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Remove duplicate elements in an array, in-place

Simple, quadratic implementation that packs elements to the left of the array

Authors: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre / Martin Clochard

Topics: Array Data Structure

Tools: Why3

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Removing duplicate elements in an array

Given an array a of size n, removes its duplicate elements, in-place, as follows: return r such that a[0..r-1] contains the same elements as a[0..n-1] and no duplicate


module Spec

  use export int.Int
  use export array.Array

  predicate appears (v: 'a) (a: array 'a) (s: int) =
    exists i: int. 0 <= i < s /\ a[i] = v

v appears in a[0..s-1]

  predicate nodup (a: array 'a) (s: int) =
    forall i: int. 0 <= i < s -> not (appears a[i] a i)

a[0..s-1] contains no duplicate element


Quadratic implementation, without extra space

module RemoveDuplicateQuadratic

  use Spec
  use ref.Refint

  type t
  val predicate eq (x y: t)
    ensures { result <-> x = y }

  let rec test_appears (ghost w: ref int) (v: t) (a: array t) (s: int) : bool
    requires { 0 <= s <= length a }
    ensures  { result <-> appears v a s }
    ensures  { result -> 0 <= !w < s && a[!w] = v }
    variant  { s }
  = s > 0 &&
    if eq a[s-1] v then begin w := s - 1; true end else test_appears w v a (s-1)

  let remove_duplicate (a: array t): int
    ensures { 0 <= result <= length a }
    ensures { nodup a result }
    ensures { forall v. appears v (old a) (length a) <-> appears v a result }
  = let n = length a in
    let r = ref 0 in
    let ghost from = make n 0 in
    let ghost to_  = make n 0 in
    for i = 0 to n - 1 do
      invariant { 0 <= !r <= i }
      invariant { nodup a !r }
      invariant { forall j: int. 0 <= j < !r ->
                  0 <= to_[j] < i /\ a[j] = (old a)[to_[j]] }
      invariant { forall j: int. 0 <= j < i ->
                  0 <= from[j] < !r /\ (old a)[j] = a[from[j]] }
      invariant { forall j: int. i <= j < n -> a[j] = (old a)[j] }
      let ghost w = ref 0 in
      if not (test_appears w a[i] a !r) then begin
        a[!r] <- a[i];
        from[i] <- !r;
        to_[!r] <- i;
        incr r
      end else begin
        from[i] <- !w;


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