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Accuracy of Log-Sum-Exp

This example proves a result of accuracy on the computation of the logarithm of a sum of exponentials. It is presented in details in the paper Formally verified bounds on rounding errors in concrete implementations of logarithm-sum-exponential functions.

Auteurs: Claude Marché / Paul Bonnot

Catégories: Floating-Point Computations

Outils: J3

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The following is an excerpt of the WhyML code where the main theorem if accuracy is stated.
use int.Int
use real.RealInfix
use real.Abs
use real.FromInt
use real.ExpLog
use udouble.UDouble  (* unbounded doubles *)
use sum_real.Sum as SumReal
use sum.Sum as USum

constant exp_max_value :real
axiom exp_max_value_spec: 0.0 <. exp_max_value

constant exp_error:real
axiom exp_error_bound : 0. <. exp_error <=. 0.5

parameter for the error on exponential

function u_exp (x:udouble) : udouble
axiom u_exp_spec :
   forall x:udouble [to_real (u_exp x)].
      abs (to_real x) <=. exp_max_value ->
      abs (to_real (u_exp x) -. exp (to_real x)) <=. exp (to_real x) *. exp_error

the assumed exponential function on unbounded doubles

lemma u_exp_pos:
   forall x:udouble [to_real (u_exp x)].
      abs (to_real x) <=. exp_max_value -> 0.0 <. to_real (u_exp x)

constant log_max_value :real
axiom log_max_value_spec: 0.0 <. log_max_value

constant log_error:real
axiom log_error_bound : 0. <. log_error <=. 1.

parameter for the error on logarithm

function u_log (x:udouble) : udouble
axiom u_log_spec  :
  forall x:udouble [to_real (u_log x)]. 0.0 <. to_real x <=. log_max_value ->
    abs (to_real (u_log x) -. log (to_real x)) <=. abs (log (to_real x)) *. log_error

the assumed logarithm function on unbounded doubles

let ghost function exp_fun (a:int -> udouble) : int -> real =
    fun i -> exp ((USum.real_fun a) i)

[exp_fun a i = exp (a i)]

let ghost function u_exp_fun (a: int -> udouble) : int -> udouble =
    fun i -> u_exp (a i)

[u_exp_fun a i = exp (a i)] in unbound floating-point

let ghost function u_sum_of_u_exp (a: int -> udouble) (m n:int) : udouble =
    USum.u_sum (u_exp_fun a) m n

Sum of approximate exponentials [u_sum_of_u_exp(a,n) = exp a(m) + ... + exp a(n-1)]

  let ghost function lse_exact (f : int -> udouble) (size : int) =
    log (SumReal.sum (exp_fun f) 0 size)

The LSE function itself, exact computation [lse(a,n) = log (exp a(0) + ... + exp a(size-1))]

function u_lse (a: int -> udouble) (size:int) : udouble
    = u_log (u_sum_of_u_exp a 0 size)

The LSE function, floating-point approximation

let lemma lse_accuracy (a:int -> udouble) (size:int) : unit
    requires { 1 <= size }
    requires { from_int (size - 1) <=. 0x1p51 }
    requires { forall i. 0 <= i < size -> abs (to_real (a i)) <=. exp_max_value }
    requires {
      exp exp_max_value *. (1.0 +. exp_error) *. from_int size *. (1.0 +. eps *. from_int (size - 1))
               <=. log_max_value }
    ensures {
      let err = exp_error +. eps *. from_int (size - 1) *. (1. +. exp_error) in
      abs (to_real (u_lse a size) -. lse_exact a size) <=.
      log_error *. abs (lse_exact a size) -. log (1. -. err) *. (1. +. log_error)
= ()

The following is an excerpt of the C code with ACSL specification stating pre-conditions for absence of overflow and post-conditions for accuracy.
/*@ // An axiomatic for floating-point exponential and logarithm
  @ // the specifications are given in exp_log.mlw, module ExpLogApprox
  @ axiomatic ExpLogApprox __attribute__ ((j3_theory ("exp_log.ExpLogApprox"))) {
  @ // Validity range on exponential, assuming 0.0 < exp_max_value
  @ logic real exp_max_value __attribute__((j3_symbol("ExpLogApprox.exp_max_value")));
  @ // Error parameter on exponential, assuming 0. <=. exp_error <=. 0.5
  @ logic real exp_error __attribute__((j3_symbol("ExpLogApprox.exp_error")));
  @ // Error parameter on logarithm, assuming 0. <=. log_error <=. 1.
  @ logic real log_error __attribute__((j3_symbol("ExpLogApprox.log_error")));
  @ // the approximate exponential, on unbounded doubles
  @ // spec: for all x, |u_exp(x) - exp(x)| <= exp(x) * exp_error
  @ logic udouble u_exp(udouble x) __attribute__((j3_symbol("ExpLogApprox.u_exp")));
  @ // Validity range on logarithm, assuming 0.0 < log_max_value
  @ logic real log_max_value __attribute__((j3_symbol("ExpLogApprox.log_max_value")));
  @ // the approximate logarithm, on unbounded doubles
  @ // spec: for all x, 0 < x ==> |u_log(x) - log(x)| <= exp(x) * exp_error
  @ logic udouble u_log(udouble x) __attribute__((j3_symbol("ExpLogApprox.u_log")));
  @ }

/*@ // An axiomatic for LSE
  @ axiomatic LSE __attribute__ ((j3_theory ("j3bridge.LSE"))) {
  @ logic udouble u_sum_of_u_exp(double a[MAX_SIZE], integer m, integer n)
  @         __attribute__((j3_symbol("LSE.u_sum_of_u_exp")));
  @ logic udouble u_lse(double a[MAX_SIZE], integer size)
  @         __attribute__((j3_symbol("LSE.u_lse")));
  @ logic real lse_exact(double a[MAX_SIZE], integer size)
  @        __attribute__((j3_symbol("LSE.lse_exact")));
  @ }

/*@ requires \abs(x) <= exp_max_value;
  @ ensures to_udouble(\result) == u_exp(to_udouble(x));
  @ assigns \nothing;
extern double exp_approx(double x);

/*@ requires 0 < x <= log_max_value;
  @ ensures to_udouble(\result) == u_log(to_udouble(x));
  @ assigns \nothing;
extern double log_approx(double x);

/*@ requires 0 < size <= MAX_SIZE;
  @ requires \initialized (&a[0..size-1]);
  @ // to fit exp_approx pre-condition
  @ requires \forall integer i; 0 <= i < size ==> \abs(a[i]) <= exp_max_value;
  @ // additional requirement to prevent overflow on addition
  @ requires exp_max_value <= 701.0;
  @ // the hypothesis (6) of Theorem 3.4
  @ requires \exp(exp_max_value) * (1.0 + exp_error) * size * (1.0 + (eps * (size - 1)))
             <= log_max_value;
  @ // additional requirement to prevent overflow on addition
  @ requires log_max_value <= 0x1p1023;   // close to max double
  @ // the result is equal to the WhyML def of LSE on udouble
  @ ensures to_udouble(\result) == u_lse(a, size);
  @ // the accuracy property
  @ ensures \abs(\result - lse_exact(a, size)) <=
  @   log_error * \abs(lse_exact(a,size))
  @   - \log(1 - (exp_error + eps * (size - 1) * (1 + exp_error))) * (1 +
  @     log_error);
double log_sum_exp(size_t size) {
  int i;
  double s = 0.0;

  /*@ loop invariant 0 <= i <= size;
    @ // to prove the first post-condition
    @ loop invariant to_udouble(s) == u_sum_of_u_exp(a, 0, i);
    @ // for absence of overflow on the sum
    @ loop invariant \forall integer j; 0 <= j < i ==>
    @   \abs(to_real(u_exp(to_udouble(a[j])))) <= \exp(exp_max_value) * (1.0 + exp_error) ;
    @ // for calling log:
    @ loop invariant (i == 0 ? s == 0.0 : 0.0 < s);
    @ loop assigns i, s;
    @ loop variant (size - i);
  for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    //@ assert 0.0 <= to_real(u_exp(to_udouble(a[i]))) ;
    //@ assert to_real(to_udouble(a[i])) <= exp_max_value ;
    //@ assert \exp(to_real(to_udouble(a[i]))) <= \exp(exp_max_value) ;
    /*@ assert \abs(to_real(u_exp(to_udouble(a[i]))) - \exp(to_real(to_udouble(a[i]))))
      @        <= \exp(exp_max_value) * exp_error ;
    //@ assert to_real(u_exp(to_udouble(a[i]))) <= \exp(exp_max_value) * (1.0+exp_error) ;
    //@ assert usum_double_bound(u_sum_of_u_exp(a, 0, i), \exp(exp_max_value) * (1.0 + exp_error), size);
    s += exp_approx(a[i]);

  //@ assert usum_double_bound(to_udouble(s), \exp(exp_max_value) * (1.0 + exp_error), size);
  return log_approx(s);