why3doc index index

(* BactrackArray.mlw :
   provide support for a backtracking table.
   Idea : you have an infinite number of stack,initially empty,
   and you add elements with time.
   Moreover, you sometime need to undo some events.
   1) create () : t 'a : create an initially empty table.
   2) add (i:int) (b:'a) (tb:t 'a) : unit :
      add an element b on a stack top i, and advance the time counter.
   3) get (i:int) (tb:t 'a) : list 'a :
      get the stack i at the current time.
   4) stamp (tb:t 'a) : timestamp 'a : current timestamp.
   5) backtrack (t:timestamp) (tb:t 'a) : unit :
      If the instant t is a past instant or the current instant,
      go back to the instant t. *)

module Types

  use int.Int
  use array.Array
  use list.List
  use Functions.Func
  use Predicates.Pred

  type timestamp 'a = {
    time : int ;
    size : int ;
    ghost table : int -> list 'a ;

  type t 'a = {
    (* (-1) mean array resizing (doubling in size), i >= 0 mean
       update at case i. *)
    mutable history : list int ;
    mutable current_time : int ;
    mutable buffer : array (list 'a) ;
    (* Invariant of stored data. *)
    ghost inv : 'a -> bool ;


module Logic

  use Types
  use int.Int
  use int.ComputerDivision
  use import map.Map as M
  use array.Array
  use list.List
  use Functions.Func
  use Choice.Choice

  function func_of_array (a:array 'a) (def:'a) : int -> 'a
  axiom func_of_array_def : forall a:array 'a,def:'a,x:int.
    func_of_array a def x = if (0 <= x < a.length)
    then M.get a.elts x
    else def

  function current_timestamp (x:t 'a) : timestamp 'a =
    { time = x.current_time ;
      size = x.buffer.length ;
      table = func_of_array x.buffer Nil ; }

  predicate correct_table (sz:int) (b: int -> list 'a) =
    forall x:int. x >= sz \/ x < 0 -> b x = Nil

  function pop (l:list 'a) : list 'a = match l with
    | Nil -> default
    | Cons _x q -> q

  function unroll (tm:int) (t0:int) (h:list int) (b:int -> list 'a)
    (sz:int) : timestamp 'a =
    if tm = 0
    then { time = t0 ; size = sz ; table = b }
    else match h with
      | Nil -> { time = (t0+tm) ; size = sz ; table = b ; }
      | Cons x q -> if x = (-1)
        then unroll (tm-1) t0 q b (div sz 2)
        else unroll (tm-1) t0 q (b[x <- pop (b x)]) sz

  predicate unroll_correct (tm:int) (h:list int) (b:int -> list 'a) (sz:int)
    = match h with
      | Nil -> tm = 0
      | Cons x q -> if x = (-1)
        then let s0 = div sz 2 in
          s0 * 2 = sz /\ unroll_correct (tm-1) q b s0 /\
          (forall i:int. i >= s0 \/ i < 0 -> b i = Nil)
        else b x <> Nil /\ 0 <= x < sz
          /\ unroll_correct (tm-1) q (b[x <- pop (b x)]) sz

  predicate past_time (t:timestamp 'a) (tb:t 'a) =
    tb.current_time >= t.time /\
    unroll (tb.current_time - t.time) t.time
      tb.history (func_of_array tb.buffer Nil) tb.buffer.length = t

  predicate precede (tb1:t 'a) (tb2:t 'a) =
    forall t:timestamp 'a. past_time t tb1 -> past_time t tb2

  predicate before (t1 t2:timestamp 'a) =
    t1.time <= t2.time

  predicate list_forall (p:'a -> bool) (l:list 'a) = match l with
    | Nil -> true
    | Cons x q -> p x /\ list_forall p q

  predicate correct (tb:t 'a) =
    (forall t:timestamp 'a. past_time t tb -> t.size > 0) /\
    (forall t:timestamp 'a,i:int.
      past_time t tb /\ i >= 0 -> list_forall tb.inv (eval t.table i)) /\
    (forall t:timestamp 'a.
      past_time t tb -> correct_table t.size t.table) /\
    unroll_correct tb.current_time tb.history
      (func_of_array tb.buffer Nil) tb.buffer.length

  predicate backtrack_to (tbold:t 'a) (tbinter:t 'a) (tbnew:t 'a) =
    (forall tm:timestamp 'a.
     past_time tm tbold -> past_time tm tbinter
              && time tm <= time (current_timestamp tbold)
              && time tm <= time (current_timestamp tbnew)
              && before tm (current_timestamp tbnew)
              && past_time tm tbnew) && (forall tm:timestamp 'a.
            past_time tm tbold -> past_time tm tbnew) &&
            precede tbold tbnew


module Impl

  use Types
  use Logic
  use int.Int
  use int.ComputerDivision
  use import map.Map as M
  use array.Array
  use list.List
  use Functions.Func
  use Predicates.Pred
  use Choice.Choice

  (* extraction trick to speedup integer operations with
     constants. *)
  let constant mone : int = -1
  let constant zero : int = 0
  let constant one : int = 1
  let constant two : int = 2

  let create (ghost p: 'a -> bool) : t 'a
    ensures { forall t:timestamp 'a.
      past_time t result ->  t.table = const Nil }
    ensures { past_time (current_timestamp result) result }
    ensures { result.inv = p }
    ensures { correct result }
    let res = {
      history = Nil ;
      current_time = zero ;
      buffer = make one Nil ;
      inv = p ;
    } in
    assert { extensionalEqual (func_of_array res.buffer Nil) (const Nil) } ;

  (* Internal utility (break some of the invariants),
     but useful in practice. *)
  let add_event (x:int) (tb:t 'a) : unit
    writes { tb.history,tb.current_time }
    ensures { tb.history = Cons x (old tb).history }
    ensures { tb.current_time = (old tb).current_time + 1 }
    tb.history <- Cons x tb.history ;
    tb.current_time <- tb.current_time + one

  (* Internal utility. *)
  let resize_for (x:int) (tb:t 'a) : unit
    writes { tb }
    requires { correct tb }
    requires { x >= tb.buffer.length }
    ensures { x < tb.buffer.length }
    ensures { precede (old tb) tb }
    ensures { correct tb }
    ensures { (current_timestamp tb).table =
      (current_timestamp (old tb)).table }
    (* pattern : in order to do an optimization
       (resize only once), introduce a ghost value
       on which we 'execute' the unoptimized code and
       'check' at end that it give the same result. *)
    let ghost tbc = {
      history = tb.history ;
      current_time = tb.current_time ;
      buffer = copy tb.buffer;
      inv = tb.inv ;
    } in
    let rec aux (size:int) : int
      requires { 0 < size <= x }
      requires { correct tbc }
      requires { tbc.history = tb.history /\
        tbc.current_time = tb.current_time /\
        func_of_array tbc.buffer Nil = func_of_array tb.buffer Nil }
      requires { tbc.buffer.length = size }
      variant { x - size }
      writes { tb.history,tb.current_time,tbc.history,tbc.current_time,tbc.buffer }
      ensures { correct tbc }
      ensures { tbc.history = tb.history /\
        tbc.current_time = tb.current_time /\
        func_of_array tbc.buffer Nil = func_of_array tb.buffer Nil }
      ensures { tbc.buffer.length = result }
      ensures { result > x }
      ensures { result >= size }
      ensures { precede (old tbc) tbc }
      label AuxInit in
      assert { past_time (current_timestamp tbc) tbc } ;
      add_event mone tb ;
      add_event mone tbc ;
      let size2 = two * size in
      let ghost buf2 = make size2 Nil in
      let buf1 = tbc.buffer in
      blit buf1 zero buf2 zero size ;
      tbc.buffer <- buf2 ;
      assert { extensionalEqual (func_of_array tbc.buffer Nil)
        (func_of_array (tbc at AuxInit).buffer Nil) } ;
      assert { forall t:timestamp 'a.
        (past_time t (tbc at AuxInit) \/ t = current_timestamp tbc) <-> past_time t tbc } ;
      if size2 > x
      then size2
      else aux size2 in
    let len = length tb.buffer in
    assert { extensionalEqual (func_of_array tbc.buffer Nil)
      (func_of_array tb.buffer Nil) } ;
    assert { len = (current_timestamp tb).size } ;
    let size = aux len in
    let buf2 = make size Nil in
    let buf1 = tb.buffer in
    blit buf1 zero buf2 zero len ;
    assert { extensionalEqual (func_of_array buf1 Nil)
      (func_of_array buf2 Nil) } ;
    tb.buffer <- buf2

  let iadd (x:int) (b:'a) (tb:t 'a) : unit
    writes { tb.history,tb.current_time,tb.buffer.elts }
    requires { 0 <= x < tb.buffer.length }
    requires { correct tb }
    requires { inv tb b }
    ensures { past_time (current_timestamp tb) tb }
    ensures { correct tb }
    ensures { precede (old tb) tb }
    ensures { let tb0 = (current_timestamp (old tb)).table in
      (current_timestamp tb).table = tb0[x <- Cons b (tb0 x)] }
    label Init in
    let buf = tb.buffer in
    buf[x]<- Cons b (buf[x]) ;
    add_event x tb ;
    assert { let tb0 = (current_timestamp (tb at Init)).table in
      extensionalEqual ((current_timestamp tb).table) (tb0[x <- Cons b (tb0 x)]) } ;
    assert { let tb0 = (current_timestamp (tb at Init)).table in
      let tb1 = (current_timestamp tb).table in
      extensionalEqual (tb1[x <- pop (tb1 x)]) tb0 } ;
    assert { past_time (current_timestamp tb) tb } ;
    assert { forall t:timestamp 'a.
      past_time t tb <-> past_time t (tb at Init) \/ t = current_timestamp tb } ;
    assert { precede (tb at Init) tb }

  let add (x:int) (b:'a) (tb:t 'a) : unit
    writes { tb }
    requires { correct tb }
    requires { x >= 0 }
    requires { inv tb b }
    ensures { past_time (current_timestamp tb) tb }
    ensures { correct tb }
    ensures { precede (old tb) tb }
    ensures { let tb0 = (current_timestamp (old tb)).table in
      (current_timestamp tb).table = tb0[x <- Cons b (tb0 x)] }
    if x >= length tb.buffer
    then resize_for x tb ;
    iadd x b tb

  let get (tb:t 'a) (x:int) : list 'a
    requires { correct tb }
    requires { x >= 0 }
    ensures { result = table (current_timestamp tb) x }
    ensures { list_forall tb.inv result }
    if x >= length tb.buffer
    then Nil
    else let res = tb.buffer[x] in
      (assert { res = table (current_timestamp tb) x } ; res )

  let backtrack (t:timestamp 'a) (tb:t 'a) : unit
    writes { tb }
    requires { past_time t tb }
    requires { correct tb }
    ensures { correct tb }
    ensures { current_timestamp tb = t }
    ensures { past_time (current_timestamp tb) tb }
    ensures { forall t2:timestamp 'a. before t2 t /\ past_time t2 (old tb) ->
      past_time t2 tb }
    ensures { precede tb (old tb) }
    let final_size = t.size in
    let ghost tbc = {
      history = tb.history ;
      current_time = tb.current_time ;
      buffer = copy tb.buffer ;
      inv = tb.inv ;
    } in
    let rec unroll (delta:int) : unit
      requires { correct tbc }
      requires { past_time t tbc }
      requires { delta >= 0 }
      requires { tbc.current_time = t.time + delta }
      requires { tbc.history = tb.history /\
        (forall x:int. 0 <= x < final_size /\ x < tbc.buffer.length ->
          func_of_array tbc.buffer Nil x = func_of_array tb.buffer Nil x) }
      requires { tb.buffer.length <= final_size }
      variant { delta }
      writes { tb.history,tb.buffer.elts,tbc }
      ensures { correct tbc }
      ensures { tbc.history = tb.history /\
        (forall x:int. 0 <= x < final_size ->
          func_of_array tbc.buffer Nil x = func_of_array tb.buffer Nil x) }
      ensures { current_timestamp tbc = t }
      (* This is a trick avoiding an inductive reasoning outside. *)
      ensures { tbc.buffer.length <= (old tbc).buffer.length }
      ensures { precede tbc (old tbc) }
      ensures { forall t2:timestamp 'a. before t2 t /\ past_time t2 (old tbc) ->
        past_time t2 tbc }
      label UInit in
      if delta <> zero
      then begin
        match tb.history with
          | Nil -> absurd
          | Cons x q -> tb.history <- q ;
            tbc.history <- q ;
            tbc.current_time <- tbc.current_time - one ;
            if x = mone
            then begin
              let buf1 = tbc.buffer in
              let len = length buf1 in
              let len2 = div len two in
              (* nothing to do on non-ghost side. *)
              let buf2 = make len2 Nil in
              blit buf1 zero buf2 zero len2 ;
              tbc.buffer <- buf2 ;
              assert { let t0 = { time = tbc.current_time ;
                  size = len2 ;
                  table = func_of_array (tbc at UInit).buffer Nil
                } in
                let t1 = { t0 with table = func_of_array tbc.buffer Nil } in
                past_time t0 (tbc at UInit) &&
                extensionalEqual t0.table t1.table && t0 = t1 } ;
              assert { extensionalEqual (func_of_array tbc.buffer Nil)
                (func_of_array (tbc at UInit).buffer Nil) } ;
              assert { precede tbc (tbc at UInit) } ;
              unroll (delta - one)
            end else begin
              assert { 0 <= x < tbc.buffer.length } ;
              if x < final_size
              then begin
                let h = tb.buffer[x] in
                match h with
                  | Nil -> absurd
                  | Cons _ q -> tb.buffer[x]<- q ;
                    tbc.buffer[x]<- q ;
                    assert {
                      let tb0 = func_of_array (tbc at UInit).buffer Nil in
                      extensionalEqual (tb0[x <- pop (tb0 x)])
                        (func_of_array tbc.buffer Nil) } ;
                    assert { precede tbc (tbc at UInit) } ;
                    unroll (delta - one)
              else begin
                let hc = tbc.buffer[x] in
                match hc with
                  | Nil -> absurd
                  | Cons _ q -> tbc.buffer[x]<- q
                end ;
                assert { let tb0 = func_of_array (tbc at UInit).buffer Nil in
                  extensionalEqual (tb0[x <- pop (tb0 x)])
                  (func_of_array tbc.buffer Nil) } ;
                assert { precede tbc (tbc at UInit) } ;
                (* nothing to do on non-ghost side. *)
                unroll (delta - one)
    assert { extensionalEqual (func_of_array tb.buffer Nil)
      (func_of_array tbc.buffer Nil) } ;
    (* direct resizing if necessary. *)
    if final_size < length tb.buffer
    then begin
      let buf2 = make final_size Nil in
      let buf1 = tb.buffer in
      blit buf1 zero buf2 zero final_size ;
      tb.buffer <- buf2
    end ;
    let tm0 = tb.current_time in
    tb.current_time <- t.time ;
    unroll (tm0 - t.time) ;
    assert { extensionalEqual (func_of_array tb.buffer Nil)
      (func_of_array tbc.buffer Nil) }

  val ghost hack_func_of_array (a:array 'a) (def:'a) : int -> 'a
    ensures { result = func_of_array a def }

  let stamp (tb:t 'a) : timestamp 'a
    requires { correct tb }
    ensures { result = current_timestamp tb }
      time = tb.current_time ;
      size = length tb.buffer ;
      table = hack_func_of_array tb.buffer Nil ;

  (* look for the correct syntax :
    meta "remove_program" val hack_func_of_array*)


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