u -> o1 u x
        by lower_bound op s (u,y) so op (u,y) (x,y))
      /\ (infimum o2 (image snd s) y
        by forall u. lower_bound o2 (image snd s) u -> o2 u y
        by lower_bound op s (x,u) so op (x,u) (x,y))

  clone Product with goal order_product,
    goal prod_upper_bound,
    goal prod_lower_bound,
    goal prod_supremum,
    goal prod_infimum


(* Interation between product order and chains *)
module ProductChain "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => ProductChainProof *)

  use import Chain
  use import ho_rel.Prod
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image

  axiom prod_chain : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b,ch.
    chain (rprod o1 o2) ch ->
      chain o1 (image fst ch) /\ chain o2 (image snd ch)

  axiom prod_wf_chain : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b,ch.
    wf_chain (rprod o1 o2) ch ->
      wf_chain o1 (image fst ch) /\ wf_chain o2 (image snd ch)

  axiom prod_chain_bounded : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b.
    chain_bounded o1 /\ chain_bounded o2 -> chain_bounded (rprod o1 o2)

  axiom prod_chain_complete : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b.
    chain_complete o1 /\ chain_complete o2 -> chain_complete (rprod o1 o2)

  axiom prod_q_chain_complete : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b.
    q_chain_complete o1 /\ q_chain_complete o2 ->
    q_chain_complete (rprod o1 o2)


module ProductChainProof

  use import Chain
  use import Product
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_rel.Prod
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image

  lemma prod_chain : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b,ch.
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    chain op ch ->
    (chain o1 (image fst ch)
     by forall x y. image fst ch x /\ image fst ch y -> (o1 x y \/ o1 y x)
     by exists z. ch (x,z) so exists t. ch (y,t)
     so op (x,z) (y,t) \/ op (y,t) (x,z))
    /\ (chain o2 (image snd ch)
     by forall x y. image snd ch x /\ image snd ch y -> (o2 x y \/ o2 y x)
     by exists z. ch (z,x) so exists t. ch (t,y)
     so op (z,x) (t,y) \/ op (t,y) (z,x))

  lemma prod_wf_chain : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b,ch.
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    wf_chain op ch ->
    (wf_chain o1 (image fst ch)
     by forall s. subset s (image fst ch) /\ inhabited s ->
       (exists y. minimum o1 s y)
     by let s2 = fun p -> ch p /\ s (fst p) in
       subset s2 ch
     so sext (image fst s2) s
     so inhabited s2
     so exists p. minimum op s2 p
     so let (a,b) = p in minimum o1 s a
    /\ (wf_chain o2 (image snd ch)
     by forall s. subset s (image snd ch) /\ inhabited s ->
       (exists y. minimum o2 s y)
     by let s2 = fun p -> ch p /\ s (snd p) in
       subset s2 ch
     so sext (image snd s2) s
     so inhabited s2
     so exists p. minimum op s2 p
     so let (a,b) = p in minimum o2 s b

  lemma prod_chain_bounded : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b.
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    chain_bounded o1 /\ chain_bounded o2 -> chain_bounded op
    by forall ch. chain op ch -> (exists u. upper_bound op ch u)
    by exists u. upper_bound o1 (image fst ch) u
    so exists v. upper_bound o2 (image snd ch) v
    so upper_bound op ch (u,v)

  lemma prod_chain_complete : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b.
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    chain_complete o1 /\ chain_complete o2 -> chain_complete op
    by forall ch. chain op ch -> (exists u. supremum op ch u)
    by exists u. supremum o1 (image fst ch) u
    so exists v. supremum o2 (image snd ch) v
    so supremum op ch (u,v)

  lemma prod_q_chain_complete : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b.
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    q_chain_complete o1 /\ q_chain_complete o2 -> q_chain_complete op
    by forall ch. inhabited ch /\ chain op ch -> (exists u. supremum op ch u)
    by (inhabited (image fst ch) /\ inhabited (image snd ch)
      by exists x. ch x so image fst ch (fst x) /\ image snd ch (snd x))
    so exists u. supremum o1 (image fst ch) u
    so exists v. supremum o2 (image snd ch) v
    so supremum op ch (u,v)

  clone ProductChain with goal prod_chain,
    goal prod_wf_chain,
    goal prod_chain_bounded,
    goal prod_chain_complete,
    goal prod_q_chain_complete


module SubFunLimit

  use import pfn.SubFunOrder
  use import fn.Image
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps
  use import Chain

  val ghost function pbigunion (h:{set (pfun 'a 'b)}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
    requires { chain subfun h }
    ensures { supremum subfun h result }
    ensures { result.domain = bigunion (image domain h) }
    ensures { forall f x. h f /\ f.domain x ->
      result.domain x /\ result.eval x = f.eval x }

  val ghost function pbiginter (h:{set (pfun 'a 'b)}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
    requires { inhabited h /\ chain subfun h }
    ensures { infimum subfun h result }
    ensures { result.domain = biginter (image domain h) }
    ensures { forall f x. result.domain x /\ h f ->
      f.domain x /\ result.eval x = f.eval x }


module SubFunLimitProof

  use import pfn.SubFunOrder
  use import fn.Image
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps
  use import Chain
  use import choice.Choice

  let ghost function pbigunion (h:{set (pfun 'a 'b)}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
    requires { chain subfun h }
    ensures { supremum subfun h result }
    ensures { result.domain = bigunion (image domain h) }
    ensures { forall f x. h f /\ f.domain x ->
      result.domain x /\ result.eval x = f.eval x }
  = let p = pure { fun x (f:pfun 'a 'b) -> h f /\ f.domain x } in
    let evl = pure { fun x -> (choice (p x)).eval x } in
    restrict (bigunion (image domain h)) (of_fun evl)
    ensures { forall f x. h f /\ f.domain x ->
      result.domain x && (result.eval x = f.eval x
        by p x f so let g = choice (p x) in p x g
        so result.eval x = g.eval x
        so subfun f g \/ subfun g f) }
    ensures { upper_bound subfun h result }
    ensures { forall u. upper_bound subfun h u -> subfun result u
      by forall x. result.domain x ->
        u.domain x /\ result.eval x = u.eval x
      by exists f. h f /\ f.domain x so subfun f u

  let ghost function pbiginter (h:{set (pfun 'a 'b)}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
    requires { inhabited h /\ chain subfun h }
    ensures { infimum subfun h result }
    ensures { result.domain = biginter (image domain h) }
    ensures { forall f x. result.domain x /\ h f ->
      f.domain x /\ result.eval x = f.eval x }
  = let g = pure { choice h } in
    restrict (biginter (image domain h)) (of_fun ({eval} g))
    ensures { forall f x. result.domain x /\ h f ->
      f.domain x && (result.eval x = f.eval x by h g so g.domain x) }
    ensures { lower_bound subfun h result }
    ensures { forall u. lower_bound subfun h u -> subfun u result
      by forall x. u.domain x ->
        (result.domain x by forall s. image domain h s -> s x)
        so result.eval x = u.eval x by subfun u g

  clone SubFunLimit with val pbigunion, val pbiginter


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