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Computing the height of a tree in CPS style

Authors: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre / Andrei Paskevich

Topics: Trees

Tools: Why3

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Computing the height of a tree in CPS style (author: Jean-Christophe FilliĆ¢tre)

module HeightCPS

  use int.Int
  use int.MinMax
  use bintree.Tree
  use bintree.Height

  let rec height_cps (t: tree 'a) (k: int -> 'b) : 'b
    variant { t }
    ensures { result = k (height t) }
  = match t with
    | Empty -> k 0
    | Node l _ r ->
        height_cps l (fun hl ->
        height_cps r (fun hr ->
        k (1 + max hl hr)))

  let height (t: tree 'a) : int
    ensures { result = height t }
  = height_cps t (fun h -> h)


with a while loop, manually obtained by compiling out recursion

module Iteration

  use int.Int
  use int.MinMax
  use list.List
  use bintree.Tree
  use bintree.Size
  use bintree.Height
  use ref.Ref

  type cont 'a = Id | Kleft (tree 'a) (cont 'a) | Kright int (cont 'a)

  type what 'a = Argument (tree 'a) | Result int

  let predicate is_id (k: cont 'a) =
    match k with Id -> true | _ -> false end

  let predicate is_result (w: what 'a) =
    match w with Result _ -> true | _ -> false end

  function evalk (k: cont 'a) (r: int) : int =
    match k with
    | Id         -> r
    | Kleft  l k -> evalk k (1 + max (height l) r)
    | Kright x k -> evalk k (1 + max x r)

  function evalw (w: what 'a) : int =
    match w with
    | Argument t -> height t
    | Result   x -> x

  function sizek (k: cont 'a) : int =
    match k with
    | Id         -> 0
    | Kleft  t k -> 3 + 4 * size t + sizek k
    | Kright _ k -> 1 + sizek k

  lemma sizek_nonneg: forall k: cont 'a. sizek k >= 0

  function sizew (w: what 'a) : int =
    match w with
    | Argument t -> 1 + 4 * size t
    | Result   _ -> 0

  lemma helper1: forall t: tree 'a. 4 * size t >= 0
  lemma sizew_nonneg: forall w: what 'a. sizew w >= 0

  let height1 (t: tree 'a) : int
    ensures { result = height t }
    let w = ref (Argument t) in
    let k = ref Id in
    while not (is_id !k && is_result !w) do
      invariant { evalk !k (evalw !w) = height t }
      variant   { sizek !k + sizew !w }
      match !w, !k with
      | Argument Empty,        _ -> w := Result 0
      | Argument (Node l _ r), _ -> w := Argument l; k := Kleft r !k
      | Result _, Id             -> absurd
      | Result v, Kleft r k0     -> w := Argument r; k := Kright v k0
      | Result v, Kright hl k0   -> w := Result (1 + max hl v); k := k0
    match !w with Result r -> r | _ -> absurd end


Computing the height of a tree with an explicit stack (code: Andrei Paskevich / proof: Jean-Christophe FilliĆ¢tre)

module HeightStack

  use int.Int
  use int.MinMax
  use list.List
  use bintree.Tree
  use bintree.Size
  use bintree.Height

  type stack 'a = list (int, tree 'a)

  function heights (s: stack 'a) : int =
    match s with
    | Nil            -> 0
    | Cons (h, t) s' -> max (h + height t) (heights s')

  function sizes (s: stack 'a) : int =
    match s with
    | Nil            -> 0
    | Cons (_, t) s' -> size t + sizes s'

  lemma sizes_nonneg: forall s: stack 'a. sizes s >= 0

  let rec height_stack (m: int) (s: stack 'a) : int
    requires { m >= 0 }
    variant  { sizes s, s }
    ensures  { result = max m (heights s) }
  = match s with
    | Nil                     -> m
    | Cons (h, Empty) s'      -> height_stack (max m h) s'
    | Cons (h, Node l _ r) s' -> height_stack m (Cons (h+1,l) (Cons (h+1,r) s'))

  let height1 (t: tree 'a) : int
    ensures { result = height t }
  = height_stack 0 (Cons (0, t) Nil)


Computing the height of a tree with a small amount of memory: Stack size is only proportional to the logarithm of the tree size. (author: Martin Clochard)

module HeightSmallSpace

  use int.Int
  use int.MinMax
  use int.ComputerDivision
  use option.Option
  use bintree.Tree
  use bintree.Size
  use bintree.Height

  function leaves (t: tree 'a) : int = 1 + size t

Count number of leaves in a tree.

  let rec height_limited (acc depth lim: int) (t:tree 'a) : option (int,int)
    requires { 0 < lim /\ 0 <= acc }
    returns  { None -> leaves t > lim
      | Some (res,dl) -> res = max acc (depth + height t)
                         /\ lim = leaves t + dl /\ 0 <= dl }
    variant { lim }
  = match t with
    | Empty -> Some (max acc depth,lim-1)
    | Node l _ r ->
      let rec process_small_child (limc: int) : option (int,int,tree 'a)
        requires { 0 <= limc < lim }
        returns  { None -> leaves l > limc /\ leaves r > limc
          | Some (h,sz,rm) -> height t = 1 + max h (height rm)
                              /\ leaves t = leaves rm + sz
                              /\ 0 < sz <= limc }
        variant { limc }
      = if limc = 0 then None else
        match process_small_child (div limc 2) with
        | (Some _) as s -> s
        | None -> match height_limited 0 0 limc l with
        | Some (h,dl) -> Some (h,limc-dl,r)
        | None -> match height_limited 0 0 limc r with
        | Some (h,dl) -> Some (h,limc-dl,l)
        | None -> None
        end end end
      let limc = div lim 2 in
      match process_small_child limc with
      | None -> None
      | Some (h,sz,rm) ->
        height_limited (max acc (depth + h + 1)) (depth+1) (lim-sz) rm

height_limited acc depth lim t: Compute the height t if the number of leaves in t is at most lim, fails otherwise. acc and depth are accumulators. For maintaining the limit within the recursion, this routine also send back the difference between the number of leaves and the limit in case of success. Method: find out one child with number of leaves at most lim/2 using recursive calls. If no such child is found, the tree has at least lim+1 leaves, hence fails. Otherwise, accumulate the result of the recursive call for that child and make a recursive tail-call for the other child, using the computed difference in order to update lim. Since non-tail-recursive calls halve the limit, the space complexity is logarithmic in lim. Note that as is, this has a degenerate case: if the small child is extremely small, we may waste a lot of computing time on the large child to notice it is large, while in the end processing only the small child until the tail-recursive call. Analysis shows that this results in super-polynomial time behavior (recursion T(N) = T(N/2)+T(N-1)) To mitigate this, we perform recursive calls on all lim/2^k limits in increasing order (see process_small_child subroutine), until one succeed or maximal limits both fails. This way, the time spent by a single phase of the algorithm is representative of the size of the processed set of nodes. Time complexity: open

  use ref.Ref

  let height (t: tree 'a) : int
    ensures { result = height t }
  = let lim = ref 1 in
    while true do
      invariant { !lim > 0 }
      variant { leaves t - !lim }
      match height_limited 0 0 !lim t with
      | None -> lim := !lim * 2
      | Some (h,_) -> return h
    done; absurd


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Why3 Proof Results for Project "tree_height"

Theory "tree_height.HeightCPS": fully verified

ObligationsAlt-Ergo 2.1.0
VC for height_cps0.00
VC for height0.00

Theory "tree_height.Iteration": fully verified

ObligationsAlt-Ergo 2.1.0Alt-Ergo 2.4.2
VC for height1------
loop invariant init0.00---
loop variant decrease0.00---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop variant decrease0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
unreachable point0.01---
loop variant decrease0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop variant decrease0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop variant decrease0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop variant decrease0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop variant decrease0.00---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop variant decrease0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
unreachable point0.01---

Theory "tree_height.HeightStack": fully verified

ObligationsAlt-Ergo 2.1.0CVC4 1.5Vampire 0.6
VC for height_stack---------
variant decrease0.01------
variant decrease0.01------
VC for height1---------

Theory "tree_height.HeightSmallSpace": fully verified

ObligationsCVC4 1.5CVC5 1.0.5
VC for height_limited0.31---
VC for height---0.03