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(* Definition and lemmas about transfinite sequences and trees,
   formalized by chain extensions. *)

(* Few Definitions. *)
module ExtensionDef

  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps
  use import order.Chain

  (* Transfinite extensions of a base chain [chb] respectively to an order [o],
     and a successor relation [succ]:
     . [chb] is reachable
     . If a chain [ch] is reachable, then for all [x] successor of [ch],
       [ch+{x}] is reachable.
     . If a we have a sequence (a chain) of reachable chains,
       then their limit (=union|supremum) is reachable as well. *)
  inductive tr_ext (erel 'a) (rel (set 'a) 'a) (_ _:set 'a) =
    | Ext_base : forall o succ,chb:set 'a. tr_ext o succ chb chb
    | Ext_succ : forall o succ chb ch,x:'a.
      tr_ext o succ chb ch /\ succ ch x -> tr_ext o succ chb (add ch x)
    | Ext_sup : forall o succ chb,chh:set (set 'a).
      chain (subchain o) chh /\ inhabited chh /\
      (forall ch. chh ch -> tr_ext o succ chb ch) ->
      tr_ext o succ chb (bigunion chh)

  (* Caracterise the successor relations compatible with
     transfinite extension. *)
  predicate tr_succ (o:erel 'a) (succ:rel (set 'a) 'a) =
    forall h x. succ h x -> upper_bound o h x

  (* Caracterise the transfinite extensions of h1
     that are reached deterministically by succ. *)
  inductive tr_ext_det (erel 'a) (rel (set 'a) 'a) (_ _:set 'a) =
    | DExt_base : forall o succ,chb:set 'a. tr_ext_det o succ chb chb
    | DExt_succ : forall o succ chb ch,x:'a.
      tr_ext_det o succ chb ch /\ det_related succ ch /\ succ ch x ->
      tr_ext_det o succ chb (add ch x)
    | DExt_sup : forall o succ chb,chh:set (set 'a).
      chain (subchain o) chh /\ inhabited chh /\
      (forall ch. chh ch -> tr_ext_det o succ chb ch) ->
      tr_ext_det o succ chb (bigunion chh)

  (* Equivalent criterion for deterministic reach. *)
  predicate det_criterion (o:erel 'a) (succ:rel (set 'a) 'a) (h1 h2:set 'a) =
    forall h. subchain o h1 h /\ subchain o h h2 /\ h <> h2 -> det_related succ h


(* Few simple lemmas on general extensions (e.g transfinite trees) *)
module Extension "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => ExtensionProof *)

  use import order.Chain
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps
  use export ExtensionDef

  (* Transfinite extension indeed produces extensions. *)
  axiom tr_ext_compare : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ /\ tr_ext o succ h1 h2 -> subchain o h1 h2

  (* Transfinite extension is transitive. *)
  axiom tr_ext_transitive : forall o:erel 'a, succ.
    tr_succ o succ -> transitive (tr_ext o succ)

  (* Transfinite extensions can be decomposed *)
  axiom tr_ext_decompose : forall o succ,h1 h2 h3:set 'a.
    order o /\ tr_succ o succ /\ tr_ext o succ h1 h3 ->
    subchain o h1 h2 /\ subchain o h2 h3 ->
      tr_ext o succ h1 h2 /\ tr_ext o succ h2 h3

  (* Transfinite extension preserve (well-founded) chains. *)
  axiom tr_ext_preserve_chain : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    reflexive o /\ tr_succ o succ /\ chain o h1 /\ tr_ext o succ h1 h2 ->
    chain o h2
  axiom tr_ext_preserve_wf_chain : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    reflexive o /\ tr_succ o succ /\ wf_chain o h1 /\ tr_ext o succ h1 h2 ->
    wf_chain o h2

  (* If the transfinite extension of a chain reach
     a non-progressing element, then this element is maximal among
     extensions. (As a side-effect, if this element is deterministically
     reached it is a maximum) *)
  axiom tr_ext_stop_progress : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    order o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    tr_ext o succ h1 h2 /\ subset (succ h2) h2 ->
    maximal (subchain o) (tr_ext o succ h1) h2


(* Extra lemmas for deterministic extensions *)
module ExtensionDet "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => ExtensionProof *)

  use import order.Chain
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps
  use export Extension

  (* Obviously, if an extension is deterministic it is an extension. *)
  axiom tr_ext_det_is_ext : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2 -> tr_ext o succ h1 h2

  (* Reverse criterion:
     h2 is deterministically reached from h1 iff it is reached
     from h1 and the deterministic criterion holds, e.g all
     successors choice for h1 <= h < h2 are deterministic. *)
  axiom tr_ext_det_alt : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    preorder o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    tr_ext o succ h1 h2 /\ det_criterion o succ h1 h2 ->
    tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2
  axiom tr_ext_det_criterion : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    order o /\ tr_succ o succ /\ tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2 ->
    det_criterion o succ h1 h2

  (* As a consequence of the criterion,
     deterministic transfinite extensions can be decomposed just
     as non-deterministic ones. *)
  axiom tr_ext_det_decompose : forall o succ,h1 h2 h3:set 'a.
    order o /\ tr_succ o succ /\ tr_ext_det o succ h1 h3 /\
    subchain o h1 h2 /\ subchain o h2 h3 ->
    tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2 /\ tr_ext_det o succ h2 h3

  (* The deterministic transfinite extensions form a chain.
     This lemma is even more general: a deterministic extension
     is in fact comparable with ALL other extensions. *)
  axiom tr_ext_det_chain : forall o succ,h1 h2 h3:set 'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ /\
    tr_ext o succ h1 h2 /\ tr_ext_det o succ h1 h3 ->
      subchain o h2 h3 \/ subchain o h3 h2

  (* Stronger form of the chain property: the history
     within a deterministic extension form a well-founded
     chain. *)
  axiom tr_ext_det_wf_chain : forall o:erel 'a,succ h.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    wf_chain (subchain o) (tr_ext_det o succ h)

  (* Sharper variation on tr_ext_det_chain:
     the non-deterministic extensions come after deterministic
     ones. *)
  axiom tr_ext_det_first : forall o succ,h1 h2 h3:set 'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ /\
    tr_ext o succ h1 h2 /\ tr_ext_det o succ h1 h3 /\ subchain o h2 h3 ->
    tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2

  (* If succ is a deterministic relation then
     all extensions are deterministic. *)
  axiom tr_ext_all_det : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    tr_succ o succ /\ deterministic succ ->
    tr_ext o succ h1 h2 -> tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2

  (* In particular, the deterministic transfinite extension of a chain
     admit a maximum (with a very simple form). *)
  axiom tr_ext_det_maximum : forall o succ,h:set 'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    maximum (subchain o) (tr_ext_det o succ h) (bigunion (tr_ext_det o succ h))

  (* If the transfinite extension of a chain deterministically reach
     a non-progressing element, this element is maximum among extensions. *)
  axiom tr_ext_det_stop_progress : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2 /\ subset (succ h2) h2 ->
    maximum (subchain o) (tr_ext o succ h1) h2

  (* If the transfinite extension of a chain deterministically reach
     an element with two distinct successors, this element is maximum
     among deterministic extensions. *)
  axiom tr_ext_stop_det_progress : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2 /\ not det_related succ h2 ->
    maximum (subchain o) (tr_ext_det o succ h1) h2


(* Transport module:
  give necessary/sufficient conditions for extensions
  of a given relation to be reached by another as well. *)
module TransportDef

  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import order.Chain

  (* If h2 is an extension of h1 for o and some successor relation
     (notably the 'maximal' upper_bound relation !),
     then it is an extension for succ as well iff the transport
     criterion is met. *)
  predicate transport_criterion (o:erel 'a) (succ:rel (set 'a) 'a)
    (h1 h2:set 'a) =
    forall h x.
      subchain o h1 h /\ subchain o (add h x) h2 /\
      upper_bound o h x /\ not h x -> succ h x


module Transport "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => TransportProof *)

  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import ExtensionDef
  use export TransportDef

  axiom transport : forall o succ1 succ2,h1 h2:set 'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ1 /\ tr_ext o succ1 h1 h2 /\
    transport_criterion o succ2 h1 h2 ->
    tr_ext o succ2 h1 h2

  axiom transport_criterion : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    order o /\ tr_succ o succ /\ tr_ext o succ h1 h2 ->
    transport_criterion o succ h1 h2


module ExtensionProof

  use import ExtensionDef
  use import order.Chain
  use import order.SubChain
  use import fn.Fun
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps

  lemma tr_ext_compare : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    (transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ -> ("induction" tr_ext o succ h1 h2) ->
     subchain o h1 h2)
    by forall o:erel 'a,succ chh.
      transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ /\ chain (subchain o) chh ->
      (forall h. chh h -> subchain o h (bigunion chh))

  lemma tr_ext_transitive : forall o succ,h1 h2 h3:set 'a.
    tr_succ o succ ->
    tr_ext o succ h1 h2 -> ("induction" tr_ext o succ h2 h3) ->
    tr_ext o succ h1 h3

  lemma tr_ext_preserve_chain : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    reflexive o /\ tr_succ o succ /\ chain o h1 ->
    ("induction" tr_ext o succ h1 h2) -> chain o h2

  lemma tr_ext_preserve_wf_chain : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    reflexive o /\ tr_succ o succ /\ wf_chain o h1 ->
    ("induction" tr_ext o succ h1 h2) -> wf_chain o h2

  lemma tr_ext_decompose : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    order o /\ tr_succ o succ /\ subchain o h1 h2 ->
      (forall h3:set 'a.
        ("induction" tr_ext o succ h1 h3) ->
        subchain o h2 h3 ->
          "stop_split" tr_ext o succ h1 h2 /\ tr_ext o succ h2 h3)
    by (forall h3 x.
      tr_ext o succ h1 h3 /\ succ h3 x /\ subchain o h2 (add h3 x) /\
      (subchain o h2 h3 -> tr_ext o succ h1 h2 /\ tr_ext o succ h2 h3) ->
      tr_ext o succ h1 h2 /\ tr_ext o succ h2 (add h3 x)
      by if h2 x
        then sext h2 (add h3 x)
          by forall y. h3 y -> not (not h2 y so o x y)
        else subchain o h2 h3
    ) /\ (forall chh. chain (subchain o) chh /\ inhabited chh /\
      (forall h. chh h -> tr_ext o succ h1 h /\ (subchain o h2 h ->
        tr_ext o succ h1 h2 /\ tr_ext o succ h2 h)) ->
      let hl = bigunion chh in subchain o h2 hl ->
      tr_ext o succ h1 h2 /\ tr_ext o succ h2 hl
      by let ch2 = fun h -> chh h /\ subchain o h2 h in
        if inhabited ch2
        then exists h0. ch2 h0
          so bigunion ch2 = hl
          by supremum (subchain o) ch2 hl
          by forall u. upper_bound (subchain o) ch2 u ->
            upper_bound (subchain o) chh u
          by forall h. chh h -> subchain o h u
          by if subchain o h2 h then ch2 h else subchain o h h2
            so subchain o h0 u
        else sext h2 hl by upper_bound (subchain o) chh h2
          by forall h. chh h -> not subchain o h2 h

  lemma tr_ext_stop_progress : forall o succ,h1 h2 h3:set 'a.
    order o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    tr_ext o succ h1 h2 /\ subset (succ h2) h2 /\
    tr_ext o succ h1 h3 /\ subchain o h2 h3 -> h3 = h2
    by tr_ext o succ h2 h3
    so (forall a b c,h3:set 'a. a = o /\ b = succ /\ c = h2 ->
      ("induction" tr_ext a b c h3) -> h3 = h2)
    by (forall x. succ h2 x -> h2 = add h2 x by sext h2 (add h2 x))
    /\ (forall chh. inhabited chh /\ (forall h. chh h -> h = h2) ->
      bigunion chh = h2 by supremum (subchain o) chh h2)

  lemma tr_ext_det_sub : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    ("induction" tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2) -> tr_ext o succ h1 h2

  lemma tr_ext_det_back : forall o succ,h1:set 'a.
    preorder o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    (forall a b c h2. a = o /\ b = succ /\ c = h1 ->
      ("induction" tr_ext a b c h2) -> det_criterion o succ h1 h2 ->
      tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2)

  lemma tr_ext_recover_criterion : forall o succ,h1:set 'a.
    order o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    (forall a b c h2. a = o /\ b = succ /\ c = h1 ->
      ("induction" tr_ext_det a b c h2) -> det_criterion o succ h1 h2)
    by (forall h2 x. det_criterion o succ h1 h2 ->
      det_related succ h2 /\ succ h2 x ->
      let h3 = add h2 x in det_criterion o succ h1 h3
      by forall h. subchain o h h3 /\ h <> h3 -> subchain o h h2
      by not (h x so sext h h3
              by forall y. h3 y -> not (not h y so o x y))
    /\ (forall chh. chain (subchain o) chh ->
      (forall h. chh h -> det_criterion o succ h1 h) ->
      let hl = bigunion chh in
      det_criterion o succ h1 hl
      by forall h. subchain o h hl /\ h <> hl ->
        not (not (exists h2. chh h2 /\ subchain o h h2 /\ h <> h2)
          so upper_bound (subchain o) chh h
          by forall h2. chh h2 -> subchain o h2 h))

  lemma tr_ext_det_decompose : forall o succ,h1 h2 h3:set 'a.
    order o /\ tr_succ o succ /\ tr_ext_det o succ h1 h3 /\
    subchain o h1 h2 /\ subchain o h2 h3 ->
    tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2 /\ tr_ext_det o succ h2 h3
    by tr_ext o succ h1 h2 /\ tr_ext o succ h2 h3 /\ det_criterion o succ h1 h3
    so det_criterion o succ h1 h2 /\ det_criterion o succ h2 h3

  predicate separator (o:erel 'a) (succ:rel (set 'a) 'a) (h1 h3:set 'a) =
    forall h2. tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2 -> subchain o h2 h3 \/ subchain o h3 h2

  lemma tr_ext_next_separator : forall o succ h1 h3,x:'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    tr_ext o succ h1 h3 /\ separator o succ h1 h3 /\ succ h3 x ->
    let h4 = add h3 x in
    separator o succ h1 h4
    by if h3 x then sext h3 h4 else
      subchain o h3 h4
    so (forall a b c h2. a = o /\ b = succ /\ c = h1 ->
      ("induction" tr_ext_det a b c h2) ->
      subchain o h2 h4 \/ subchain o h4 h2)
    by (forall h2 y. (subchain o h2 h4 \/ subchain o h4 h2) ->
      tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2 /\ det_related succ h2 /\ succ h2 y ->
      let h5 = add h2 y in
      (subchain o h5 h4 \/ subchain o h4 h5)
      by if subchain o h4 h2 then true else
        if subchain o h5 h3 then true else
        subchain o h3 h5
        so (h2 = h3 by subchain o h2 h3 /\ subchain o h3 h2)
    /\ (forall chh. chain (subchain o) chh /\
        (forall h. chh h -> (subchain o h h4 \/ subchain o h h4)) ->
        let hl = bigunion chh in
        subchain o hl h4 \/ subchain o h4 hl)

  lemma tr_ext_all_separator : forall o succ,h1:set 'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    (forall a b c h2. a = o /\ b = succ /\ c = h1 ->
      ("induction" tr_ext a b c h2) -> separator o succ h1 h2)
    by forall chh. chain (subchain o) chh /\
      (forall h. chh h -> separator o succ h1 h) ->
      let hl = bigunion chh in
      separator o succ h1 hl
      by forall h2. tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2 ->
        subchain o h2 hl \/ subchain o hl h2
      by (forall h. chh h -> subchain o h h2 \/ subchain o h2 h)
      so (exists h. chh h /\ subchain o h2 h so subchain o h2 hl)
      || (subchain o hl h2 by upper_bound (subchain o) chh h2)

  lemma tr_ext_det_chain : forall o succ,h1 h2 h3:set 'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2 /\ tr_ext o succ h1 h3 ->
    subchain o h2 h3 \/ subchain o h3 h2

  lemma tr_ext_all_det : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    tr_succ o succ /\ deterministic succ ->
    ("induction" tr_ext o succ h1 h2) -> tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2

  lemma tr_ext_det_maximum : forall o succ,h:set 'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    let s = tr_ext_det o succ h in
    let mx = bigunion s in
    maximum (subchain o) s mx
    by supremum (subchain o) s mx
    /\ (s mx by chain (subchain o) s /\ s h)

  lemma tr_ext_stop_det_progress : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2 /\ not det_related succ h2 ->
    maximum (subchain o) (tr_ext_det o succ h1) h2
    by (forall a b c h3. a = o /\ b = succ /\ c = h1 ->
      ("induction" tr_ext_det a b c h3) -> subchain o h3 h2)
    by (forall h3 x. tr_ext_det o succ h1 h3 /\ det_related succ h3 ->
      succ h3 x /\ subchain o h3 h2 ->
      let h4 = add h3 x in subchain o h4 h2
      by if subchain o h4 h2 then true else
        subchain o h2 h4
      so not subchain o h2 h3
      so subchain o h3 h2
    ) /\ (forall chh. chain (subchain o) chh /\
      upper_bound (subchain o) chh h2 ->
      let hl = bigunion chh in subchain o hl h2)

  lemma tr_ext_det_first : forall o succ,h1 h2 h3:set 'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ /\ tr_ext o succ h1 h2 /\
    tr_ext_det o succ h1 h3 /\ subchain o h2 h3 ->
    tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2
    by (forall a b c h2. a = o /\ b = succ /\ c = h1 ->
      "induction" tr_ext a b c h2 -> subchain o h2 h3 ->
      tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2)
    by (forall h2 x.
      (subchain o h2 h3 -> tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2) /\
      succ h2 x ->
      let h4 = add h2 x in subchain o h4 h3 -> tr_ext_det o succ h1 h4
      by if h2 x then sext h2 h4 else
        not (not det_related succ h2 so subchain o h3 h2))

  lemma tr_ext_det_stop_progress : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    tr_ext_det o succ h1 h2 /\ subset (succ h2) h2 ->
    maximum (subchain o) (tr_ext o succ h1) h2
    by (forall a b c h3. a = o /\ b = succ /\ c = h1 ->
      ("induction" tr_ext a b c h3) -> subchain o h3 h2)
    by (forall h3 x.
      tr_ext o succ h1 h3 /\ subchain o h3 h2 /\ succ h3 x ->
      let h4 = add h3 x in
      subchain o h4 h2
      by tr_ext_det o succ h1 h3
      so if h3 x then sext h3 h4 else
        not (not det_related succ h3 so subchain o h2 h3)
        so if subchain o h4 h2 then true else
          false by subchain o h2 h4
        so if h2 x then sext h2 h4 else sext h2 h3
    ) /\ (forall chh.
      chain (subchain o) chh /\ upper_bound (subchain o) chh h2 ->
      let hl = bigunion chh in subchain o hl h2)

  lemma tr_ext_det_wf_chain : forall o:erel 'a,succ h0.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ ->
    let s0 = tr_ext_det o succ h0 in
    wf_chain (subchain o) s0
    by forall hs. subset hs s0 /\ inhabited hs ->
    not (not (exists h1. minimum (subchain o) hs h1)
      so exists h2. hs h2
      so (exists h3. hs h3 /\ subchain o h3 h2 /\ h3 <> h2)
         \/ minimum (subchain o) hs h2
      so (forall a b c h. a = o /\ b = succ /\ c = h0 ->
        ("induction" tr_ext_det a b c h) -> lower_bound (subchain o) hs h)
      by (forall ch h2. chain (subchain o) ch /\ hs h2 ->
        (forall h1. ch h1 -> lower_bound (subchain o) hs h1) ->
        let hl = bigunion ch in
        subchain o hl h2 by upper_bound (subchain o) ch h2
      ) /\ (forall h x. succ h x /\ tr_ext_det o succ h0 h ->
        det_related succ h /\ lower_bound (subchain o) hs h ->
        let h2 = add h x in
        lower_bound (subchain o) hs h2
        by forall h3. hs h3 -> if subchain o h2 h3 then true else
          minimum (subchain o) hs h
          by sext h h3
          by (subchain o h3 h2 by tr_ext_det o succ h0 h2)
          so subchain o h h3

  clone Extension with goal tr_ext_compare,
    goal tr_ext_transitive,
    goal tr_ext_decompose,
    goal tr_ext_preserve_chain,
    goal tr_ext_preserve_wf_chain,
    goal tr_ext_stop_progress

  clone ExtensionDet with goal tr_ext_det_is_ext,
    goal tr_ext_det_alt,
    goal tr_ext_det_criterion,
    goal tr_ext_det_decompose,
    goal tr_ext_det_chain,
    goal tr_ext_det_wf_chain,
    goal tr_ext_det_first,
    goal tr_ext_all_det,
    goal tr_ext_det_maximum,
    goal tr_ext_det_stop_progress,
    goal tr_ext_stop_det_progress


module TransportProof

  use import TransportDef
  use import Extension
  use import order.Chain
  use import order.SubChain
  use import fn.Fun
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps

  lemma transport : forall o succ1 succ2,h1 h2:set 'a.
    transitive o /\ tr_succ o succ1 /\ tr_ext o succ1 h1 h2 /\
    transport_criterion o succ2 h1 h2 ->
    tr_ext o succ2 h1 h2
    by (forall a b c h2. a = o /\ b = succ1 /\ c = h1 ->
      ("induction" tr_ext a b c h2) ->
      transport_criterion o succ2 h1 h2 -> tr_ext o succ2 h1 h2)
    by (forall h2 x. tr_ext o succ1 h1 h2 /\ tr_ext o succ2 h1 h2 /\
      succ1 h2 x ->
      let h3 = add h2 x in
      transport_criterion o succ2 h1 h3 -> tr_ext o succ2 h1 h3
      by (h2 x -> sext h2 h3)

  lemma transport_criterion : forall o succ,h1 h2:set 'a.
    order o /\ tr_succ o succ /\ tr_ext o succ h1 h2 ->
    transport_criterion o succ h1 h2
    by (forall a b c h2. a = o /\ b = succ /\ c = h1 ->
      ("induction" tr_ext a b c h2) ->
      transport_criterion o succ h1 h2)
    by (forall h2 x. tr_ext o succ h1 h2 /\ succ h2 x /\
      transport_criterion o succ h1 h2 ->
      let h3 = add h2 x in
      transport_criterion o succ h1 h3
      by forall h y. subchain o h1 h /\ subchain o (add h y) h3 /\
        upper_bound o h y /\ not h y ->
        if subchain o (add h y) h2 then true else
        h = h2 /\ y = x
        by subchain o h2 (add h y)
        so subchain o h2 h (* h2 <= h < h+y <= h2+x *)
        so sext h h2 by forall z. h z -> not (not h2 z
          so h3 z so z = x so y <> x so not h2 y so h3 y)
    ) /\ (forall chh. chain (subchain o) chh /\
      (forall h. chh h -> transport_criterion o succ h1 h) ->
      let hl = bigunion chh in
      transport_criterion o succ h1 hl
      by forall h y. subchain o (add h y) hl /\ upper_bound o h y ->
        exists h3. subchain o (add h y) h3 /\ chh h3
        by chh h3 /\ h3 y
        so subchain o h3 hl
        so if subchain o (add h y) h3 then true else
          false by subchain o h3 (add h y)
        so sext h3 (add h y)
        (* exploit subchain ordering condition *)
        by forall z. add h y z -> not (not h3 z
          so o y z so o z y so z = y)

  clone Transport with goal transport,
    goal transport_criterion


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