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(* non-negative integers. For mutual induction using size variant. *)

module Nat

  use int.Int

  type nat = ONat | SNat nat

  function nat_to_int (n:nat) : int = match n with
    | ONat -> 0 | SNat n -> 1 + nat_to_int n end

  function add_nat (n1 n2:nat) : nat = match n1 with
    | ONat -> n2 | SNat n1 -> SNat (add_nat n1 n2) end

  let rec lemma nat_to_int_nonnegative (n:nat) : unit
    ensures { nat_to_int n >= 0 }
    variant { n }
    match n with ONat -> () | SNat n -> nat_to_int_nonnegative n end

  let rec lemma add_nat_simulate_add_int (n1 n2:nat) : unit
    ensures { nat_to_int (add_nat n1 n2) = nat_to_int n1 + nat_to_int n2 }
    variant { n1 }
    match n1 with ONat -> () | SNat n1 -> add_nat_simulate_add_int n1 n2 end

  constant one_nat : nat = SNat ONat

  lemma one_nat_value : nat_to_int one_nat = 1


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