why3doc index index

module Types
  use option.Option
  use int.Int
  use Nat.Nat
  use Functions.Func
  use OptionFuncs.Funcs
  use Sum.Sum
  use Firstorder_symbol_spec.Spec
  use Firstorder_symbol_impl.Types
  use Firstorder_symbol_impl.Logic
  use Firstorder_symbol_impl.Impl
  use Firstorder_term_spec.Spec
  use Firstorder_term_impl.Types
  use Firstorder_term_impl.Logic
  use Firstorder_term_impl.Impl
  use Firstorder_formula_spec.Spec
  use Firstorder_formula_impl.Types
  use Firstorder_formula_impl.Logic
  use Firstorder_formula_impl.Impl
  use Firstorder_formula_list_spec.Spec
  use Firstorder_formula_list_impl.Types
  use Firstorder_formula_list_impl.Logic
  use Firstorder_formula_list_impl.Impl
  use Firstorder_tableau_spec.Spec
  type nl_tableau 'b0 'b1 =
    | NL_Root
    | NL_Node (nl_tableau 'b0 'b1) (nl_fo_formula 'b0 'b1)
      (nl_fo_formula_list 'b0 'b1)

  type nlimpl_tableau =
    { nlrepr_tableau_field : nl_tableau int int ;
      nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field : int ;
      nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field : int ;
      ghost model_tableau_field : tableau int int ;

  type cons_tableau = | NLC_Root
    | NLC_Node (nlimpl_tableau) (nlimpl_fo_formula) (nlimpl_fo_formula_list)


module Logic
  use option.Option
  use int.Int
  use Nat.Nat
  use Functions.Func
  use OptionFuncs.Funcs
  use Sum.Sum
  use Firstorder_symbol_spec.Spec
  use Firstorder_symbol_impl.Types
  use Firstorder_symbol_impl.Logic
  use Firstorder_symbol_impl.Impl
  use Firstorder_term_spec.Spec
  use Firstorder_term_impl.Types
  use Firstorder_term_impl.Logic
  use Firstorder_term_impl.Impl
  use Firstorder_formula_spec.Spec
  use Firstorder_formula_impl.Types
  use Firstorder_formula_impl.Logic
  use Firstorder_formula_impl.Impl
  use Firstorder_formula_list_spec.Spec
  use Firstorder_formula_list_impl.Types
  use Firstorder_formula_list_impl.Logic
  use Firstorder_formula_list_impl.Impl
  use Firstorder_tableau_spec.Spec
  use Types
  function nat_nlsize_tableau (t:nl_tableau 'b0 'b1) : nat =
    match t with | NL_Root -> let s = one_nat in s
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        let s = one_nat in
          let s = add_nat (nat_nlsize_fo_formula_list v2) s in
          let s = add_nat (nat_nlsize_fo_formula v1) s in
          let s = add_nat (nat_nlsize_tableau v0) s in s

  with nlsize_tableau (t:nl_tableau 'b0 'b1) : int =
    match t with | NL_Root -> let s = 1 in s
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        let s = 1 in let s = nlsize_fo_formula_list v2 + s in
          let s = nlsize_fo_formula v1 + s in let s = nlsize_tableau v0 +
          s in s

  let rec lemma nlsize_positive_lemma_tableau (t:nl_tableau 'b0 'b1) : unit
    ensures { nlsize_tableau t > 0 }
    variant { nat_to_int (nat_nlsize_tableau t) } =
    match t with | NL_Root -> ()
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        nlsize_positive_lemma_tableau v0 ;
          nlsize_positive_lemma_fo_formula v1 ;
          nlsize_positive_lemma_fo_formula_list v2 ; ()

  function nlmodel_tableau (t:nl_tableau 'b0 'b1) (fr0:'b0 -> (symbol 'c0))
    (bnd0: int -> (symbol 'c0)) (fr1:'b1 -> (fo_term 'c0 'c1))
    (bnd1: int -> (fo_term 'c0 'c1)) : tableau 'c0 'c1 =
    match t with | NL_Root -> Root
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
          (nlmodel_tableau v0 ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
            ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)))
          (nlmodel_fo_formula v1 ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
            ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)))
          (nlmodel_fo_formula_list v2 ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
            ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)))

  let rec lemma nlmodel_subst_commutation_lemma_tableau
    (t:nl_tableau 'b0 'b1) (fr0:'b0 -> (symbol 'c0))
    (bnd0: int -> (symbol 'c0)) (s0:'c0 -> (symbol 'd0))
    (fr1:'b1 -> (fo_term 'c0 'c1)) (bnd1: int -> (fo_term 'c0 'c1))
    (s1:'c1 -> (fo_term 'd0 'd1)) : unit
    ensures {
      nlmodel_tableau t (subst_compose_symbol fr0 s0)
        (subst_compose_symbol bnd0 s0) (subst_compose_fo_term fr1 s0 s1)
        (subst_compose_fo_term bnd1 s0 s1)
      = subst_tableau (nlmodel_tableau t fr0 bnd0 fr1 bnd1) s0 s1 }
    variant { nlsize_tableau t } =
    match t with | NL_Root -> ()
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        nlmodel_subst_commutation_lemma_tableau v0
          ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
          ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity))
          ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
          ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
          ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity))
          ((rename_subst_fo_term s1 identity identity)) ;
          assert {
            subst_compose_symbol (rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)
              ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
            = (rename_subst_symbol (subst_compose_symbol fr0 s0) identity) } ;
          assert {
            subst_compose_symbol (rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity)
              ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
            = (rename_subst_symbol (subst_compose_symbol bnd0  s0) identity)
            } ;
          assert {
              (rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)
              ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term s1 identity identity))
            (rename_subst_fo_term (subst_compose_fo_term fr1 s0 s1) identity
            } ;
          assert {
              (rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)
              ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term s1 identity identity))
            (rename_subst_fo_term (subst_compose_fo_term bnd1  s0 s1)
              identity identity)
            } ;
          nlmodel_subst_commutation_lemma_fo_formula v1
          ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
          ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity))
          ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
          ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
          ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity))
          ((rename_subst_fo_term s1 identity identity)) ;
          assert {
            subst_compose_symbol (rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)
              ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
            = (rename_subst_symbol (subst_compose_symbol fr0 s0) identity) } ;
          assert {
            subst_compose_symbol (rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity)
              ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
            = (rename_subst_symbol (subst_compose_symbol bnd0  s0) identity)
            } ;
          assert {
              (rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)
              ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term s1 identity identity))
            (rename_subst_fo_term (subst_compose_fo_term fr1 s0 s1) identity
            } ;
          assert {
              (rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)
              ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term s1 identity identity))
            (rename_subst_fo_term (subst_compose_fo_term bnd1  s0 s1)
              identity identity)
            } ;
          nlmodel_subst_commutation_lemma_fo_formula_list v2
          ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
          ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity))
          ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
          ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
          ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity))
          ((rename_subst_fo_term s1 identity identity)) ;
          assert {
            subst_compose_symbol (rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)
              ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
            = (rename_subst_symbol (subst_compose_symbol fr0 s0) identity) } ;
          assert {
            subst_compose_symbol (rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity)
              ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
            = (rename_subst_symbol (subst_compose_symbol bnd0  s0) identity)
            } ;
          assert {
              (rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)
              ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term s1 identity identity))
            (rename_subst_fo_term (subst_compose_fo_term fr1 s0 s1) identity
            } ;
          assert {
              (rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)
              ((rename_subst_symbol s0 identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term s1 identity identity))
            (rename_subst_fo_term (subst_compose_fo_term bnd1  s0 s1)
              identity identity)
            } ;

  let lemma nlmodel_rename_commutation_lemma_tableau (t:nl_tableau 'b0 'b1)
    (fr0:'b0 -> (symbol 'c0)) (bnd0: int -> (symbol 'c0)) (s0:'c0 -> 'd0)
    (fr1:'b1 -> (fo_term 'c0 'c1)) (bnd1: int -> (fo_term 'c0 'c1))
    (s1:'c1 -> 'd1) : unit
    ensures {
      nlmodel_tableau t (rename_subst_symbol fr0 s0)
        (rename_subst_symbol bnd0 s0) (rename_subst_fo_term fr1 s0 s1)
        (rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 s0 s1)
      = rename_tableau (nlmodel_tableau t fr0 bnd0 fr1 bnd1) s0 s1 }
    nlmodel_subst_commutation_lemma_tableau t fr0 bnd0
      (subst_of_rename_symbol s0) fr1 bnd1 (subst_of_rename_fo_term s1)

  predicate correct_indexes_tableau (t:nl_tableau 'b0 'b1) =
    match t with | NL_Root -> true
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        correct_indexes_tableau v0 /\ correct_indexes_fo_formula v1 /\
          correct_indexes_fo_formula_list v2

  function bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau (t:nl_tableau 'b0 'b1) : int =
    match t with | NL_Root -> 0
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        let b = bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau v0 in let a = b in
          let b = bound_depth_of_symbol_in_fo_formula v1 in
          let a = if a > b then a else b in
          let b = bound_depth_of_symbol_in_fo_formula_list v2 in
          let a = if a > b then a else b in a

  with bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau (t:nl_tableau 'b0 'b1) : int =
    match t with | NL_Root -> 0
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        let b = bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau v0 in let a = b in
          let b = bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_fo_formula v1 in
          let a = if a > b then a else b in
          let b = bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_fo_formula_list v2 in
          let a = if a > b then a else b in a

  let rec lemma bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau_nonnegative
    (t:nl_tableau 'b0 'b1) : unit requires { correct_indexes_tableau t }
    ensures { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau t >= 0 }
    variant { nlsize_tableau t } =
    match t with | NL_Root -> ()
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau_nonnegative v0 ;
          bound_depth_of_symbol_in_fo_formula_nonnegative v1 ;
          bound_depth_of_symbol_in_fo_formula_list_nonnegative v2 ; ()

  with lemma bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau_nonnegative
    (t:nl_tableau 'b0 'b1) : unit requires { correct_indexes_tableau t }
    ensures { bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau t >= 0 }
    variant { nlsize_tableau t } =
    match t with | NL_Root -> ()
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau_nonnegative v0 ;
          bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_fo_formula_nonnegative v1 ;
          bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_fo_formula_list_nonnegative v2 ; ()

  let rec lemma model_equal_tableau (t:nl_tableau 'b0 'b1)
    (fr10: 'b0 -> (symbol 'c0)) (fr20: 'b0 -> (symbol 'c0))
    (bnd10: int -> (symbol 'c0)) (bnd20: int -> (symbol 'c0))
    (fr11: 'b1 -> (fo_term 'c0 'c1)) (fr21: 'b1 -> (fo_term 'c0 'c1))
    (bnd11: int -> (fo_term 'c0 'c1)) (bnd21: int -> (fo_term 'c0 'c1)) :
    requires {
      forall i:int. 0 <= i < bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau t ->  bnd10 i =
        bnd20 i
    requires { fr10 = fr20 }
    requires {
      forall i:int. 0 <= i < bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau t ->  bnd11 i
        = bnd21 i
    requires { fr11 = fr21 } requires { correct_indexes_tableau t }
    ensures { nlmodel_tableau t fr10 bnd10 fr11 bnd11 =
      nlmodel_tableau t fr20 bnd20 fr21 bnd21 }
    variant { nlsize_tableau t } =
    match t with | NL_Root -> ()
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        model_equal_tableau v0 ((rename_subst_symbol fr10 identity))
          ((rename_subst_symbol fr20 identity))
          ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
          ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
          ((rename_subst_fo_term fr11 identity identity))
          ((rename_subst_fo_term fr21 identity identity))
          ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
          ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)) ;
          model_equal_fo_formula v1 ((rename_subst_symbol fr10 identity))
            ((rename_subst_symbol fr20 identity))
            ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
            ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term fr11 identity identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term fr21 identity identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)) ;
          model_equal_fo_formula_list v2
            ((rename_subst_symbol fr10 identity))
            ((rename_subst_symbol fr20 identity))
            ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
            ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term fr11 identity identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term fr21 identity identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)) ;

  predicate nlimpl_tableau_ok (t:nlimpl_tableau) =
    nlmodel_tableau t.nlrepr_tableau_field subst_id_symbol
      (const (Var_symbol ((-1)))) subst_id_fo_term
      (const (Var_fo_term ((-1)))) = t.model_tableau_field
    /\ correct_indexes_tableau t.nlrepr_tableau_field /\
    bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau t.nlrepr_tableau_field = 0 /\
    bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau t.nlrepr_tableau_field = 0 /\
    (forall x:int. is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x t.model_tableau_field ->
       (x) < (t.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field))
    (forall x:int. is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x t.model_tableau_field ->
       (x) < (t.nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field))

  predicate cons_ok_tableau (c:cons_tableau) =
    match c with | NLC_Root -> true
      | NLC_Node v0 v1 v2 -> nlimpl_tableau_ok v0 /\ nlimpl_fo_formula_ok v1
        /\ nlimpl_fo_formula_list_ok v2

  predicate cons_rel_tableau (c:cons_tableau) (t:nlimpl_tableau) =
    match c with | NLC_Root -> t.model_tableau_field = Root
      | NLC_Node v0 v1 v2 -> t.model_tableau_field =
        Node (rename_tableau v0.model_tableau_field identity identity)
          (rename_fo_formula v1.model_fo_formula_field identity identity)
          (rename_fo_formula_list v2.model_fo_formula_list_field identity

  predicate cons_open_rel_tableau (c:cons_tableau) (t:nlimpl_tableau) =
    match c with
      | NLC_Root ->
        match t.model_tableau_field with | Root -> true
          | Node w0 w1 w2 -> false
      | NLC_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        match t.model_tableau_field with | Root -> false
          | Node w0 w1 w2 ->
            v0.model_tableau_field = (rename_tableau w0 identity identity) /\
              v1.model_fo_formula_field =
                (rename_fo_formula w1 identity identity)
              v2.model_fo_formula_list_field =
                (rename_fo_formula_list w2 identity identity)


module Impl
  use option.Option
  use int.Int
  use Nat.Nat
  use Functions.Func
  use OptionFuncs.Funcs
  use Sum.Sum
  use Firstorder_symbol_spec.Spec
  use Firstorder_symbol_impl.Types
  use Firstorder_symbol_impl.Logic
  use Firstorder_symbol_impl.Impl
  use Firstorder_term_spec.Spec
  use Firstorder_term_impl.Types
  use Firstorder_term_impl.Logic
  use Firstorder_term_impl.Impl
  use Firstorder_formula_spec.Spec
  use Firstorder_formula_impl.Types
  use Firstorder_formula_impl.Logic
  use Firstorder_formula_impl.Impl
  use Firstorder_formula_list_spec.Spec
  use Firstorder_formula_list_impl.Types
  use Firstorder_formula_list_impl.Logic
  use Firstorder_formula_list_impl.Impl
  use Firstorder_tableau_spec.Spec
  use Types
  use Logic
  let rec bind_var_symbol_in_tableau (t:nl_tableau int int) (x:int) (i:int)
    (ghost fr0: int -> (symbol 'b0)) (ghost bnd0: int -> (symbol 'b0))
    (ghost fr1: int -> (fo_term 'b0 'b1))
    (ghost bnd1: int -> (fo_term 'b0 'b1)) : nl_tableau int int
    requires { correct_indexes_tableau t }
    requires { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau t <= i }
    variant { nlsize_tableau t }
    ensures { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau result <= i + 1 }
    ensures { correct_indexes_tableau result }
    ensures { bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau t =
      bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau result }
    ensures { nlmodel_tableau result fr0 bnd0 fr1 bnd1 =
      nlmodel_tableau t (update fr0 x (bnd0 i)) bnd0 fr1 bnd1 }
    match t with | NL_Root -> NL_Root
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        assert { (rename_symbol (bnd0 i) identity) =
          (eval ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity)) (i+0)) };
          assert {
              ((rename_subst_symbol (update fr0 x (bnd0 i)) identity))
              ((update ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)) x
                  (rename_symbol (bnd0 i) identity)))
          assert { (rename_subst_symbol (update fr0 x (bnd0 i)) identity) =
            (update ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)) x
               (eval ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity)) (i+0)))
          assert { (rename_symbol (bnd0 i) identity) =
            (eval ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity)) (i+0)) };
          assert {
              ((rename_subst_symbol (update fr0 x (bnd0 i)) identity))
              ((update ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)) x
                  (rename_symbol (bnd0 i) identity)))
          assert { (rename_subst_symbol (update fr0 x (bnd0 i)) identity) =
            (update ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)) x
               (eval ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity)) (i+0)))
          assert { (rename_symbol (bnd0 i) identity) =
            (eval ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity)) (i+0)) };
          assert {
              ((rename_subst_symbol (update fr0 x (bnd0 i)) identity))
              ((update ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)) x
                  (rename_symbol (bnd0 i) identity)))
          assert { (rename_subst_symbol (update fr0 x (bnd0 i)) identity) =
            (update ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)) x
               (eval ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity)) (i+0)))
            (bind_var_symbol_in_tableau v0 x (i+0)
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)))
            (bind_var_symbol_in_fo_formula v1 x (i+0)
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)))
            (bind_var_symbol_in_fo_formula_list v2 x (i+0)
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)))

  with bind_var_fo_term_in_tableau (t:nl_tableau int int) (x:int) (i:int)
    (ghost fr0: int -> (symbol 'b0)) (ghost bnd0: int -> (symbol 'b0))
    (ghost fr1: int -> (fo_term 'b0 'b1))
    (ghost bnd1: int -> (fo_term 'b0 'b1)) : nl_tableau int int
    requires { correct_indexes_tableau t }
    requires { bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau t <= i }
    variant { nlsize_tableau t }
    ensures { bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau result <= i + 1 }
    ensures { correct_indexes_tableau result }
    ensures { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau t =
      bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau result }
    ensures { nlmodel_tableau result fr0 bnd0 fr1 bnd1 =
      nlmodel_tableau t fr0 bnd0 (update fr1 x (bnd1 i)) bnd1 }
    match t with | NL_Root -> NL_Root
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        assert { (rename_fo_term (bnd1 i) identity identity) =
          (eval ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)) (i+0)) };
          assert {
              ((rename_subst_fo_term (update fr1 x (bnd1 i)) identity
              ((update ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)) x
                  (rename_fo_term (bnd1 i) identity identity)))
          assert {
            (rename_subst_fo_term (update fr1 x (bnd1 i)) identity identity)
            (update ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)) x
               (eval ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)) (i+0)))
          assert { (rename_fo_term (bnd1 i) identity identity) =
            (eval ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)) (i+0)) };
          assert {
              ((rename_subst_fo_term (update fr1 x (bnd1 i)) identity
              ((update ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)) x
                  (rename_fo_term (bnd1 i) identity identity)))
          assert {
            (rename_subst_fo_term (update fr1 x (bnd1 i)) identity identity)
            (update ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)) x
               (eval ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)) (i+0)))
          assert { (rename_fo_term (bnd1 i) identity identity) =
            (eval ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)) (i+0)) };
          assert {
              ((rename_subst_fo_term (update fr1 x (bnd1 i)) identity
              ((update ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)) x
                  (rename_fo_term (bnd1 i) identity identity)))
          assert {
            (rename_subst_fo_term (update fr1 x (bnd1 i)) identity identity)
            (update ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)) x
               (eval ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)) (i+0)))
            (bind_var_fo_term_in_tableau v0 x (i+0)
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)))
            (bind_var_fo_term_in_fo_formula v1 x (i+0)
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)))
            (bind_var_fo_term_in_fo_formula_list v2 x (i+0)
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd1 identity identity)))

  let rec unbind_var_symbol_in_tableau (t:nl_tableau int int) (i:int)
    (x:nl_symbol int) (ghost fr0: int -> (symbol 'b0))
    (ghost bnd10: int -> (symbol 'b0)) (ghost fr1: int -> (fo_term 'b0 'b1))
    (ghost bnd11: int -> (fo_term 'b0 'b1))
    (ghost bnd20: int -> (symbol 'b0)) : nl_tableau int int
    requires { i >= 0 } requires { correct_indexes_tableau t }
    requires { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau t <= i + 1 }
    requires { correct_indexes_symbol x }
    requires { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_symbol x = 0 }
    variant { nlsize_tableau t }
    ensures { correct_indexes_tableau result }
    ensures { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau result <= i }
    ensures { bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau result =
      bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau t }
    ensures { nlmodel_tableau result fr0 bnd10 fr1 bnd11 =
      nlmodel_tableau t fr0 (update bnd10 i (nlmodel_symbol x fr0 bnd20)) fr1
    match t with | NL_Root -> NL_Root
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        assert { rename_symbol (nlmodel_symbol x fr0 bnd20) identity =
          nlmodel_symbol x ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
            ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
          } ;
          assert {
                 (update bnd10 i (nlmodel_symbol x fr0 bnd20)) identity))
              (update ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity)) (i+0)
                 (rename_symbol (nlmodel_symbol x fr0 bnd20) identity))
            } ;
          assert {
              (update bnd10 i (nlmodel_symbol x fr0 bnd20)) identity)
            update ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity)) (i+0)
              (nlmodel_symbol x ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity)))
            } ;
          assert { rename_symbol (nlmodel_symbol x fr0 bnd20) identity =
            nlmodel_symbol x ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
              ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
            } ;
          assert {
                 (update bnd10 i (nlmodel_symbol x fr0 bnd20)) identity))
              (update ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity)) (i+0)
                 (rename_symbol (nlmodel_symbol x fr0 bnd20) identity))
            } ;
          assert {
              (update bnd10 i (nlmodel_symbol x fr0 bnd20)) identity)
            update ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity)) (i+0)
              (nlmodel_symbol x ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity)))
            } ;
          assert { rename_symbol (nlmodel_symbol x fr0 bnd20) identity =
            nlmodel_symbol x ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
              ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
            } ;
          assert {
                 (update bnd10 i (nlmodel_symbol x fr0 bnd20)) identity))
              (update ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity)) (i+0)
                 (rename_symbol (nlmodel_symbol x fr0 bnd20) identity))
            } ;
          assert {
              (update bnd10 i (nlmodel_symbol x fr0 bnd20)) identity)
            update ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity)) (i+0)
              (nlmodel_symbol x ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity)))
            } ;
            (unbind_var_symbol_in_tableau v0 (i+0) x
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity)))
            (unbind_var_symbol_in_fo_formula v1 (i+0) x
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity)))
            (unbind_var_symbol_in_fo_formula_list v2 (i+0) x
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity)))

  with unbind_var_fo_term_in_tableau (t:nl_tableau int int) (i:int)
    (x:nl_fo_term int int) (ghost fr0: int -> (symbol 'b0))
    (ghost bnd10: int -> (symbol 'b0)) (ghost fr1: int -> (fo_term 'b0 'b1))
    (ghost bnd11: int -> (fo_term 'b0 'b1))
    (ghost bnd20: int -> (symbol 'b0))
    (ghost bnd21: int -> (fo_term 'b0 'b1)) : nl_tableau int int
    requires { i >= 0 } requires { correct_indexes_tableau t }
    requires { bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau t <= i + 1 }
    requires { correct_indexes_fo_term x }
    requires { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_fo_term x = 0 }
    requires { bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_fo_term x = 0 }
    variant { nlsize_tableau t }
    ensures { correct_indexes_tableau result }
    ensures { bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau result <= i }
    ensures { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau result =
      bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau t }
    ensures { nlmodel_tableau result fr0 bnd10 fr1 bnd11 =
      nlmodel_tableau t fr0 bnd10 fr1
        (update bnd11 i (nlmodel_fo_term x fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21))
    match t with | NL_Root -> NL_Root
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        assert {
          rename_fo_term (nlmodel_fo_term x fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21) identity
          nlmodel_fo_term x ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
            ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity))
          } ;
          assert {
                 (update bnd11 i (nlmodel_fo_term x fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21))
                 identity identity))
              (update ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity)) (i+0)
                 (rename_fo_term (nlmodel_fo_term x fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21)
                    identity identity))
            } ;
          assert {
              (update bnd11 i (nlmodel_fo_term x fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21))
              identity identity)
            update ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity)) (i+0)
              (nlmodel_fo_term x ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
                 ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)))
            } ;
          assert {
            rename_fo_term (nlmodel_fo_term x fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21) identity
            nlmodel_fo_term x ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
              ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity))
            } ;
          assert {
                 (update bnd11 i (nlmodel_fo_term x fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21))
                 identity identity))
              (update ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity)) (i+0)
                 (rename_fo_term (nlmodel_fo_term x fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21)
                    identity identity))
            } ;
          assert {
              (update bnd11 i (nlmodel_fo_term x fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21))
              identity identity)
            update ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity)) (i+0)
              (nlmodel_fo_term x ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
                 ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)))
            } ;
          assert {
            rename_fo_term (nlmodel_fo_term x fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21) identity
            nlmodel_fo_term x ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
              ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity))
            } ;
          assert {
                 (update bnd11 i (nlmodel_fo_term x fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21))
                 identity identity))
              (update ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity)) (i+0)
                 (rename_fo_term (nlmodel_fo_term x fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21)
                    identity identity))
            } ;
          assert {
              (update bnd11 i (nlmodel_fo_term x fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21))
              identity identity)
            update ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity)) (i+0)
              (nlmodel_fo_term x ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
                 ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)))
            } ;
            (unbind_var_fo_term_in_tableau v0 (i+0) x
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)))
            (unbind_var_fo_term_in_fo_formula v1 (i+0) x
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)))
            (unbind_var_fo_term_in_fo_formula_list v2 (i+0) x
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)))

  let rec subst_base_symbol_in_tableau (t:nl_tableau int int) (x:int)
    (u:nl_symbol int) (ghost fr0: int -> (symbol 'b0))
    (ghost bnd10: int -> (symbol 'b0)) (ghost fr1: int -> (fo_term 'b0 'b1))
    (ghost bnd11: int -> (fo_term 'b0 'b1))
    (ghost bnd20: int -> (symbol 'b0)) : nl_tableau int int
    requires { correct_indexes_tableau t }
    requires { correct_indexes_symbol u }
    requires { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_symbol u = 0 }
    variant { nlsize_tableau t }
    ensures { correct_indexes_tableau result }
     ensures { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau result =
       bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau t }
    ensures { bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau result =
      bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau t }
    ensures { nlmodel_tableau result fr0 bnd10 fr1 bnd11 =
      nlmodel_tableau t (update fr0 x (nlmodel_symbol u fr0 bnd20)) bnd10 fr1
    match t with | NL_Root -> NL_Root
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        assert { rename_symbol (nlmodel_symbol u fr0 bnd20) identity =
          nlmodel_symbol u ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
            ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
          } ;
          assert {
                 (update fr0 x (nlmodel_symbol u fr0 bnd20)) identity))
              (update ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)) x
                 (rename_symbol (nlmodel_symbol u fr0 bnd20) identity))
            } ;
          assert {
            (rename_subst_symbol (update fr0 x (nlmodel_symbol u fr0 bnd20))
            update ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)) x
              (nlmodel_symbol u ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity)))
            } ;
          assert { rename_symbol (nlmodel_symbol u fr0 bnd20) identity =
            nlmodel_symbol u ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
              ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
            } ;
          assert {
                 (update fr0 x (nlmodel_symbol u fr0 bnd20)) identity))
              (update ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)) x
                 (rename_symbol (nlmodel_symbol u fr0 bnd20) identity))
            } ;
          assert {
            (rename_subst_symbol (update fr0 x (nlmodel_symbol u fr0 bnd20))
            update ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)) x
              (nlmodel_symbol u ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity)))
            } ;
          assert { rename_symbol (nlmodel_symbol u fr0 bnd20) identity =
            nlmodel_symbol u ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
              ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
            } ;
          assert {
                 (update fr0 x (nlmodel_symbol u fr0 bnd20)) identity))
              (update ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)) x
                 (rename_symbol (nlmodel_symbol u fr0 bnd20) identity))
            } ;
          assert {
            (rename_subst_symbol (update fr0 x (nlmodel_symbol u fr0 bnd20))
            update ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity)) x
              (nlmodel_symbol u ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity)))
            } ;
            (subst_base_symbol_in_tableau v0 x u
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity)))
            (subst_base_symbol_in_fo_formula v1 x u
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity)))
            (subst_base_symbol_in_fo_formula_list v2 x u
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity)))

  with subst_base_fo_term_in_tableau (t:nl_tableau int int) (x:int)
    (u:nl_fo_term int int) (ghost fr0: int -> (symbol 'b0))
    (ghost bnd10: int -> (symbol 'b0)) (ghost fr1: int -> (fo_term 'b0 'b1))
    (ghost bnd11: int -> (fo_term 'b0 'b1))
    (ghost bnd20: int -> (symbol 'b0))
    (ghost bnd21: int -> (fo_term 'b0 'b1)) : nl_tableau int int
    requires { correct_indexes_tableau t }
    requires { correct_indexes_fo_term u }
    requires { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_fo_term u = 0 }
    requires { bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_fo_term u = 0 }
    variant { nlsize_tableau t }
    ensures { correct_indexes_tableau result }
     ensures { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau result =
       bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau t }
    ensures { bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau result =
      bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau t }
    ensures { nlmodel_tableau result fr0 bnd10 fr1 bnd11 =
      nlmodel_tableau t fr0 bnd10
        (update fr1 x (nlmodel_fo_term u fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21)) bnd11
    match t with | NL_Root -> NL_Root
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        assert {
          rename_fo_term (nlmodel_fo_term u fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21) identity
          nlmodel_fo_term u ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
            ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
            ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity))
          } ;
          assert {
                 (update fr1 x (nlmodel_fo_term u fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21))
                 identity identity))
              (update ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)) x
                 (rename_fo_term (nlmodel_fo_term u fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21)
                    identity identity))
            } ;
          assert {
              (update fr1 x (nlmodel_fo_term u fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21)) identity
            update ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)) x
              (nlmodel_fo_term u ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
                 ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)))
            } ;
          assert {
            rename_fo_term (nlmodel_fo_term u fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21) identity
            nlmodel_fo_term u ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
              ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity))
            } ;
          assert {
                 (update fr1 x (nlmodel_fo_term u fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21))
                 identity identity))
              (update ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)) x
                 (rename_fo_term (nlmodel_fo_term u fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21)
                    identity identity))
            } ;
          assert {
              (update fr1 x (nlmodel_fo_term u fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21)) identity
            update ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)) x
              (nlmodel_fo_term u ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
                 ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)))
            } ;
          assert {
            rename_fo_term (nlmodel_fo_term u fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21) identity
            nlmodel_fo_term u ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
              ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity))
            } ;
          assert {
                 (update fr1 x (nlmodel_fo_term u fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21))
                 identity identity))
              (update ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)) x
                 (rename_fo_term (nlmodel_fo_term u fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21)
                    identity identity))
            } ;
          assert {
              (update fr1 x (nlmodel_fo_term u fr0 bnd20 fr1 bnd21)) identity
            update ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity)) x
              (nlmodel_fo_term u ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
                 ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
                 ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)))
            } ;
            (subst_base_fo_term_in_tableau v0 x u
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)))
            (subst_base_fo_term_in_fo_formula v1 x u
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)))
            (subst_base_fo_term_in_fo_formula_list v2 x u
               ((rename_subst_symbol fr0 identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd10 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term fr1 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd11 identity identity))
               ((rename_subst_symbol bnd20 identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term bnd21 identity identity)))

  let construct_tableau (c:cons_tableau) : nlimpl_tableau
    requires { cons_ok_tableau c } ensures { nlimpl_tableau_ok result }
    ensures { cons_rel_tableau c result }
    (*ensures { cons_open_rel_tableau c result }*) =
    match c with
      | NLC_Root ->
        let res =
          { nlrepr_tableau_field = (NL_Root) ;
            nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field = 0 ;
            nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field = 0 ;
            model_tableau_field = ghost (Root) ;
        assert {
          forall x:int.
            is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x res.model_tableau_field ->
            (false) && (x) <
          } ;
        assert {
          forall x:int.
            is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x res.model_tableau_field ->
            (false) && (x) <
          } ;
      | NLC_Node v0 v1 v2 -> assert { nlimpl_tableau_ok v0 } ;
        assert { nlimpl_fo_formula_ok v1 } ;
        assert { nlimpl_fo_formula_list_ok v2 } ;
        let res =
            nlrepr_tableau_field =
              (NL_Node (let v0 = v0.nlrepr_tableau_field in v0)
                 (let v1 = v1.nlrepr_fo_formula_field in v1)
                 (let v2 = v2.nlrepr_fo_formula_list_field in v2)) ;
            nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field =
              (let aux (a:int) (b:int) : int
                 ensures { result >= a /\ result >= b } =
                 if a < b then b else a in
                   ((let aux (a:int) (b:int) : int
                       ensures { result >= a /\ result >= b } =
                       if a < b then b else a in
                   (v2.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_fo_formula_list_field)) ;
            nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field =
              (let aux (a:int) (b:int) : int
                 ensures { result >= a /\ result >= b } =
                 if a < b then b else a in
                   ((let aux (a:int) (b:int) : int
                       ensures { result >= a /\ result >= b } =
                       if a < b then b else a in
                   (v2.nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_fo_formula_list_field)) ;
            model_tableau_field = ghost
              (Node (rename_tableau v0.model_tableau_field identity identity)
                 (rename_fo_formula v1.model_fo_formula_field identity
                 (rename_fo_formula_list v2.model_fo_formula_list_field
                    identity identity)) ;
        assert {
          forall x:int.
            is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x
              (rename_tableau v0.model_tableau_field identity identity)
            (forall y:int.
               (is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau y v0.model_tableau_field /\
               eval (identity) y = x) -> x = eval (identity) y && x = y &&
               is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x v0.model_tableau_field)
            && is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x v0.model_tableau_field && (x)
            < (v0.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field) && (x) <
          } ;
        assert {
          forall x:int.
            is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x
              (rename_tableau v0.model_tableau_field identity identity)
            (forall y:int.
               (is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau y v0.model_tableau_field /\
               eval (identity) y = x) -> x = eval (identity) y && x = y &&
               is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x v0.model_tableau_field)
            && is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x v0.model_tableau_field && (x)
            < (v0.nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field) && (x) <
          } ;
        assert {
          forall x:int.
            is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula x
              (rename_fo_formula v1.model_fo_formula_field identity identity)
            (forall y:int.
               (is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula y v1.model_fo_formula_field
               /\ eval (identity) y = x) -> x = eval (identity) y &&
               x = y &&
               is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula x v1.model_fo_formula_field)
            && is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula x v1.model_fo_formula_field
            && (x) < (v1.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_fo_formula_field)
            && (x) < (res.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field)
          } ;
        assert {
          forall x:int.
            is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula x
              (rename_fo_formula v1.model_fo_formula_field identity identity)
            (forall y:int.
               (is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula y v1.model_fo_formula_field
               /\ eval (identity) y = x) -> x = eval (identity) y &&
               x = y &&
               is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula x v1.model_fo_formula_field)
            && is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula x v1.model_fo_formula_field
            && (x) < (v1.nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_fo_formula_field)
            && (x) < (res.nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field)
          } ;
        assert {
          forall x:int.
            is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula_list x
              (rename_fo_formula_list v2.model_fo_formula_list_field identity
            (forall y:int.
               (is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula_list y
               /\ eval (identity) y = x) -> x = eval (identity) y &&
               x = y &&
               is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula_list x
            is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula_list x
            && (x) <
            (v2.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_fo_formula_list_field) &&
            (x) < (res.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field)
          } ;
        assert {
          forall x:int.
            is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula_list x
              (rename_fo_formula_list v2.model_fo_formula_list_field identity
            (forall y:int.
               (is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula_list y
               /\ eval (identity) y = x) -> x = eval (identity) y &&
               x = y &&
               is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula_list x
            is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula_list x
            && (x) <
            (v2.nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_fo_formula_list_field) &&
            (x) < (res.nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field)
          } ;
        assert {
          forall x:int.
            is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x res.model_tableau_field ->
            (is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x
               (rename_tableau v0.model_tableau_field identity identity) \/
               is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula x
                 (rename_fo_formula v1.model_fo_formula_field identity
               is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula_list x
                 (rename_fo_formula_list v2.model_fo_formula_list_field
                    identity identity))
            && (x) < (res.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field)
          } ;
        assert {
          forall x:int.
            is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x res.model_tableau_field ->
            (is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x
               (rename_tableau v0.model_tableau_field identity identity) \/
               is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula x
                 (rename_fo_formula v1.model_fo_formula_field identity
               is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula_list x
                 (rename_fo_formula_list v2.model_fo_formula_list_field
                    identity identity))
            && (x) < (res.nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field)
          } ;
        assert {
          extensionalEqual (rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)
            ((rename_subst_symbol (subst_id_symbol:(int)->(symbol (int)))
          } ;
        assert { rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity =
          (rename_subst_symbol (subst_id_symbol:(int)->(symbol (int)))
          } ;
        assert {
            (rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity)
                (subst_id_fo_term:(int)->(fo_term (int) (int))) identity
          } ;
        assert { rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity =
             (subst_id_fo_term:(int)->(fo_term (int) (int))) identity
          } ;
        model_equal_tableau v0.nlrepr_tableau_field
          (rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)
          (rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)
          ((rename_subst_symbol (const (Var_symbol (-1))) identity))
          (rename_subst_symbol (const (Var_symbol (-1))) identity)
          (rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity)
          (rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity)
          ((rename_subst_fo_term (const (Var_fo_term (-1))) identity
          (rename_subst_fo_term (const (Var_fo_term (-1))) identity identity) ;
        (*assert {
            extensionalEqual (rcompose (identity) (identity))
              ((identity : (int) -> (int)))
            } ;
        assert { rcompose (identity) (identity) = (identity : (int) -> (int))
          } ;*)
        (*assert {
            extensionalEqual (rcompose (identity) (identity))
              ((identity : (int) -> (int)))
            } ;
        assert { rcompose (identity) (identity) = (identity : (int) -> (int))
          } ;*)
        assert {
          extensionalEqual (rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)
            ((rename_subst_symbol (subst_id_symbol:(int)->(symbol (int)))
          } ;
        assert { rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity =
          (rename_subst_symbol (subst_id_symbol:(int)->(symbol (int)))
          } ;
        assert {
            (rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity)
                (subst_id_fo_term:(int)->(fo_term (int) (int))) identity
          } ;
        assert { rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity =
             (subst_id_fo_term:(int)->(fo_term (int) (int))) identity
          } ;
        model_equal_fo_formula v1.nlrepr_fo_formula_field
          (rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)
          (rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)
          ((rename_subst_symbol (const (Var_symbol (-1))) identity))
          (rename_subst_symbol (const (Var_symbol (-1))) identity)
          (rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity)
          (rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity)
          ((rename_subst_fo_term (const (Var_fo_term (-1))) identity
          (rename_subst_fo_term (const (Var_fo_term (-1))) identity identity) ;
        (*assert {
            extensionalEqual (rcompose (identity) (identity))
              ((identity : (int) -> (int)))
            } ;
        assert { rcompose (identity) (identity) = (identity : (int) -> (int))
          } ;*)
        (*assert {
            extensionalEqual (rcompose (identity) (identity))
              ((identity : (int) -> (int)))
            } ;
        assert { rcompose (identity) (identity) = (identity : (int) -> (int))
          } ;*)
        assert {
          extensionalEqual (rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)
            ((rename_subst_symbol (subst_id_symbol:(int)->(symbol (int)))
          } ;
        assert { rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity =
          (rename_subst_symbol (subst_id_symbol:(int)->(symbol (int)))
          } ;
        assert {
            (rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity)
                (subst_id_fo_term:(int)->(fo_term (int) (int))) identity
          } ;
        assert { rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity =
             (subst_id_fo_term:(int)->(fo_term (int) (int))) identity
          } ;
        model_equal_fo_formula_list v2.nlrepr_fo_formula_list_field
          (rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)
          (rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)
          ((rename_subst_symbol (const (Var_symbol (-1))) identity))
          (rename_subst_symbol (const (Var_symbol (-1))) identity)
          (rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity)
          (rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity)
          ((rename_subst_fo_term (const (Var_fo_term (-1))) identity
          (rename_subst_fo_term (const (Var_fo_term (-1))) identity identity) ;
        (*assert {
            extensionalEqual (rcompose (identity) (identity))
              ((identity : (int) -> (int)))
            } ;
        assert { rcompose (identity) (identity) = (identity : (int) -> (int))
          } ;*)
        (*assert {
            extensionalEqual (rcompose (identity) (identity))
              ((identity : (int) -> (int)))
            } ;
        assert { rcompose (identity) (identity) = (identity : (int) -> (int))
          } ;*)

  let destruct_tableau (t:nlimpl_tableau) : cons_tableau
    requires { nlimpl_tableau_ok t } ensures { cons_ok_tableau result }
    ensures { cons_rel_tableau result t }
    ensures { cons_open_rel_tableau result t } =
    let fv0 = t.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field in
    let fv1 = t.nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field in
    match t.nlrepr_tableau_field with
      | NL_Root ->
        assert { t.model_tableau_field = Root } ;
          let () =
            match t.model_tableau_field with | Root -> ()
              | Node x0 x1 x2 -> absurd
          in let res = NLC_Root in res
      | NL_Node v0 v1 v2 ->
        assert { t.model_tableau_field =
            (nlmodel_tableau v0
               (rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)
                 (const (Var_symbol (-1)) : int -> (symbol int)) identity)
               (rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity)
                 (const (Var_fo_term (-1)) : int -> (fo_term int int))
                 identity identity))
            (nlmodel_fo_formula v1
               (rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)
                 (const (Var_symbol (-1)) : int -> (symbol int)) identity)
               (rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity)
                 (const (Var_fo_term (-1)) : int -> (fo_term int int))
                 identity identity))
            (nlmodel_fo_formula_list v2
               (rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)
                 (const (Var_symbol (-1)) : int -> (symbol int)) identity)
               (rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity)
                 (const (Var_fo_term (-1)) : int -> (fo_term int int))
                 identity identity))
          } ;
          let (mv0 , mv1 , mv2) =
            match t.model_tableau_field with | Root -> absurd
              | Node x0 x1 x2 -> (x0 , x1 , x2)
          assert { mv0 =
            nlmodel_tableau v0
              ((rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity))
                 (const (Var_symbol (-1)) : int -> (symbol int)) identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity))
                 (const (Var_fo_term (-1)) : int -> (fo_term int int))
                 identity identity))
            } ;
          assert { mv1 =
            nlmodel_fo_formula v1
              ((rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity))
                 (const (Var_symbol (-1)) : int -> (symbol int)) identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity))
                 (const (Var_fo_term (-1)) : int -> (fo_term int int))
                 identity identity))
            } ;
          assert { mv2 =
            nlmodel_fo_formula_list v2
              ((rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity))
                 (const (Var_symbol (-1)) : int -> (symbol int)) identity))
              ((rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity))
                 (const (Var_fo_term (-1)) : int -> (fo_term int int))
                 identity identity))
            } ;
          assert { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_tableau v0 <= 0 } ;
          assert {
            forall x:int. is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x mv0 ->
              is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x t.model_tableau_field && (x) <
            } ;
          assert { bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_tableau v0 <= 0 } ;
          assert {
            forall x:int. is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x mv0 ->
              is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x t.model_tableau_field && (x) <
            } ;
          assert { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_fo_formula v1 <= 0 } ;
          assert {
            forall x:int. is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula x mv1 ->
              is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x t.model_tableau_field && (x) <
            } ;
          assert { bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_fo_formula v1 <= 0 } ;
          assert {
            forall x:int. is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula x mv1 ->
              is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x t.model_tableau_field && (x) <
            } ;
          assert { bound_depth_of_symbol_in_fo_formula_list v2 <= 0 } ;
          assert {
            forall x:int. is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula_list x mv2 ->
              is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x t.model_tableau_field && (x) <
            } ;
          assert { bound_depth_of_fo_term_in_fo_formula_list v2 <= 0 } ;
          assert {
            forall x:int. is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula_list x mv2 ->
              is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x t.model_tableau_field && (x) <
            } ;
          model_equal_tableau v0 subst_id_symbol
               ((rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)) (identity)) ((
            const (Var_symbol (-1)) : int -> (symbol int)))
                  (const (Var_symbol (-1)) : int -> (symbol int)) identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity))
               (identity) (identity)) ((const (Var_fo_term (-1)) :
                                          int -> (fo_term int int)))
                  (const (Var_fo_term (-1)) : int -> (fo_term int int))
                  identity identity))
               (identity) (identity)) ;
          model_equal_fo_formula v1 subst_id_symbol
               ((rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)) (identity)) ((
            const (Var_symbol (-1)) : int -> (symbol int)))
                  (const (Var_symbol (-1)) : int -> (symbol int)) identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity))
               (identity) (identity)) ((const (Var_fo_term (-1)) :
                                          int -> (fo_term int int)))
                  (const (Var_fo_term (-1)) : int -> (fo_term int int))
                  identity identity))
               (identity) (identity)) ;
          model_equal_fo_formula_list v2 subst_id_symbol
               ((rename_subst_symbol subst_id_symbol identity)) (identity)) ((
            const (Var_symbol (-1)) : int -> (symbol int)))
                  (const (Var_symbol (-1)) : int -> (symbol int)) identity))
               ((rename_subst_fo_term subst_id_fo_term identity identity))
               (identity) (identity)) ((const (Var_fo_term (-1)) :
                                          int -> (fo_term int int)))
                  (const (Var_fo_term (-1)) : int -> (fo_term int int))
                  identity identity))
               (identity) (identity)) ;
          let ghost mrv0 = rename_tableau mv0 identity identity in
          let ghost mrv1 = rename_fo_formula mv1 identity identity in
          let ghost mrv2 = rename_fo_formula_list mv2 identity identity in
          let resv0 =
            { nlrepr_tableau_field = v0 ;
              nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field = fv0 ;
              nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field = fv1 ;
              model_tableau_field = ghost mrv0 ;
          let resv1 =
            { nlrepr_fo_formula_field = v1 ;
              nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_fo_formula_field = fv0 ;
              nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_fo_formula_field = fv1 ;
              model_fo_formula_field = ghost mrv1 ;
          let resv2 =
            { nlrepr_fo_formula_list_field = v2 ;
              nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_fo_formula_list_field = fv0 ;
              nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_fo_formula_list_field =
                fv1 ;
              model_fo_formula_list_field = ghost mrv2 ;
          in let res = NLC_Node resv0 resv1 resv2 in
          free_var_equivalence_of_rename_tableau mv0 (identity)
            (rcompose (identity) (identity)) (identity)
            (rcompose (identity) (identity)) ;
          free_var_equivalence_of_rename_fo_formula mv1 (identity)
            (rcompose (identity) (identity)) (identity)
            (rcompose (identity) (identity)) ;
          free_var_equivalence_of_rename_fo_formula_list mv2 (identity)
            (rcompose (identity) (identity)) (identity)
            (rcompose (identity) (identity)) ;
          assert {
            forall x:int. is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x mrv0 ->
              (forall y:int.
                 (is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau y mv0 /\ eval (identity) y =
                 -> x = y &&
                 is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x t.model_tableau_field && (x)
                 < (fv0))
              && (x) < (fv0)
            } ;
          assert {
            forall x:int. is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x mrv0 ->
              (forall y:int.
                 (is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau y mv0 /\ eval (identity) y =
                 -> x = y &&
                 is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x t.model_tableau_field &&
                 (x) < (fv1))
              && (x) < (fv1)
            } ;
          assert {
            forall x:int. is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula x mrv1 ->
              (forall y:int.
                 (is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula y mv1 /\ eval (identity) y
                    = x)
                 -> x = y &&
                 is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x t.model_tableau_field && (x)
                 < (fv0))
              && (x) < (fv0)
            } ;
          assert {
            forall x:int. is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula x mrv1 ->
              (forall y:int.
                 (is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula y mv1 /\
                    eval (identity) y = x)
                 -> x = y &&
                 is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x t.model_tableau_field &&
                 (x) < (fv1))
              && (x) < (fv1)
            } ;
          assert {
            forall x:int. is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula_list x mrv2 ->
              (forall y:int.
                 (is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_formula_list y mv2 /\
                    eval (identity) y = x)
                 -> x = y &&
                 is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x t.model_tableau_field && (x)
                 < (fv0))
              && (x) < (fv0)
            } ;
          assert {
            forall x:int. is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula_list x mrv2 ->
              (forall y:int.
                 (is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_formula_list y mv2 /\
                    eval (identity) y = x)
                 -> x = y &&
                 is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x t.model_tableau_field &&
                 (x) < (fv1))
              && (x) < (fv1)
            } ;

  let nlsubst_symbol_in_tableau (t:nlimpl_tableau) (x:int)
    (u:nlimpl_symbol) : nlimpl_tableau requires { nlimpl_tableau_ok t }
    requires { nlimpl_symbol_ok u } ensures { nlimpl_tableau_ok result }
    ensures { result.model_tableau_field =
      subst_tableau t.model_tableau_field
        (update (subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int))) x
        (subst_id_fo_term: (int) -> (fo_term (int) (int)))
    model_equal_tableau t.nlrepr_tableau_field
      (subst_compose_symbol subst_id_symbol
         ((update (subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int))) x
      ((update (subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int))) x
      (subst_compose_symbol (const (Var_symbol (-1)))
         ((update (subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int))) x
      ((const (Var_symbol (-1))))
      (subst_compose_fo_term subst_id_fo_term
         ((update (subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int))) x
         ((subst_id_fo_term: (int) -> (fo_term (int) (int)))))
      ((subst_id_fo_term: (int) -> (fo_term (int) (int))))
      (subst_compose_fo_term (const (Var_fo_term (-1)))
         ((update (subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int))) x
         ((subst_id_fo_term: (int) -> (fo_term (int) (int)))))
      ((const (Var_fo_term (-1))));
    let res =
        nlrepr_tableau_field =
          subst_base_symbol_in_tableau t.nlrepr_tableau_field x
            u.nlrepr_symbol_field (subst_id_symbol)
            ((const (Var_symbol (-1)))) (subst_id_fo_term)
            ((const (Var_fo_term (-1)))) ((const (Var_symbol (-1)))) ;
        nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field =
          (let aux (a:int) (b:int) : int
             ensures { result >= a /\ result >= b } = if a < b then b else a
             aux (t.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field)
               (u.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_symbol_field)) ;
        nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field =
          t.nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field ;
        model_tableau_field = ghost
          subst_tableau t.model_tableau_field
            (update (subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int))) x
            (subst_id_fo_term: (int) -> (fo_term (int) (int))) ;
    assert {
      forall x2:int. is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x2 res.model_tableau_field
        (true /\
           (forall y:int.
              (is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau y t.model_tableau_field /\
                 is_symbol_free_var_in_symbol x2
                      ((update (subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int))) x
              ((x = y -> (x2) <
                 (x <> y -> x2 = y && (x2) <
                 && (x2) <
           (forall y:int.
              (is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau y t.model_tableau_field /\
                 is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_term x2
                   (eval ((subst_id_fo_term: (int) -> (fo_term (int) (int))))
              -> false))
        && (x2) < (res.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field)
      } ;
    assert {
      forall x2:int.
        is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x2 res.model_tableau_field ->
        (true /\
           (forall y:int.
              (is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau y t.model_tableau_field /\
                 is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_term x2
                   (eval ((subst_id_fo_term: (int) -> (fo_term (int) (int))))
              -> x2 = y && (x2) <
        && (x2) < (res.nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field)
      } ;

  let nlsubst_fo_term_in_tableau (t:nlimpl_tableau) (x:int)
    (u:nlimpl_fo_term) : nlimpl_tableau requires { nlimpl_tableau_ok t }
    requires { nlimpl_fo_term_ok u } ensures { nlimpl_tableau_ok result }
    ensures { result.model_tableau_field =
      subst_tableau t.model_tableau_field
        (subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int)))
        (update (subst_id_fo_term: (int) -> (fo_term (int) (int))) x
    model_equal_tableau t.nlrepr_tableau_field
      (subst_compose_symbol subst_id_symbol
         ((subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int)))))
      ((subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int))))
      (subst_compose_symbol (const (Var_symbol (-1)))
         ((subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int)))))
      ((const (Var_symbol (-1))))
      (subst_compose_fo_term subst_id_fo_term
         ((subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int))))
         ((update (subst_id_fo_term: (int) -> (fo_term (int) (int))) x
      ((update (subst_id_fo_term: (int) -> (fo_term (int) (int))) x
      (subst_compose_fo_term (const (Var_fo_term (-1)))
         ((subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int))))
         ((update (subst_id_fo_term: (int) -> (fo_term (int) (int))) x
      ((const (Var_fo_term (-1))));
    let res =
        nlrepr_tableau_field =
          subst_base_fo_term_in_tableau t.nlrepr_tableau_field x
            u.nlrepr_fo_term_field (subst_id_symbol)
            ((const (Var_symbol (-1)))) (subst_id_fo_term)
            ((const (Var_fo_term (-1)))) ((const (Var_symbol (-1))))
            ((const (Var_fo_term (-1)))) ;
        nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field =
          (let aux (a:int) (b:int) : int
             ensures { result >= a /\ result >= b } = if a < b then b else a
             aux (t.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field)
               (u.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_fo_term_field)) ;
        nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field =
          (let aux (a:int) (b:int) : int
             ensures { result >= a /\ result >= b } = if a < b then b else a
             aux (t.nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field)
               (u.nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_fo_term_field)) ;
        model_tableau_field = ghost
          subst_tableau t.model_tableau_field
            (subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int)))
            (update (subst_id_fo_term: (int) -> (fo_term (int) (int))) x
               u.model_fo_term_field) ;
    assert {
      forall x2:int. is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau x2 res.model_tableau_field
        (true /\
           (forall y:int.
              (is_symbol_free_var_in_tableau y t.model_tableau_field /\
                 is_symbol_free_var_in_symbol x2
                   (eval ((subst_id_symbol: (int) -> (symbol (int)))) y))
              -> x2 = y && (x2) <
           (forall y:int.
              (is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau y t.model_tableau_field /\
                 is_symbol_free_var_in_fo_term x2
                          (subst_id_fo_term: (int) -> (fo_term (int) (int)))
                          x u.model_fo_term_field))
              ((x = y -> (x2) <
                 /\ (x <> y -> false)) && (x2) <
        && (x2) < (res.nlfree_var_symbol_set_abstraction_tableau_field)
      } ;
    assert {
      forall x2:int.
        is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau x2 res.model_tableau_field ->
        (true /\
           (forall y:int.
              (is_fo_term_free_var_in_tableau y t.model_tableau_field /\
                 is_fo_term_free_var_in_fo_term x2
                          (subst_id_fo_term: (int) -> (fo_term (int) (int)))
                          x u.model_fo_term_field))
              ((x = y -> (x2) <
                 (x <> y -> x2 = y && (x2) <
                 && (x2) <
        && (x2) < (res.nlfree_var_fo_term_set_abstraction_tableau_field)
      } ;


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