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(* Simulation theorems about games. *)

(* Basic definitions about simulations. *)
module SimDef

  use import game.Game
  use import game_no_strat.StratLessDef
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_rel.RelSet
  use import ho_rel.Prod
  use import order.Ordered
  use import order.Chain
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image

  (* Simulation = relation that maps winning strategies from one game to
     the other. *)
  predicate simulate (g1:game 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b) (g2:game 'b) =
    forall start win. have_uniform_winning_strat g1 start win ->
      have_uniform_winning_strat g2 (related r start) (related r win)

  predicate rel_mapping (h:set 'a) (f:'a -> 'b) (r:rel 'a 'b) =
    forall x. h x -> r x (f x)

  (* Step simulation = relation that map steps and limits from one game
     to the other. *)
  predicate step_limit (o1:erel 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b) (g2:game 'b) =
    let o2 = g2.progress in
    forall ch f s2. chain o1 ch /\ inhabited ch ->
    monotone_on ch o1 f o2 /\ rel_mapping ch f r ->
    supremum o2 (image f ch) s2 ->
    have_winning_strat g2 s2 (related r (supremum o1 ch))

  predicate step_simulate (g1:game 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b) (g2:game 'b) =
    step_limit g1.progress r g2 /\
    forall x y s. g1.transition x s /\ r x y ->
      have_winning_strat g2 y (related r s)

  (* Stuff required for making simulations explicit. *)

  (* Step simulation, explicitly given by a family of invariant.
     Used to explicit invariant traductions. *)
  predicate step_limit_by (o1:erel 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b) (g2:game 'b)
    (invl:set 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> set (set 'b)) =
    let o2 = g2.progress in
    forall ch f s2.
      chain o1 ch /\ inhabited ch ->
      monotone_on ch o1 f o2 /\ rel_mapping ch f r ->
      supremum o2 (image f ch) s2 ->
      let target = related r (supremum o1 ch) in
      victory_invariant g2 ((=) s2) target (invl ch f)

  predicate step_simulate_by (g1:game 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b) (g2:game 'b)
    (invf:'a -> set 'a -> set (set 'b))
    (invl:set 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> set (set 'b)) =
    step_limit_by g1.progress r g2 invl /\
    (* As victory invariant does not strictly respect transitions,
       we need to consider 'super-transitions' as well. *)
    forall x s1 s2. g1.transition x s1 /\ subset s1 s2 ->
      victory_invariant g2 (related r ((=) x)) (related r s2) (invf x s2)


(* Simulation theorem: step simulation -> simulation. *)
module Sim "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => SimProof *)

  use import game.Game
  use export SimDef
  use import ho_rel.Rel

  (* (obvious) prelude lemma. *)
  axiom simulation_comp : forall g1:game 'a,r12,g2:game 'b,r23,g3:game 'c.
    simulate g1 r12 g2 /\ simulate g2 r23 g3 -> simulate g1 (compose r12 r23) g3

  axiom simulation : forall g1,r:rel 'a 'b,g2.
    step_simulate g1 r g2 -> simulate g1 r g2


(* From there, the module is about the 'constructive' proof.
   'Constructive' in the sense
   that we make the simulations explicit as invariant traductions. *)

(* Introduce a completed game, and show that we can lift step simulations
   to the completed game. *)
module SimCompleteDef

  use import game.Game
  use import choice.Choice
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps
  use import order.Chain
  use import order.LimUniq
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image

  (* Completed game description *)
  predicate complete_transition (g:game 'a) (h:set 'a) (hs:set (set 'a)) =
    let o = g.progress in
    let x = sup o h in
    if maximum o h x
    then (* hs = {H\cup\{x\}|x\in X} for some X such that g.transition x X *)
         image (image (add h)) (g.transition x) hs
    else hs = image (add h) (supremum o h)

  let ghost function completed (g:game {'a}) : game (set {'a}) =
     let o = g.progress in
     let tr = pure { complete_transition g } in
     assert { forall h1 hs h2. tr h1 hs /\ hs h2 ->
       subchain o h1 h2
       by let x = sup o h1 in
       if maximum o h1 x
       then exists s. hs = image (add h1) s /\ g.transition x s
         so exists y. s y /\ h2 = add h1 y
         so upper_bound o h1 y by o x y
       else exists x. supremum o h1 x /\ h2 = add h1 x
     { progress = subchain o; transition = tr }

  (* Relation inducing a simulation g -> (completed g) *)
  function complete_rel (o:erel 'a) : rel 'a (set 'a) =
    fun x h -> maximum o h x
  (* Lifting step simulations : g1 -> g2 to (completed g1) -> g2 *)
  function complete_lift (o:erel 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b) : rel (set 'a) 'b =
    fun h y -> let x = sup o h in supremum o h x /\ r x y
  (* Explicit invariant for simulation g -> (completed g) *)
  function complete_inv (o:erel 'a) (inv:set (set 'a)) : set (set (set 'a)) =
    fun hh -> let h0 = inf (subchain o) hh in
      let x0 = sup o h0 in
      minimum (subchain o) hh h0 /\ maximum o h0 x0 /\
      chain (subchain o) hh /\
      inv (diff (bigunion hh) (remove h0 x0))

  (* Explicit invariants for the reconstructed step simulation
     (completed g1) -> g2 *)
  function complete_invf (o:erel 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b)
    (invf:'a -> set 'a -> set (set 'b))
    : set 'a -> set (set 'a) -> set (set 'b) =
    fun h hs -> let x = sup o h in
      if maximum o h x
        let s = inter (o x) (preimage (add h) hs) in
        invf x s
      else image (=) (complete_lift o r h)

  function map_hist (o:erel 'a) (hh:set (set 'a)) (f:set 'a -> 'b) (x:'a) : 'b
  = f (bigunion (inter hh (flip (upper_bound o) x)))
  function complete_invl (o:erel 'a) (invl:set 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> set (set 'b))
    : set (set 'a) -> (set 'a -> 'b) -> set (set 'b) =
    fun hh fh -> invl (image (sup o) hh) (map_hist o hh fh)


module SimComplete "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => SimCompleteProof *)

  use import game.Game
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import ho_rel.RelSet
  use export SimCompleteDef
  use export SimDef
  use import game_no_strat.StratLessDef
  use import game_no_strat.InvExtraDef

  axiom complete_lift_composition : forall o:erel 'a,r:rel 'a 'b.
    order o -> compose (complete_rel o) (complete_lift o r) = r

  axiom complete_rel_simulation : forall g:game 'a.
    simulate g (complete_rel g.progress) (completed g)

  axiom complete_lift_step_simulation : forall g1 g2,r:rel 'a 'b.
    step_simulate g1 r g2 ->
    step_simulate (completed g1) (complete_lift g1.progress r) g2

  axiom complete_rel_simulation_explicit : forall g:game 'a, start win inv.
    victory_invariant g start win inv ->
    let o = g.progress in
    let r = complete_rel o in
    let i = complete_inv o inv in
    cropped o win inv ->
    victory_invariant (completed g) (related r start) (related r win) i

  axiom complete_lift_step_simulation_explicit :
    forall g1 g2 invl invf,r:rel 'a 'b.
      step_simulate_by g1 r g2 invf invl ->
      step_simulate_by (completed g1) (complete_lift g1.progress r) g2
      (complete_invf g1.progress r invf)
      (complete_invl g1.progress invl)


(* Simulation to/from an extended/product game,
   containing extra 'memory' that helps build winning strategies,
   but must be forgotten. *)
module SimExtendedDef

  use import game.Game
  use import game_no_strat.StratLessDef
  use import game_no_strat.InvExtraDef
  use import SimDef
  use import ho_rel.RelSet
  use import ho_rel.Prod
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import order.Chain
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image

  (* Define extended game. *)
  predicate set_with_left (x:'a) (s:set 'b) (u:('a,'b)) =
    let (a,b) = u in x = a /\ s b
  predicate extended_transition (o:erel 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b)
                                (g:game 'b) (x:('a,'b)) (s:set ('a,'b)) =
    let (x,y) = x in
    (exists x'. o x x' /\ r x' y /\ s = (=) (x',y)) \/
    (exists ys. g.transition y ys /\ s = set_with_left x ys)

  (* Distasteful case: there are no way to locally import
     order.Product to prove the VC. *)
  let ghost function extended_game (o:erel {'a}) (r:{rel 'a 'b})
                                   (g:game {'b}) : {game ('a,'b)}
    requires { order o }
  = let op = pure { rprod o g.progress } in
    let tr = pure { extended_transition o r g } in
    assert { (order op by order g.progress so
        reflexive op
        /\ (antisymetric op by forall x y. op x y /\ op y x -> x = y)
        /\ (transitive op by forall x y z. op x y /\ op y z -> op x z
      )) && forall x s y. tr x s /\ s y -> op x y };
    { progress = op; transition = tr }

  (* Extended relation, for simulation to extended game. *)
  predicate extended_rel (r:rel 'a 'b) (x:'a) (y:('a,'b)) =
    let (x',y) = y in x = x' /\ r x y

  (* Utility: get related elements within a pair chain. *)
  function get_paired (r:rel 'a 'b) (hp:set ('a,'b)) : set ('a,'b) =
    fun p -> let (x,y) = p in hp p /\ r x y

  (* Utility: get mapping from limit paired chain. *)
  function get_mapping (o2:erel 'b) (r:rel 'a 'b)
                       (hp:set ('a,'b)) (x:'a) : 'b =
    let hl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
    let hl2 = image snd hl in
    let s = inter hl2 (r x) in
    inf o2 s

  (* Utility: used outside invariant as well. *)
  predicate has_low_sync (o1:erel 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b)
                         (o2:erel 'b) (hp:set ('a,'b)) =
   let h1 = image fst hp in
   forall x. h1 x /\ not maximum o1 h1 x ->
     let hl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
     let s = inter (image snd hl) (r x) in minimum o2 s (inf o2 s)

  (* Explicit invariant traduction to extended game. *)
  function extended_inv (o1:erel 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b) (o2:erel 'b) (q:set 'a)
    (inv:set (set 'a))
    (invf:'a -> set 'a -> set (set 'b))
    (invl:set 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> set (set 'b)) : set (set ('a,'b)) =
    fun hp ->
      (* Set of history. *)
      chain (rprod o1 o2) hp /\ inhabited hp /\
      let h1 = image fst hp in
      (* First components respect source invariant. *)
        inv h1
      (* Chains contains enough 'synchronisation points',
         so that limit chains contains a paired subset with same supremum.
         Moreover, those were reached at minimal positions. *)
      /\ has_low_sync o1 r o2 hp
      (* Local behavior, relevant only if the position in
         first game is currently well-defined. *)
      /\ let x = sup o1 h1 in maximum o1 h1 x ->
         (* hl2 = local history for second game. *)
         let hl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
         let hl2 = image snd hl in
         let s = inter hl2 (r x) in
         if inhabited s
         then (* Synchronised, local behavior = mimic step from h1. *)
           let y = inf o2 s in minimum o2 s y
           /\ let target = inter (lower o1 x) (next_hist inv h1) in
             q x \/ crop o2 (related r target) (invf x target) (inter hl2 (o2 y))
         else let z = inf o2 hl2 in minimum o2 hl2 z
           /\ let h1r = remove h1 x in
             let f = get_mapping o2 r hp in
             (* Conditions required only so that the invariant is valid. *)
             inhabited h1r /\ supremum o1 h1r x /\ supremum o2 (image f h1r) z
           (* Local behavior = synchronisation to a related point. *)
           /\ invl h1r f hl2

  (* Caracterise victory invariant that can be used for forgetting
     extra memory. *)
  predicate extension (op:erel ('a,'b)) (inv:set (set ('a,'b)))
                                        (h h':set ('a,'b)) =
    inv h' /\ subchain op h h' /\ image snd h = image snd h'
  predicate reducible (o1:erel 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b) (o2:erel 'b)
                      (inv:set (set ('a,'b))) =
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    (* Condition 0: actually need to enforce a 'type invariant',
       e.g that element of the invariant are chains. *)
    (forall h. inv h -> chain op h)
    (* Condition 1: deterministic enough on first component. *)
    /\ (forall h. inv h ->
       let hm = sup (subchain op) (extension op inv h) in
       maximum (subchain op) (extension op inv h) hm)
    (* Condition 2: downward closed *)
    /\ (forall h h'. inhabited h /\ subchain op h h' /\ inv h' -> inv h)
    (* Condition 3: limits on the first component reduce to limits
       over a paired chain. *)
    /\ (forall h. inv h ->
      not maximum o1 (image fst h) (sup o1 (image fst h)) ->
      upper_bound o1 (image fst h) =
      upper_bound o1 (image fst (get_paired r h)))

  (* Build the 'existential strategy' that enforce
     reducibility from a choice function for
     { x | r x y /\ z <= x }'s subsets.
     TODO/FIXME: just noticed that in presence of completion,
     it should be lifted as well, which is annoying as hell and
     in fact close to impossible with the current enrichment
     (in a purely constructive way, at least).
     Indeed, one would need to explicitly restrict (<=) to
     steps that may be transitioned in g1....
     We will simply not lift that, having a set choice function
     over chains is fine enough. *)
  predicate red_ang_choice (o1:erel 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b)
                           (f:'a -> 'b -> set 'a -> 'a) =
    forall s x y z. s x /\ r x y /\ o1 z x ->
      let x = f z y s in s x /\ r x y /\ o1 z x
  predicate red_ang_core (o1:erel 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b) (o2:erel 'b)
                        (inv:set (set ('a,'b)))
                        (f:'a -> 'b -> set 'a -> 'a)
                        (hp:set ('a,'b)) (x z:'a) (y t:'b) =
    o1 x z /\ o2 y t /\
    let a = remove (next_hist inv hp) (x,y) in
    let b = inter a (preimage snd ((=) y)) in
    inv hp /\ a (z,t) /\
    if y <> t then x = z else r z y /\ z = f x y (image fst b)
  function red_ang (o1:erel 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b) (o2:erel 'b)
                   (inv:set (set ('a,'b)))
                   (f:'a -> 'b -> set 'a -> 'a) : angel ('a,'b) =
    fun hp n ->
      let (x,y) = sup (rprod o1 o2) hp in
      let (z,t) = n in
      red_ang_core o1 r o2 inv f hp x z y t

  (* Caracterise conditions between the relations and both
     order so that forgetting extension is feasible at all,
     e.g when any chain that admit a limit through the prism of
     the relation r also admit a limit before.
     Chain-completeness of o1 actually implies this, since the
     limit exists unconditionally. *)
  predicate pairing_pull_limits (o1:erel 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b) (o2:erel 'b) =
    forall ch f s2. chain o1 ch /\ inhabited ch ->
      monotone_on ch o1 f o2 /\ rel_mapping ch f r /\ supremum o2 (image f ch) s2 ->
      supremum o1 ch (sup o1 ch)

  (* Projection relation, inducing simulation from extended game. *)
  predicate proj2 (x:('a,'b)) (y:'b) = let (_,z) = x in y = z

  predicate antec_choice (p:set ('a,'b)) (f_p:'b -> ('a,'b)) =
    forall y. image snd p y -> p (f_p y) /\ snd (f_p y) = y

  (* Define invariants for forgetting the extended state. *)
  predicate sub_proj_as (op:erel ('a,'b)) (h:set 'b) (hp h1:set ('a,'b)) =
    image snd h1 = h /\ subchain op h1 hp
  predicate forget_core (o1:erel 'a) (o2:erel 'b) (inv:set (set ('a,'b)))
                        (f_p:'b -> ('a,'b)) (h:set 'b) (hp:set ('a,'b)) =
    let mh = inf o2 h in
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    inv hp /\
    image snd hp = h /\ minimum o2 h mh /\ minimum op hp (f_p mh) /\
    (forall h1 x. inhabited h1 /\ subchain op (add h1 x) hp /\
      upper_bound op h1 x /\ not image snd h1 (snd x) ->
      let s = sup op h1 in supremum op h1 s /\ fst x = fst s) /\
    (forall h0. subchain o2 h0 h /\ maximum o2 h0 (sup o2 h0) ->
      let h1 = inf (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h0 hp) in
      minimum (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h0 hp) h1 /\
      (tog \/ h <> h0 ->
       subchain op (sup (subchain op) (extension op inv h1)) hp))

  (* Two closely linked invariant for forgetting:
     forget_inv_a actually implies forget_inv_b,
     and actual steps from forget_inv_b maps to forget_inv_a. *)
  function forget_inv_a (o1:erel 'a) (o2:erel 'b) (inv:set (set ('a,'b)))
                        (f_p:'b -> ('a,'b)) : set (set 'b)
  = fun h ->
    let o = subchain (rprod o1 o2) in
    let core = forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p h in
    let hp = inf o core in minimum o core hp

  function forget_inv_b (o1:erel 'a) (o2:erel 'b) (inv:set (set ('a,'b)))
                         (f_p:'b -> ('a,'b)) : set (set 'b)
  = fun h ->
    let core = forget_core o1 o2 inv true f_p h in
    (exists hp. core hp) /\
    (forall hp1 hp2. core hp1 /\ core hp2 -> hp1 = hp2)


module SimExtended "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => SimExtendedProof *)

  use import game.Game
  use import game_no_strat.StratLessDef
  use import game_no_strat.InvExtraDef
  use import SimDef
  use export SimExtendedDef
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image
  use import ho_rel.RelSet

  axiom simulation_to_extended : forall g1 g2,r:rel 'a 'b.
    step_simulate g1 r g2 ->
      simulate g1 (extended_rel r) (extended_game g1.progress r g2)

  axiom simulation_from_extended : forall o,r:rel 'a 'b,g2:game 'b.
    order o /\ pairing_pull_limits o r g2.progress ->
      simulate (extended_game o r g2) proj2 g2

  axiom make_reducible_invariants : forall o1 g2 inv p q f,r:rel 'a 'b.
    let gp = extended_game o1 r g2 in
    let ang = red_ang o1 r g2.progress inv f in
    let rinv = strong_u_acc_s (span_game gp) (crop_ang inv ang) p in
    order o1 /\ red_ang_choice o1 r f ->
    victory_invariant gp p q inv ->
    victory_invariant gp p q rinv
    /\ subset rinv inv
    /\ reducible o1 r g2.progress rinv

  axiom simulation_to_extended_explicit : forall g1 g2,r:rel 'a 'b,invf invl.
    step_simulate_by g1 r g2 invf invl ->
    let er = extended_rel r in
    forall p q inv. victory_invariant g1 p q inv /\ cropped g1.progress q inv ->
      let invp = extended_inv g1.progress r g2.progress q inv invf invl in
      victory_invariant (extended_game g1.progress r g2)
                        (related er p) (related er q) invp

  axiom proj2_related : forall s:set ('a,'b).
    related proj2 s = image snd s

  axiom extended_rel_proj2_composition : forall r:rel 'a 'b.
    compose (extended_rel r) proj2 = r

  axiom simulation_from_extended_invariant_link :
    forall o1 o2,r:rel 'a 'b,inv f_p.
      order o1 /\ order o2 /\ reducible o1 r o2 inv ->
      subset (forget_inv_a o1 o2 inv f_p) (forget_inv_b o1 o2 inv f_p)

  axiom simulation_from_extended_explicit :
    forall o1 g2,r:rel 'a 'b, p q inv f_p.
      order o1 /\ pairing_pull_limits o1 r g2.progress ->
      victory_invariant (extended_game o1 r g2) p q inv ->
      reducible o1 r g2.progress inv /\ antec_choice p f_p ->
      let p2 = image snd p in let q2 = image snd q in
      victory_invariant g2 p2 q2 (forget_inv_a o1 g2.progress inv f_p)
      /\ victory_invariant g2 p2 q2 (forget_inv_b o1 g2.progress inv f_p)

(* Explicit, end-to-end simulation. *)
module SimExplicitDef

  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import ho_rel.RelSet
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import game.Game
  use import game_no_strat.StratLessDef
  use import game_no_strat.InvExtraDef
  use export SimDef
  use export SimExtendedDef
  use export SimCompleteDef

  function sim_explicit (g1:game 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b) (g2:game 'b)
                        (invf:'a -> set 'a -> set (set 'b))
                        (invl:set 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> set (set 'b))
                        (f:set 'a -> 'b -> set (set 'a) -> set 'a)
                        (start win:set 'a) (f_p:'b -> (set 'a,'b))
                        (inv:set (set 'a)) : set (set 'b)
  = let o1 = g1.progress in let o2 = g2.progress in
    (* Crop initial invariant. *)
    let cinv = crop o1 win inv in
    (* Lift to completed. *)
    let linvf = complete_invf o1 r invf in
    let linvl = complete_invl o1 invl in
    let linv = complete_inv o1 cinv in
    let lr = complete_rel g1.progress in
    let lwin = related lr win in
    let cr = complete_lift o1 r in
    let cg1 = completed g1 in
    let ol1 = cg1.progress in
    (* Shift to extended game. *)
    let pinv = extended_inv ol1 cr o2 lwin linv linvf linvl in
    let gp = extended_game ol1 cr g2 in
    let ang = red_ang ol1 cr o2 pinv f in
    let ecs = related (extended_rel cr) (related lr start) in
    let rinv = strong_u_acc_s (span_game gp) (crop_ang pinv ang) ecs in
    forget_inv_a ol1 o2 rinv f_p


module SimExplicit "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => SimProof *)

  use import game.Game
  use import game_no_strat.StratLessDef
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import ho_rel.RelSet
  use export SimExplicitDef

  axiom simulation_explicit : forall g1,r:rel 'a 'b,g2 invf invl f.
    step_simulate_by g1 r g2 invf invl ->
    let o1 = g1.progress in let o2 = g2.progress in
    let cr = complete_lift o1 r in
    let lr = complete_rel o1 in
    let ecr = extended_rel cr in
    let cg1 = completed g1 in
    let ol1 = cg1.progress in
    red_ang_choice ol1 cr f ->
    forall p f_p q inv.
      let pl = related lr p in
      let epl = related ecr pl in
      let pr = related r p in
      let qr = related r q in
      let finv = sim_explicit g1 r g2 invf invl f p q f_p inv in
      victory_invariant g1 p q inv /\ antec_choice epl f_p ->
      victory_invariant g2 pr qr finv


(* Utility properties used everywhere. *)
module Util

  use import game.Game
  use import game.BasicStrats
  use import choice.Choice
  use import game_no_strat.WinAlt
  use import order.LimUniq
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import ho_rel.Prod
  use import ho_rel.RelSet
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import order.Chain
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image
  use import SimDef

  (* If we have a step simulation, there exists an explicitation.
     Useful to derive implicit theorems from explict ones. *)
  function explicit_invf (r:rel 'a 'b) (g2:game 'b)
    : 'a -> set 'a -> set (set 'b) =
    fun x s ->
      choice (victory_invariant g2 (related r ((=) x)) (related r s))
  function explicit_invl (o1:erel 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b) (g2:game 'b)
    : set 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> set (set 'b) =
    fun ch f -> let s2 = sup g2.progress (image f ch) in
      let target = related r (supremum o1 ch) in
      choice (victory_invariant g2 ((=) s2) target)

  lemma step_simulation_made_explicit :
    forall g1 g2,r:rel 'a 'b.
      step_simulate g1 r g2 ->
      let o1 = g1.progress in let o2 = g2.progress in
      step_simulate_by g1 r g2
        (explicit_invf r g2) (explicit_invl o1 r g2)
      by (forall x s1 s2. g1.transition x s1 /\ subset s1 s2 ->
        let i = explicit_invf r g2 x s2 in
        let st = related r ((=) x) in
        let target = related r s2 in
        victory_invariant g2 st target i
        by have_uniform_winning_strat g2 st target
        by let t1 = related r s1 in
          have_uniform_winning_strat g2 st t1 /\ subset t1 target
      ) /\ forall ch f s2. chain o1 ch /\ inhabited ch ->
        monotone_on ch o1 f o2 /\ rel_mapping ch f r /\
        supremum o2 (image f ch) s2 ->
        let st = (=) s2 in
        let target = related r (supremum o1 ch) in
        victory_invariant g2 ((=) s2) target (explicit_invl o1 r g2 ch f)
        by have_uniform_winning_strat g2 st target

  lemma step_simulation_unexplicit :
    forall g1 g2 invf invl,r:rel 'a 'b.
      let o1 = g1.progress in let o2 = g2.progress in
      step_simulate_by g1 r g2 invf invl ->
      step_simulate g1 r g2
    by (forall x y s. g1.transition x s /\ r x y ->
      let target = related r s in
      have_winning_strat g2 y target
      by let st = related r ((=) x) in
        have_uniform_winning_strat g2 st target
      by victory_invariant g2 st target (invf x s)
    ) /\ forall ch f s2. chain o1 ch /\ inhabited ch ->
      monotone_on ch o1 f o2 /\ rel_mapping ch f r ->
      supremum o2 (image f ch) s2 ->
      let target = related r (supremum o1 ch) in
      have_winning_strat g2 s2 target
      by have_uniform_winning_strat g2 ((=) s2) target

  predicate simulate_alt (g1:game 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b) (g2:game 'b) =
    forall start win i. victory_invariant g1 start win i ->
      exists i2. victory_invariant g2 (related r start) (related r win) i2

  lemma traduction_simulation :
    forall g1 g2,r:rel 'a 'b. simulate_alt g1 r g2 -> simulate g1 r g2


(* From there: proofs. *)

module SimCompleteProof

  use import game.Game
  use import game_no_strat.StratLessDef
  use import game_no_strat.InvExtra
  use import choice.Choice
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps
  use import ho_rel.RelSet
  use import fn.Image
  use import order.SubChain
  use import Util
  use import SimDef
  use import SimCompleteDef

  lemma complete_rel_simulation : forall g:game 'a,start win inv.
    victory_invariant g start win inv ->
    let o = g.progress in
    let sb = subchain o in
    let sbb = subchain sb in
    let r = complete_rel g.progress in
    let i = complete_inv g.progress inv in
    let cg = completed g in
    let rst = related r start in
    let rwn = related r win in
    cropped o win inv ->
    victory_invariant cg rst rwn i
      (* Base case *)
    by (forall h. rst h -> let hh = (=) h in
      i hh by minimum sb hh h
      so let x0 = sup o h in maximum o h x0
      so sext (diff (bigunion hh) (remove h x0)) ((=) x0)
    ) (* Supremum case *)
    /\ (forall hh h. i hh /\ supremum sb hh h -> let hh2 = add hh h in
      i hh2 by h = bigunion hh
      so let h0 = inf sb hh in minimum sb hh2 h0
      so sext (bigunion hh2) (bigunion hh)
    ) (* Chain case *)
    /\ ("stop_split"
      forall chh. subset chh i /\ chain sbb chh /\ inhabited chh ->
      let hhl = bigunion chh in i hhl
      by exists hh0. chh hh0
      so i hh0
      so let h0 = inf sb hh0 in minimum sb hh0 h0
      so let x0 = sup o h0 in maximum o h0 x0
      so (forall hh. chh hh -> minimum sb hh h0
        by if subchain sb hh0 hh then true else
          subchain sb hh hh0
        so let h1 = inf sb hh in minimum sb hh h1
        so h1 = h0 by minimum sb hh0 h1
      so let fn = fun hh -> diff (bigunion hh) (remove h0 x0) in
        let ch2 = image fn chh in
        subset ch2 inv
      so (inhabited ch2 by ch2 (fn hh0))
        (* Technical: fn is monotonic,
          so it preserve subchain ordering. *)
      so ("stop_split" chain sb ch2
        by monotone sbb fn sb
        by forall hh1 hh2. sbb hh1 hh2 -> sb (fn hh1) (fn hh2)
          by let h1 = bigunion hh1 in let h2 = bigunion hh2 in
            subchain o h1 h2
          by forall u v. h1 u /\ h2 v /\ not h1 v -> o u v
          by exists h3 h4. hh1 h3 /\ h3 u /\ hh2 h4 /\ h4 v
          so sb h3 h4
      so let hl = bigunion ch2 in inv hl
        (* Technical: commutation between bigunions and removals. *)
      so ("stop_split" sext (fn hhl) hl
        by (forall x. fn hhl x -> hl x
          by bigunion hhl x
          so exists h. hhl h /\ h x
          so exists hh. chh hh /\ hh h
          so bigunion hh x
          so fn hh x /\ ch2 (fn hh)
        ) /\ forall x. hl x -> fn hhl x
          by exists h. ch2 h /\ h x
          so exists hh. fn hh = h /\ chh hh
          so bigunion hh x
          so exists h. hh h /\ h x
          so hhl h so bigunion hhl x
      so (minimum sb hhl h0 by subchain sb hh0 hhl
          by supremum sbb chh hhl)
      so h0 = inf sb hhl
    ) (* Step case *)
    /\ ("stop_split"
      forall hh h. i hh /\ not inhabited (inter hh rwn) ->
      maximum sb hh h ->
      (exists a. cg.transition h a /\ not a h /\ subset a (next_hist i hh))
      by let h0 = inf sb hh in
        let x0 = sup o h0 in
        let df = remove h0 x0 in
        let h1 = diff h df in
        let x = sup o h in
        minimum sb hh h0 /\ maximum o h0 x0 /\ inv h1
      so (h1 x0 by h x0 by sb h0 h)
      (* Either mimic a regular step, either mimic a supremum step. *)
      so if maximum o h x
        then (h1 x by not (df x so x = x0 by o x x0 /\ o x0 x))
          so maximum o h1 x
          so not (inhabited (inter h1 win)
            so exists y. inter h1 win y so maximum o h1 y
            so y = x so inter hh rwn h)
          so exists b.
            g.transition x b /\ not b x /\ subset b (next_hist inv h1)
          so let a = image (add h) b in
            cg.transition h a
          so not (a h so exists y. b y /\ h = add h y
            so maximum o h y by o x y /\ transitive o)
          so "stop_split" subset a (next_hist i hh)
            by forall hu. a hu -> let hhu = add hh hu in i hhu
            by (upper_bound sb hh hu by sb h hu /\ transitive sb)
            so minimum sb hhu h0 /\ chain sb hhu
            so h0 = inf sb hhu
            so exists u. hu = add h u /\ b u
            so let h2 = diff hu df in
              (sext h2 (add h1 u) by forall v. add h1 u v -> h2 v
                by if v <> u then true else
                  not (df v so v = x0 by o x0 x /\ o x v /\ o v x0)
            so inv h2
            so (hu = bigunion hhu by maximum sb hhu hu)
        else let a = image (add h) (supremum o h) in
          cg.transition h a
          so not a h
          so "stop_split" subset a (next_hist i hh)
            by forall hu. a hu -> let hhu = add hh hu in i hhu
            by (upper_bound sb hh hu by sb h hu /\ transitive sb)
            so minimum sb hhu h0 /\ chain sb hhu
            so h0 = inf sb hhu
            so exists u. hu = add h u /\ supremum o h u so u = x
            so (supremum o h1 u
              by forall v. upper_bound o h1 v -> upper_bound o h v
              by forall w. h w -> o w v
              by if h0 w then o w x0 /\ o x0 v else h1 w by not df w)
            so let h2 = diff hu df in
              (sext h2 (add h1 u) by forall v. add h1 u v -> h2 v
                by if v <> u then true else
                  not (df v so v = x0 by o x0 v /\ o v x0)
            so inv h2
            so (hu = bigunion hhu by maximum sb hhu hu)


  use import fn.Fun

  (* FIXME: although necessary here, that's not really the place
     this lemma belongs.... *)
  lemma id_invariant : forall g:game 'a,p q.
    subset p q ->
    let inv = image (=) p in
    let o = g.progress in
    victory_invariant g p q inv
    by (forall h. inv h -> inhabited (inter h q)
      by exists x. inter h q x by p x /\ h = (=) x)
    /\ (forall ch. subset ch inv /\ chain (subchain o) ch /\ inhabited ch ->
      let hl = bigunion ch in
      inv hl by exists h. ch h so exists x. p x /\ h = (=) x
      so (forall h1. ch h1 -> h1 = (=) x
        by exists y. p y /\ h1 = (=) y so x = y
        by (h1 x by subchain o h h1) \/ (h y by subchain o h1 h))
      so sext hl ((=) x)
    /\ (forall h x. inv h /\ supremum o h x -> inv (add h x)
      by exists y. p y /\ h = (=) y
      so sext (add h x) h by x = y by supremum o h y

  use import ho_rel.Prod
  use import order.Product
  use import order.ProductChain

  lemma complete_lift_step_simulation : forall g1 g2 invl invf,r:rel 'a 'b.
    step_simulate_by g1 r g2 invf invl ->
    let cg = completed g1 in
    let o = g1.progress in
    let cr = complete_lift o r in
    let cinvf = complete_invf o r invf in
    let cinvl = complete_invl o invl in
    step_simulate_by cg cr g2 cinvf cinvl
    by ("stop_split" forall h hs1 hs2. cg.transition h hs1 /\ subset hs1 hs2 ->
      let eh = (=) h in
      let reh = related cr eh in
      let rs = related cr hs2 in
      let i = cinvf h hs2 in
      victory_invariant g2 reh rs i
      by let x = sup o h in
        if maximum o h x
        then exists a. g1.transition x a /\ hs1 = image (add h) a
          so let b = inter (o x) (preimage (add h) hs2) in
            subset a b
          so i = invf x b
          so let ex = (=) x in
            let rex = related r ex in
            let rb = related r b in
            victory_invariant g2 rex rb i
          so subset reh rex
          so (subset rb rs by forall y. rb y -> rs y
            by exists u. b u /\ r u y
            so let hu = add h u in hs2 hu /\ supremum o hu u
            by maximum o hu u by o x u /\ transitive o
          so (forall h. inhabited (inter h rb) -> inhabited (inter h rs)
            by exists x. inter h rs x by inter h rb x)
        else hs1 = image (add h) (supremum o h)
          so (subset reh rs by forall y. reh y -> rs y
            by let x = sup o h in supremum o h x /\ r x y
            so let hx = add h x in hs2 hx /\ supremum o hx x
            so cr hx y
          so sext reh (cr h)
          so i = image (=) reh
    ) /\ ("stop_split" forall ch f s2.
      let o2 = g2.progress in
      let sb = subchain o in
      let chf = image f ch in
      chain sb ch /\ inhabited ch ->
      monotone_on ch sb f o2 /\ rel_mapping ch f cr ->
      supremum o2 chf s2 ->
      let target = related cr (supremum sb ch) in
      let i = cinvl ch f in
      victory_invariant g2 ((=) s2) target i
      by let ch0 = image (sup o) ch in
        let f0 = map_hist o ch f in
        i = invl ch0 f0
      so (* First note that we can build a very particular (maximal)
            antecedent for any element of ch0. This is the one
            used by the restricted mapping. *)
        ("stop_split" forall u. ch0 u ->
          let chr = inter ch (flip (upper_bound o) u) in
          let hr = bigunion chr in
          ch hr /\ supremum o hr u
          by exists h. ch h /\ sup o h = u
          so (supremum o h u by cr h (f h)) so chr h
          so supremum (subchain o) chr hr
          so (forall h x. chr h /\ supremum o h u /\ hr x /\ not h x ->
            x = u by subchain o h hr
            so upper_bound o h x so o u x
            so o x u by exists h0. chr h0 /\ h0 x so upper_bound o h0 u
          so if not hr u then sext h hr else
            exists h. chr h /\ h u
            so maximum o h u
            so sext h hr
        (* Deduce that s2 is also the supremum of ch0f.
           (all missed element from chf are capped by non-missed one) *)
      so let ch0f = image f0 ch0 in
        ("stop_split" supremum o2 ch0f s2
          by (forall u. ch0f u -> o2 u s2 by chf u
            by exists a. ch0 a /\ f0 a = u
            so let chr = inter ch (flip (upper_bound o) a) in
              let hr = bigunion chr in
              ch hr /\ f hr = u
          ) /\ (forall u. upper_bound o2 ch0f u -> o2 s2 u
            by upper_bound o2 chf u by forall v. chf v -> o2 v u
            by exists h. ch h /\ f h = v
            so let s = sup o h in
              let chr = inter ch (flip (upper_bound o) s) in
              let hr = bigunion chr in
              ch0 s so ch hr
            so (subchain o h hr by supremum (subchain o) chr hr
              so chr h by cr h (f h))
            so o2 (f h) (f hr) /\ ch0f (f hr)
            so o2 (f hr) u
      so (inhabited ch0 by exists u. ch0 (sup o u) by ch u)
      so rel_mapping ch0 f0 r
      so ("stop_split" monotone_on ch0 o f0 o2
        by forall u v. ch0 u /\ ch0 v /\ o u v -> o2 (f0 u) (f0 v)
        by let chru = inter ch (flip (upper_bound o) u) in
          let chrv = inter ch (flip (upper_bound o) v) in
          (subset chru chrv by forall h. ch h /\ upper_bound o h u ->
            upper_bound o h v by transitive o)
        so let hru = bigunion chru in let hrv = bigunion chrv in
          subset hru hrv
        so o2 (f hru) (f hrv)
        by subchain o hru hrv || (false by subchain o hrv hru))
      so (chain o ch0 by monotone_on ch sb (sup o) o
        by forall h1 h2. ch h1 /\ ch h2 /\ subchain o h1 h2 ->
          let s1 = sup o h1 in let s2 = sup o h2 in o s1 s2
        by cr h1 (f h1) /\ cr h2 (f h2)
        so upper_bound o h1 s2 by upper_bound o h2 s2
      so let hl = bigunion ch in
        supremum sb ch hl
      so ("stop_split" sext (upper_bound o hl) (upper_bound o ch0)
        by (forall u. upper_bound o hl u -> upper_bound o ch0 u
          by forall x. ch0 x -> o x u
          by exists h. ch h /\ sup o h = x so cr h (f h)
          so upper_bound o h u
        ) /\ (forall u. upper_bound o ch0 u -> upper_bound o hl u
          by forall x. hl x -> o x u
          by exists h. ch h /\ h x
          so let y = sup o h in cr h (f h)
          so (o x y by upper_bound o h y) so ch0 y
      so (forall u. supremum o ch0 u <-> supremum o hl u)
      so "stop_split"
        let t2 = related r (supremum o ch0) in
        sext target t2
      by sext target (cr hl) /\ sext (cr hl) t2
      by forall y. t2 y -> cr hl y
      by exists x. r x y /\ supremum o ch0 x
      so x = sup o hl

  use import ho_rel.Rel

  lemma complete_lift_composition : forall o:erel 'a,r:rel 'a 'b.
    order o -> let c = complete_rel o in let cr = complete_lift o r in
      compose c cr = r
      by rext (compose c cr) r
      by forall a b. r a b -> compose c cr a b
      by let h = (=) a in maximum o h a so c a h /\ cr h b

  lemma complete_lift_step_simulation_2 : forall g1 g2,r:rel 'a 'b.
    step_simulate g1 r g2 ->
    let o = g1.progress in
    let cr = complete_lift o r in
    let cg = completed g1 in
    step_simulate cg cr g2
    by let invf = explicit_invf r g2 in
      let invl = explicit_invl o r g2 in
      let cinvf = complete_invf o r invf in
      let cinvl = complete_invl o invl in
      step_simulate_by cg cr g2 cinvf cinvl

  clone SimComplete with goal complete_lift_composition,
    goal complete_rel_simulation,
    goal complete_lift_step_simulation,
    goal complete_rel_simulation_explicit,
    goal complete_lift_step_simulation_explicit


(* SimExtendedProof cut in 3 independent parts,
   to avoid unwanted visibility of some proof arguments. *)
module SimExtendedWf

  use import game.Game
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import ho_rel.Prod
  use import SimExtendedDef

  (* For some reasons, provers have a hard time dealing with bare
     rprod definition. This proxy helps a lot. *)
  predicate oo (o1:erel 'a) (o2:erel 'b) (x:'a) (y:'b) (z:'a) (t:'b) =
    o1 x z /\ o2 y t
  lemma oo_def : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b,x y z t.
    oo o1 o2 x y z t <-> rprod o1 o2 (x,y) (z,t)


module SimExtendedProof_Enrich

  use import game.Game
  use import game_no_strat.WinAlt
  use import game_no_strat.InvExtra
  use import SimExtendedWf
  use import SimDef
  use import SimExtendedDef
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps
  use import ho_rel.RelSet
  use import ho_rel.Prod
  use import order.LimUniq
  use import order.Product
  use import order.ProductChain
  use import order.SubChain
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image

  (* A few lemmas for simulation to the extended games. *)

  (* Lemma that comes near everywhere:
     the local invariants used inside extended_inv's definition
     are indeed the expected victory invariants, under reasonable
     conditions. *)
  lemma extended_inv_local_victory_invariant :
    forall g1 g2 p q inv invf invl hp,r:rel 'a 'b.
      let o1 = g1.progress in let o2 = g2.progress in
      let op = rprod o1 o2 in
      let h1 = image fst hp in let x = sup o1 h1 in
      step_simulate_by g1 r g2 invf invl /\ has_low_sync o1 r o2 hp ->
        victory_invariant g1 p q inv /\ cropped o1 q inv ->
        chain op hp /\ inv h1 /\ maximum o1 h1 x ->
        let hl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
        let hl2 = image snd hl in
        let s = inter hl2 (r x) in
        if inhabited s
          let y = inf o2 s in
          let target = inter (lower o1 x) (next_hist inv h1) in
          let dtg = related r target in
          let i = crop o2 dtg (invf x target) in
          not q x /\ minimum o2 s y -> victory_invariant g2 ((=) y) dtg i
            by let src = related r ((=) x) in
              victory_invariant g2 src dtg i
            by victory_invariant g2 src dtg (invf x target)
            by exists a.
              g1.transition x a /\ not a x /\ subset a (next_hist inv h1)
            so subset a target
        else let z = inf o2 hl2 in
          let h1r = remove h1 x in
          let f = get_mapping o2 r hp in
          let i = invl h1r f in
          inhabited h1r /\ supremum o1 h1r x /\ supremum o2 (image f h1r) z ->
            victory_invariant g2 ((=) z) (r x) i
            by (rel_mapping h1r f r by forall x'. h1r x' -> r x' (f x')
              by let hl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x')) in
              let hl2 = image snd hl in
              let s = inter hl2 (r x') in
              s (f x')
            so (monotone_on h1r o1 f o2
              by forall a b. h1r a /\ h1r b /\ o1 a b -> o2 (f a) (f b)
              by let hla = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) a)) in
                let hlb = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) b)) in
                let hla2 = image snd hla in
                let hlb2 = image snd hlb in
                let sa = inter hla2 (r a) in
                let sb = inter hlb2 (r b) in
                sa (f a) /\ sb (f b)
              so exists u. (hp u /\ fst u = a by hla u) /\ snd u = f a
              so exists v. (hp v /\ fst v = b by hlb v) /\ snd v = f b
              so op u v || (false by op v u so u = v by a = b by o1 b a)
            so chain o1 h1r
            so victory_invariant g2 ((=) z) (related r (supremum o1 h1r)) i
            so sext (supremum o1 h1r) ((=) x)
            /\ sext (related r ((=) x)) (r x)

  predicate has_most_sync (o1:erel 'a) (r:rel 'a 'b)
                          (o2:erel 'b) (hp:set ('a,'b)) (x:'a) =
    let h1 = image fst hp in
    (not exists y. hp (x,y) /\ r x y) /\
    forall x0. h1 x0 /\ x0 <> x ->
      let hl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x0)) in
      let s = inter (image snd hl) (r x0) in minimum o2 s (inf o2 s)

  (* yet another useful lemma: initialize the local invariant
     that mimic a step in the first game. Used multiple times through
     the proof: main initialisation, 'automagical' switching from
     synchronisation, and changing the mimicked step.
     (Other kind of initialization is used exactly once (ill-paired supremum),
      hence does not deserve such a lemma) *)
  lemma extended_inv_initialization :
    forall g1 g2 p q inv invf invl hp x y,r:rel 'a 'b.
      let o1 = g1.progress in let o2 = g2.progress in
      let op = rprod o1 o2 in
      step_simulate_by g1 r g2 invf invl ->
      victory_invariant g1 p q inv /\ cropped o1 q inv ->
      let invp = extended_inv o1 r o2 q inv invf invl in
      let h1 = image fst hp in let ht1 = add h1 x in
      let t = (x,y) in let htp = add hp t in
      chain op hp /\ upper_bound op hp t /\ r x y /\ inv ht1 ->
      has_most_sync o1 r o2 hp x ->
      invp htp
      by (ht1 = image fst htp by sext ht1 (image fst htp) by forall u.
        ht1 u -> image fst htp u by if u = x then htp t /\ fst t = u else
          exists v. (htp v by hp v) /\ fst v = u)
      so chain op htp
      so maximum o1 ht1 x
      so (has_low_sync o1 r o2 htp by forall x0.
        ht1 x0 /\ not maximum o1 ht1 x0 ->
        let hl = inter htp (preimage fst ((=) x0)) in
        let s = inter (image snd hl) (r x0) in minimum o2 s (inf o2 s)
        by h1 x0 so x <> x0 so sext hl (inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x0)))
      so x = sup o1 ht1
      so let hl = inter htp (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
        let hl2 = image snd hl in
        let s = inter hl2 (r x) in
        (s = (=) y by sext s ((=) y) by (s y by hl t /\ snd t = y)
          /\ forall a. s a -> a = y by exists u. hl u /\ snd u = a
            so let (b,c) = u in b = x /\ c = a so r x a /\ htp (x,a)
            so not hp (x,a)
      so minimum o2 s y so inhabited s so y = inf o2 s
      so if q x then true else
        let target = inter (lower o1 x) (next_hist inv ht1) in
        let dtg = related r target in
        let i = crop o2 dtg (invf x target) in
        let hll = inter hl2 (o2 y) in
        i hll
        by hll = s by sext hll s by forall a. hll a -> a = y
          by o2 y a so exists u. hl u /\ snd u = a
          so let (b,c) = u in hp u -> op u t

  (* Another useful lemma, factoring a common part
     between local and supremum steps: if the local invariant
     holds for the next local history, then the full extended
     invariant holds as well (but the local invariant in consideration
     may automagically change) *)
  lemma extended_inv_propagation :
    forall g1 g2 p q inv invf invl hp yt,r:rel 'a 'b.
      let o1 = g1.progress in let o2 = g2.progress in
      let op = rprod o1 o2 in
      let h1 = image fst hp in let x = sup o1 h1 in
      step_simulate_by g1 r g2 invf invl ->
        victory_invariant g1 p q inv /\ cropped o1 q inv ->
        let invp = extended_inv o1 r o2 q inv invf invl in
        invp hp /\ maximum o1 h1 x /\ upper_bound op hp (x,yt) ->
        let hl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
        let hl2 = image snd hl in
        let s = inter hl2 (r x) in
        if inhabited s
          let y = inf o2 s in
          let target = inter (lower o1 x) (next_hist inv h1) in
          let i = crop o2 (related r target) (invf x target) in
          let hll = inter hl2 (o2 y) in
          let htll = add hll yt in let t = (x,yt) in let htp = add hp (x,yt) in
          i htll -> invp htp
          (* Global stuff. Repeated as is for the second invariant. *)
          by chain op htp
          so let ht1 = image fst htp in
            (ht1 = h1 by sext ht1 h1)
          so (has_low_sync o1 r o2 htp
            by forall x0. ht1 x0 /\ not maximum o1 ht1 x0 ->
              let hl = inter htp (preimage fst ((=) x0)) in
              let s = inter (image snd hl) (r x0) in
              minimum o2 s (inf o2 s)
            by h1 x0 /\ not maximum o1 h1 x0 so x <> x0
            so sext hl (inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x0))))
          so let htl = inter htp (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
            (htl = add hl t by sext htl (add hl t))
          so let htl2 = image snd htl in
            (htl2 = add hl2 yt by sext htl2 (add hl2 yt)
              by forall y. add hl2 yt y -> htl2 y
              by if y = yt then htl t /\ snd t = yt else
                exists u. (htl u by hl u) /\ snd u = y)
          so let ts = inter htl2 (r x) in
          (* Case-dependent stuff start here. *)
            subset s ts
          so inhabited ts
          so (o2 y yt by hl2 y so exists u. hl u /\ snd u = y
            so op u (x,yt))
          so (minimum o2 ts y by forall y0. ts y0 -> s y0 \/ y0 = yt)
          so y = inf o2 ts
          so let htll' = inter htl2 (o2 y) in
            (htll = htll' by sext htll' htll)
        else let z = inf o2 hl2 in
          let h1r = remove h1 x in
          let f = get_mapping o2 r hp in
          let htl2 = add hl2 yt in
          let t = (x,yt) in
          let htp = add hp t in
          invl h1r f htl2 -> invp htp
          (* Global stuff. Repeated as is from the first case. *)
          by chain op htp
          so let ht1 = image fst htp in
            (ht1 = h1 by sext ht1 h1)
          so (has_low_sync o1 r o2 htp
            by forall x0. ht1 x0 /\ not maximum o1 ht1 x0 ->
              let hl = inter htp (preimage fst ((=) x0)) in
              let s = inter (image snd hl) (r x0) in
              minimum o2 s (inf o2 s)
            by h1 x0 /\ not maximum o1 h1 x0 so x <> x0
            so sext hl (inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x0))))
          so let htl = inter htp (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
            (htl = add hl t by sext htl (add hl t))
          so let htl2 = image snd htl in
            (htl2 = add hl2 yt by sext htl2 (add hl2 yt)
              by forall y. add hl2 yt y -> htl2 y
              by if y = yt then htl t /\ snd t = yt else
                exists u. (htl u by hl u) /\ snd u = y)
          so let ts = inter htl2 (r x) in
          (* Case-dependent stuff start here. *)
          if not inhabited ts
          then (* relatively similar to first case,
                  but with a different invariant. *)
            let y = inf o2 hl2 in
            (minimum o2 htl2 y by o2 y yt
              by hl2 y so exists u. hl u /\ snd u = y
              so op u (x,yt) so let (_,b) = u in o2 b yt)
            so y = inf o2 htl2
            so let h1r = remove h1 x in
              let ft = get_mapping o2 r htp in
              let f = get_mapping o2 r hp in
              f = ft by ext f ft by forall u. f u = ft u
            by let hl_ = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) u)) in
              let htl_ = inter htp (preimage fst ((=) u)) in
              let hl2 = image snd hl_ in
              let htl2 = image snd htl_ in
              let s = inter hl2 (r u) in
              let ts = inter htl2 (r u) in
              inf o2 s = inf o2 ts
            by if u <> x then sext hl_ htl_ else
              hl_ = hl /\ htl_ = htl
            so sext s ts by subset s ts
          else (* Synchronisation point reached =>
                  automagical local invariant change.
                  Direct via the initialization lemma. *)
            (ts yt by exists y. ts y so y = yt by htl2 y /\ not s y)
            so r x yt
            so (forall x0 y. hp (x0,y) /\ r x0 y -> not (x0 = x
              so s y by let z = (x,y) in hl z /\ snd z = y))

  (* Lengthy proof for the simulation from source game to
     extended game. Mostly a technical proof due to
     order/images commutations. Longest part is the chain condition
     for which the above lemmas does not apply. *)
  lemma simulation_to_extended_expl :
    forall g1 g2,r:rel 'a 'b,invf invl p q inv.
    step_simulate_by g1 r g2 invf invl ->
      let o1 = g1.progress in let o2 = g2.progress in
      let gp = extended_game o1 r g2 in
      let op = gp.progress in
      let er = extended_rel r in
      let pr = related er p in let qr = related er q in
      let invp = extended_inv g1.progress r g2.progress q inv invf invl in
      victory_invariant g1 p q inv /\ cropped o1 q inv ->
      victory_invariant gp pr qr invp
      by op = rprod o1 o2
      so (* Initialisation case.
            Direct by initialization lemma (as expected) *)
        ("stop_split" forall z. pr z -> let hz = (=) z in invp hz
        by let hp = none in
          sext (add hp z) hz
        so sext none (image fst hp)
        so let (x,y) = z in
          sext (add (image fst hp) x) ((=) x)
      ) /\ (* Step case. *)
      ("stop_split" forall hp z. invp hp /\ not inhabited (inter hp qr) ->
        maximum op hp z ->
        (exists a. gp.transition z a /\ not a z /\ subset a (next_hist invp hp))
        by let h1 = image fst hp in
          let (xz,yz) = z in
          maximum o1 h1 xz
        so xz = sup o1 h1
        so let hl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) xz)) in
          let hl2 = image snd hl in
          let s = inter hl2 (r xz) in
          (maximum o2 hl2 yz  by (maximum op hl z by hl z) so snd z = yz)
          (* Case analysis. *)
          so if inhabited s
            let y = inf o2 s in
            let tg = inter (lower o1 xz) (next_hist inv h1) in
            let dtg = related r tg in
            if dtg yz
            then (* Case 1: we switch to another synchronised step.
                    Correspond to a change within the g1's part. *)
              exists xt. tg xt /\ r xt yz
              so xt <> xz /\ o1 xz xt /\ inv (add h1 xt)
              so let t = (xt,yz) in
                let b = (=) t in
                gp.transition z b
              so not b z
                (* Re-establish invariant, direct
                   via the initialization lemma. *)
              so "stop_split" subset b (next_hist invp hp)
              by forall t. b t -> let htp = add hp t in
                invp htp
              by chain op hp
                 /\ (upper_bound op hp t by op z t /\ transitive op)
              so has_most_sync o1 r o2 hp xt
              by not (exists y. hp (xt,y) so fst (xt,y) = xt so h1 xt)
              /\ forall x0. h1 x0 ->
                let hl_ = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x0)) in
                let s_ = inter (image snd hl_) (r x0) in
                minimum o2 s_ (inf o2 s_)
              by if x0 <> xz then has_low_sync o1 r o2 hp
                else s_ = s so minimum o2 s y
            else (* Case 2: mimic a step of the local invariant. *)
              not (q xz so inter hp qr (xz,y) by er xz (xz,y) /\ hp (xz,y)
                by (exists a. hl a /\ snd a = y so fst a = xz) by hl2 y)
              so let i = crop o2 dtg (invf xz tg) in
                let hll = inter hl2 (o2 y) in
                maximum o2 hll yz
              so (not inhabited (inter hll dtg)
                  by subset (inter hll dtg) (maximum o2 hll))
              so exists a.
                g2.transition yz a /\ not a yz /\ subset a (next_hist i hll)
              so let b = set_with_left xz a in
                gp.transition z b
              so not b z
                (* Re-establish invariant, direct via the propagation lemma. *)
              so "stop_split" subset b (next_hist invp hp)
              by forall t. b t -> let htp = add hp t in
                invp htp
              by let (xt,yt) = t in
                next_hist i hll yt so xt = xz
              so upper_bound op hp t by transitive op /\ op z t by o2 yz yt
          else (* Case 3: mimic a step of a limit synchronisation invariant. *)
            let y = inf o2 hl2 in
            let h1r = remove h1 xz in
            let f = get_mapping o2 r hp in
            let i = invl h1r f in
            victory_invariant g2 ((=) y) (r xz) i
            so exists a.
              g2.transition yz a /\ not a yz /\ subset a (next_hist i hl2)
            so let b = set_with_left xz a in
              gp.transition z b
            so not b z
              (* Re-establish invariant, direct via the propagation lemma. *)
            so "stop_split" subset b (next_hist invp hp)
            by forall t. b t -> let htp = add hp t in
              invp htp
            by let (xt,yt) = t in
              next_hist i hl2 yt so xt = xz
            so upper_bound op hp t by transitive op /\ op z t by o2 yz yt
      ) /\ (* Supremum case *)
      ("stop_split" forall hp z. invp hp /\ supremum op hp z ->
        let hpz = add hp z in
        invp hpz
        by let (xz,yz) = z in
          let h1 = image fst hp in
          let h1z = image fst hpz in
          (h1z = add h1 xz by sext h1z (add h1 xz) by forall x.
            add h1 xz x -> image fst hpz x
            by if h1 x then exists u. (hpz u by hp u) /\ fst u = x
              else hpz z /\ fst z = x)
        so supremum o1 h1 xz
        so maximum o1 h1z xz so xz = sup o1 h1z
        so inv h1z
        so (has_low_sync o1 r o2 hpz
          by forall x. h1z x /\ not maximum o1 h1z x ->
            let hlz = inter hpz (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
            let hl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
            hl = hlz /\ h1 x /\ not maximum o1 h1 x
            by sext hl hlz
        so upper_bound op hp z
        so (* Case analysis to determine actual behavior *)
          "case_split" if h1 xz
          then (* Main case 1: supremum within a local step.
                  Reduce to propagation lemma in most cases. *)
            (h1 = h1z by sext h1 h1z)
            so let hl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) xz)) in
                supremum op hl z by forall u. upper_bound op hl u ->
                upper_bound op hp u by forall v. hp v -> op v u
                by exists t. hp t /\ fst t = xz
                so let (xt,yt) = t in
                  xt = xz
                so let (xv,yv) = v in
                  (hl v by xv = xz by (o1 xt xv by rprod o1 o2 t v)
                                   /\ (h1 xv by fst v = xv))
                  \/ (op v t so (op t u by hl t) /\ transitive op)
            so let hl2 = image snd hl in
              supremum o2 hl2 yz
            so let s = inter hl2 (r xz) in
              "case_split" if inhabited s
              then (* subcase 1.1: if xz was already winning+synchronised,
                      it is fine even though it is not
                      really a propagation step. *)
                let y = inf o2 s in
                if q xz
                then let hlz = inter hpz (preimage fst ((=) xz)) in
                    sext (add hl z) hlz
                  so let hl2z = image snd hlz in
                    (sext (add hl2 yz) hl2z by forall y. add hl2 yz y ->
                      hl2z y by if hl2 y
                        then exists u. (hlz u by hl u) /\ snd u = y
                        else hlz z /\ snd z = y)
                  so let sz = inter hl2z (r xz) in
                    subset s sz /\ subset sz (add s yz)
                  so minimum o2 sz y so y = inf o2 sz
                else (* subcase 1.2: propagation step. *)
                  let tg = inter (lower o1 xz) (next_hist inv h1) in
                  let dtg = related r tg in
                  let i = crop o2 dtg (invf xz tg) in
                  let hll = inter hl2 (o2 y) in
                      supremum o2 hll yz by forall y0. upper_bound o2 hll y0 ->
                      upper_bound o2 hl2 y0 by forall y1. hl2 y1 -> o2 y1 y0
                      by (chain o2 hl2 by chain op hl)
                      so (hll y1 by o2 y y1) \/
                        (o2 y1 y so transitive o2 /\ o2 y y0 by hll y)
                  so let hllz = add hll yz in
                    i hllz
              else (* subcase 1.3: other propagation step. *)
                let y = inf o2 hl2 in
                let h1r = remove h1 xz in
                let f = get_mapping o2 r hp in
                let htl2 = add hl2 yz in
                invl h1r f htl2
                by victory_invariant g2 ((=) y) (r xz) (invl h1r f)
          else (* Case 2: supremum accross paired steps. *)
            inv h1z
            so "case_split" if r xz yz
            then (* subcase 2.1: synchronized supremum, direct
                    by initialization. *)
              has_most_sync o1 r o2 hp xz
            else (* subcase 2.2: ill-synchronized supremum, must
                    fully prove valid initialization of the
                    synchronization invariant. *)
              let hl = inter hpz (preimage fst ((=) xz)) in
                (hl = (=) z by sext hl ((=) z))
              so let hl2 = image snd hl in
                (hl2 = (=) yz by sext hl2 ((=) yz) by snd z = yz)
              so let s = inter hl2 (r xz) in
                not inhabited s
              so minimum o2 hl2 yz so yz = inf o2 hl2
              so let h1r = remove h1z xz in
                (h1 = h1r by sext h1r h1)
              so (inhabited h1r by exists t. h1 (fst t) by hp t)
                (* Transfer supremum through the mapping,
                   since it induce synchronised pairs above any
                   pair. *)
              so let f = get_mapping o2 r hpz in
                supremum o2 (image snd hp) yz
              so ("stop_split" supremum o2 (image f h1) yz
                by (forall u. h1 u -> hp (u,f u)
                  by not maximum o1 h1 u
                  so let hl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) u)) in
                    let s = inter (image snd hl) (r u) in
                    s (inf o2 s)
                  so (f u = inf o2 s
                    by sext hl (inter hpz (preimage fst ((=) u))))
                  so exists v. (hp v /\ fst v = u by hl v) /\ snd v = f u
                so (upper_bound o2 (image f h1) yz
                  by forall u. image f h1 u -> image snd hp u
                  by exists v. h1 v /\ u = f v so hp (v,u) /\ snd (v,u) = u
                ) /\ forall u. upper_bound o2 (image f h1) u ->
                  o2 yz u by upper_bound o2 (image snd hp) u
                by forall v. image snd hp v -> o2 v u
                by exists v0. hp v0 /\ snd v0 = v
                so let (xv,yv) = v0 in v = yv so (h1 xv by fst v0 = xv)
                so not maximum o1 h1 xv
                so exists xw. h1 xw /\ o1 xv xw /\ xv <> xw
                so image f h1 (f xw)
                so o2 (f xw) u so (o2 v (f xw) /\ transitive o2)
                by let w = (xw,f xw) in hp w
                so op v0 w
                  || (false by op w v0 so o1 xw xv so antisymetric o1)
              so let i = invl h1r f in
                victory_invariant g2 ((=) yz) (r xz) i
              so i hl2
      ) /\ (* Chain case *)
      ("stop_split" forall chp.
        subset chp invp /\ chain (subchain op) chp /\ inhabited chp ->
          let hpl = bigunion chp in
          invp hpl
          by let h1 = image fst hpl in
            (* First check structural conditions. *)
            chain op hpl
          so ("stop_split"
            inhabited hpl by exists hp. chp hp so exists u. hpl u by hp u)
          so ("stop_split" inv h1 by let ch1 = image (image fst) chp in
            (inhabited ch1 by exists hp. ch1 (image fst hp) by chp hp)
            so subset ch1 inv
            so (chain (subchain o1) ch1
              by monotone (subchain op) (image fst) (subchain o1)
              by forall a b. subchain op a b ->
                subchain o1 (image fst a) (image fst b)
              by forall u v. image fst a u /\ image fst b v ->
                not image fst a v -> o1 u v
              by exists w t. a w /\ fst w = u /\ b t /\ fst t = v
              so op w t
            so sext h1 (bigunion ch1)
            by (forall x. h1 x -> bigunion ch1 x
              by exists z. hpl z /\ fst z = x
              so exists hp. chp hp /\ hp z so image fst hp x)
            /\ (forall x. bigunion ch1 x -> h1 x
              by exists h1. ch1 h1 /\ h1 x
              so exists hp. h1 = image fst hp /\ chp hp
              so exists u. (hpl u by hp u) /\ fst u = x
          so ("stop_split"
            forall hp x. chp hp /\ image fst hp x /\
              not maximum o1 (image fst hp) x ->
            let l = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
            let r = inter hpl (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
            l = r by sext l r by subchain op hp hpl
            so exists y. image fst hp y /\ not o1 y x
            so exists py. hp py /\ fst py = y
            so forall u. r u -> l u by fst u = x so hp u by op u py
          so ("stop_split" has_low_sync o1 r o2 hpl
            by forall x. h1 x /\ not maximum o1 h1 x ->
              let hl = inter hpl (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
              let s = inter (image snd hl) (r x) in
              minimum o2 s (inf o2 s)
            by exists y. h1 y /\ not o1 y x
            so exists px. hpl px /\ fst px = x
            so exists py. hpl py /\ fst py = y
            so op px py || (false by op py px)
            so exists hp. chp hp /\ hp py
            so (hp px by subchain op hp hpl)
            so let h_1 = image fst hp in
              h_1 x /\ not maximum o1 h_1 x /\ has_low_sync o1 r o2 hp
          (* Now that structural conditions are verified,
             check local invariants -- if applicable.
             Nasty technical details to find the relevant chains... *)
          so let x = sup o1 h1 in
          (* They are applicable iff maximum o1 h1 x. *)
          maximum o1 h1 x ->
          (* Micro-lemma proving that hpl is preserved by chopping
             a prefix of chp (and that it creates an inhabited chain
             indeed) *)
          ("stop_split" forall h0. chp h0 ->
            let ch1 = inter chp (subchain op h0) in
            chain (subchain op) ch1 /\ (inhabited ch1 by ch1 h0) /\
            (hpl = bigunion ch1 by sext hpl (bigunion ch1) by forall z.
              hpl z -> bigunion ch1 z by exists hp. chp hp /\ hp z
              so (not ch1 hp -> subchain op hp h0 so h0 z so ch1 h0))
          (* Micro-lemmas proving that the functions used to build the
             relevant local chains are monotonic+continuous. *)
          so let f1 = fun h -> inter h (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
          let f2 = image snd in
          monotone (subchain op) f1 (subchain op)
          so ("stop_split" forall ch.
            let a = bigunion (image f1 ch) in let b = bigunion ch in
            a = f1 b by sext a (f1 b)
            by forall z. f1 b z -> a z
            by fst z = x so exists h. ch h /\ h z so f1 h z
          so ("stop_split" monotone (subchain op) f2 (subchain o2)
            by forall h0 h1 u v. subchain op h0 h1 /\
              f2 h0 u /\ f2 h1 v /\ not f2 h0 v -> o2 u v
            by exists a b. h0 a /\ snd a = u /\ h1 b /\ snd b = v
            so let (a1,a2) = a in let (b1,b2) = b in
              ("stop_split" o1 a1 b1 /\ o2 a2 b2) by rprod o1 o2 a b
          so ("stop_split" forall ch.
            let a = bigunion (image f2 ch) in let b = bigunion ch in
            a = f2 b by sext a (f2 b) by (forall z. a z -> f2 b z
              by exists h. f2 h z /\ ch h
              so exists u. h u /\ snd u = z
              so b u
            ) /\ (forall z. f2 b z -> a z
              by exists u. b u /\ snd u = z
              so exists h. ch h /\ h u
              so f2 h z
          (* Case disjunction to find applicable local invariants. *)
          so let hl = inter hpl (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
          let hl2 = image snd hl in
          let s = inter hl2 (r x) in
          if inhabited s
          then (* Case where there is a related one: cut after any history
                  proving the relation to x. *)
            exists y. s y
            so exists u. hl u /\ snd u = y so fst u = x
            so exists hp0. chp hp0 /\ hp0 u
            so let chp = inter chp (subchain op hp0) in
              hpl = bigunion chp
            so let chl = image f1 chp in
              let chl2 = image f2 chl in
              (chain (subchain o2) chl2 by chain (subchain op) chl)
              (* Derive a few informations from invp,
                 mostly synchronisation with s' minimum and
                 equality with h1.
                 Pb: hard to apply for provers, so wrap into a definition.
                 FIXME: duplication because compute currently remove by/so.
              let prop = fun hp ->
                hp u
                && subchain op hp hpl
                && let hl1 = image fst hp in
                  hl1 = h1
                && let lhl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
                  let lhl2 = image snd lhl in
                  let ls = inter lhl2 (r x) in
                  inhabited ls
                && let y = inf o2 ls in
                  minimum o2 ls y
                && minimum o2 s y
                && y = inf o2 s
            ("stop_split" forall hp. chp hp -> prop hp by
                (hp u by subchain op hp0 hp)
                && (subchain op hp hpl by supremum (subchain op) chp hpl)
                && let hl1 = image fst hp in
                ("stop_split" hl1 = h1 by sext h1 hl1
                  by forall a. h1 a -> not (not hl1 a
                  so exists v. hpl v /\ fst v = a
                  so rprod o1 o2 u v so let (u1,u2) = u in let (v1,v2) = v in
                    x = a by ("stop_split" o1 u1 v1 /\ o2 u2 v2) /\ o1 a x
                && let lhl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
                  let lhl2 = image snd lhl in
                  let ls = inter lhl2 (r x) in
                  (inhabited ls by ls y by lhl u)
                && let y = inf o2 ls in
                  minimum o2 ls y
                && ("stop_split" minimum o2 s y
                  by (subset ls s by subset lhl2 hl2 by forall u. lhl2 u -> hl2 u
                    by exists v. (hl v by lhl v) /\ snd v = u
                  ) so forall u. s u -> o2 y u
                  by if ls u then true else lhl2 y /\ hl2 u /\ not lhl2 u
                    so exists v w. hl v /\ snd v = u /\ lhl w /\ snd w = y
                    so not lhl v
                    so let (xv,yv) = v in let (xw,yw) = w in
                      hp w /\ hpl v /\ not hp v
                    so ("stop_split" o1 xw xv /\ o2 yw yv) by rprod o1 o2 w v
                && y = inf o2 s
            so let y = inf o2 s in
              (minimum o2 s y by chp hp0
               so let lhl = inter hp0 (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
                 let lhl2 = image snd lhl in
                 let ls = inter lhl2 (r x) in
                 let y2 = inf o2 ls in
                 minimum o2 ls y2
               so minimum o2 s y2
            (* In case we reached the target set, we already
               proved all required elements. *)
            so if q x then true else
            (* Otherwise, we must build the right chain
               for the local invariant. *)
              let tg = inter (lower o1 x) (next_hist inv h1) in
              let dtg = related r tg in
              let i = crop o2 dtg (invf x tg) in
              let hll = inter hl2 (o2 y) in
              i hll
            by let f3 = inter (o2 y) in
              let chll = image f3 chl2 in
            (* Step 1: check that it is structurally the expected chain. *)
              (inhabited chll by chll (f3 (f2 (f1 hp0)))
                by chl (f1 hp0))
            so (chain (subchain o2) chll
              by monotone (subchain o2) f3 (subchain o2)
              by forall a b. subchain o2 a b -> subchain o2 (f3 a) (f3 b)
            so ("stop_split" hll = bigunion chll by sext hll (bigunion chll)
              by (bigunion chl2 = hl2 by sext hl (f1 hpl))
              so (forall z. hll z -> bigunion chll z
                by exists h2. chl2 h2 /\ h2 z so f3 h2 z /\ chll (f3 h2)
              ) /\ forall z. bigunion chll z -> hll z
                by exists h2. chll h2 /\ h2 z
                so exists h3. chl2 h3 /\ h2 = f3 h3
                so hl2 z
            (* Step 2: establish the invariant on the whole chain,
               so that local propagation conclude. *)
            so ("stop_split" subset chll i by forall lhll. chll lhll -> i lhll
              by exists lhl2. f3 lhl2 = lhll /\ chl2 lhl2
              so sext lhll (inter lhl2 (o2 y))
              so exists lhl. f2 lhl = lhl2 /\ chl lhl
              so exists hp. chp hp /\ f1 hp = lhl
              so prop hp
              so sext lhl (inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x)))
              so h1 = image fst hp /\ invp hp
              so let ls = inter lhl2 (r x) in
                inhabited ls /\ y = inf o2 ls
          else (* Case where there is no related one:
                  cut after any history that establish x. *)
            exists u. hpl u /\ fst u = x
            so exists hp0. chp hp0 /\ hp0 u
            so let chp = inter chp (subchain op hp0) in
              hpl = bigunion chp
            so let chl = image f1 chp in
              (* chl2 is already the desired chain. *)
              let chl2 = image f2 chl in
              (chain (subchain o2) chl2 by chain (subchain op) chl)
            so (inhabited chl2 by chl2 (f2 (f1 (hp0))) by chp hp0)
            so (hl2 = bigunion chl2 by sext (f1 hpl) hl)
            so let h1r = remove h1 x in
              let f = get_mapping o2 r hpl in
              let y = inf o2 hl2 in
              let i = invl h1r f in
              (* Derive a few informations from invp,
                 mostly synchronisation with hl2's minimum and hr,
                 as well as equality with h1.
                 Pb: hard to apply for provers, so wrap into a definition.
                 FIXME: duplication because compute currently remove by/so.
                 (FIXME?: duplication with a similar case above,
                  even though the min-set is slightly different)
              let prop = fun hp ->
                hp u
                && subchain op hp hpl
                && let hl1 = image fst hp in
                  hl1 = h1
                && let lhl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
                  let lhl2 = image snd lhl in
                  let ls = inter lhl2 (r x) in
                  not inhabited ls
                && let y = inf o2 lhl2 in
                  minimum o2 lhl2 y
                && minimum o2 hl2 y
                && y = inf o2 hl2
                && get_mapping o2 r hp = f
            ("stop_split" forall hp. chp hp -> prop hp by
                (hp u by subchain op hp0 hp)
                && (subchain op hp hpl by supremum (subchain op) chp hpl)
                && let hl1 = image fst hp in
                ("stop_split" hl1 = h1 by sext h1 hl1
                  by forall a. h1 a -> not (not hl1 a
                  so exists v. hpl v /\ fst v = a
                  so rprod o1 o2 u v so let (u1,u2) = u in let (v1,v2) = v in
                    x = a by ("stop_split" o1 u1 v1 /\ o2 u2 v2) /\ o1 a x
                && let lhl = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) x)) in
                  let lhl2 = image snd lhl in
                  let ls = inter lhl2 (r x) in
                  not (inhabited ls so exists y. s y by lhl2 y /\ r x y
                    so subchain o2 lhl2 hl2)
                && let y = inf o2 lhl2 in
                  (minimum o2 lhl2 y by invp hp)
                && (minimum o2 hl2 y by subchain o2 lhl2 hl2)
                && y = inf o2 hl2
                && "stop_split" let lf = get_mapping o2 r hp in
                  lf = f by ext lf f by forall u. lf u = f u
                 by let hl_ = inter hp (preimage fst ((=) u)) in
                   let hll_ = inter hpl (preimage fst ((=) u)) in
                   let s = inter (image snd hl_) (r u) in
                   let ls = inter (image snd hll_) (r u) in
                   inf o2 s = inf o2 ls
                 by if u <> x
                   then hl_ = hll_ by if h1 u
                     then not maximum o1 h1 u
                     else sext hl_ hll_ by subset hp hpl /\
                       forall u. not hll_ u
                   else sext s ls by hll_ = hl so subset s ls
            so (minimum o2 hl2 y by prop hp0)
            so (inhabited h1r /\ supremum o1 h1r x
              /\ supremum o2 (image f h1r) y by prop hp0 so invp hp0)
            so (subset chl2 i by forall lhl2. chl2 lhl2 -> i lhl2
              by exists lhl. f2 lhl = lhl2 /\ chl lhl
              so exists hp. chp hp /\ f1 hp = lhl
              so prop hp /\ invp hp)
            so i hl2


module SimExtendedProof_Reduce

  use import game.Game
  use import game_no_strat.WinAlt
  use import game_no_strat.InvExtra
  use import SimDef
  use import SimExtendedDef
  use import SimExtendedWf
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps
  use import ho_rel.RelSet
  use import ho_rel.Prod
  use import order.LimUniq
  use import order.Product
  use import order.ProductChain
  use import order.SubChain
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image
  use import transfinite.ExtensionDet
  use import transfinite.Transport

  lemma make_reducible_invariant : forall o1 g2 inv p q f,r:rel 'a 'b.
    let o2 = g2.progress in
    let gp = extended_game o1 r g2 in
    let ang = red_ang o1 r o2 inv f in
    let nang = crop_ang inv ang in
    let sgp = span_game gp in
    let rinv = strong_u_acc_s sgp nang p in
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    order o1 /\ victory_invariant gp p q inv /\ red_ang_choice o1 r f ->
    (* First, check that the determinisation angel
       indeed induce a winning cause. *)
    (winning_cause sgp q inv ang
     by op = sgp.progress /\
       forall hp u. inv hp /\ maximum op hp u /\ not inhabited (inter hp q) ->
       let a = ang hp in
       let (x,y) = u in
       let s0 = next_hist inv hp in
       let a0 = remove s0 u in
       let p0 = preimage snd ((=) y) in
       let b0 = inter a0 p0 in
       u = sup op hp
       so (sgp.transition u a
         by lower_bound op a u
         so related subset (gp.transition u) a
         by exists a1. gp.transition u a1 /\ not a1 u /\ subset a1 s0
         so (exists ys. g2.transition y ys /\ a1 = set_with_left x ys
           so subset a1 a by forall v. a1 v -> a v
           by let (c,d) = v in
             red_ang_core o1 r o2 inv f hp x c y d by a0 v so d <> y
         ) \/ (exists rx. o1 x rx /\ r rx y /\ a1 = (=) (rx,y)
           so (image fst b0 rx by a0 (rx,y) so b0 (rx,y))
           so let rx = f x y (image fst b0) in
             ("stop_split" r rx y /\ image fst b0 rx /\ o1 x rx)
           so (a0 (rx,y) by exists z. b0 (rx,z) so p0 (rx,z) so z = y)
           so let a1 = (=) (rx,y) in
             gp.transition u a1 /\
             (subset a1 a by red_ang_core o1 r o2 inv f hp x rx y y)
       so (subset a s0 by forall v. a v -> s0 v by let (c,d) = v in
         red_ang_core o1 r o2 inv f hp x c y d)
       so not a u
    ) &&
    (* So we indeed obtain a sub-invariant from that inductive structure.
       We now focus on proving reducibility for the newly build
       invariant. *)
    victory_invariant gp p q rinv &&
    subset rinv inv &&
    let succ = u_acc_step sgp nang in
    let succ2 = fun u v -> succ u v /\ image snd u (snd v) in
    tr_succ op succ && tr_succ op succ2 &&
    (reducible o1 r o2 rinv
      (* Downward closure: extension branches form ranges,
         so immediate. *)
      by ("stop_split"
        forall h h'. inhabited h /\ subchain op h h' /\ rinv h' ->
        rinv h by exists u. strong_u_acc sgp nang u h' /\ p u
          so subchain op ((=) u) h
            || (false by subchain op h ((=) u))
      ) so ("stop_split" forall h. rinv h ->
        (* Deterministic maximum along second-fixed chains:
           Obtain that property by analyzing a deterministic
           extension from h. *)
        let hm = sup (subchain op) (extension op rinv h) in
        maximum (subchain op) (extension op rinv h) hm
        by exists u. strong_u_acc sgp nang u h /\ p u
        (* Extensions are deterministic extensions from h by succ2. *)
        so (forall h2. extension op rinv h h2 ->
          exists v. strong_u_acc sgp nang v h2 /\ p v
          so (v = u by let su = (=) u in let sv = (=) v in
               subchain op su h2
               so (sv u by subchain op su sv) \/ (su v by subchain op sv su))
          so tr_ext_det op succ2 h h2
          (* Step derived from the invariant steps. *)
          by ("stop_split" tr_ext op succ2 h h2
            by tr_ext op succ h h2
            so transport_criterion op succ h h2
            so transport_criterion op succ2 h h2
            by forall h3 z. subchain op h h3 /\ subchain op (add h3 z) h2 /\
              upper_bound op h3 z /\ not h3 z -> succ2 h3 z
              by subset (image snd h) (image snd h3)
              so (subset (image snd h3) (image snd h2) by subset h3 h2)
              so image snd h2 (snd z) by h2 z
          (* Determinism. *)
          ) /\ ("stop_split" det_criterion op succ2 h h2 by forall h3 z t.
            subchain op h h3 /\ subchain op h3 h2 /\ h2 <> h3 ->
            succ2 h3 z /\ succ2 h3 t -> z = t
            by let x = sup op h3 in
              supremum op h3 x
            so if h3 x
              then let (xx,yx) = x in let (xz,yz) = z in let (xt,yt) = t in
                (red_ang_core o1 r o2 inv f h3 xx xz yx yz
                  by ang h3 z by nang h3 z)
                /\ (red_ang_core o1 r o2 inv f h3 xx xt yx yt
                  by ang h3 t by nang h3 t)
                so image snd h3 yz /\ image snd h3 yt
                so (yz = yx by o2 yz yx by exists u. h3 u /\ snd u = yz
                            so op u x)
                /\ (yt = yx by o2 yt yx by exists u. h3 u /\ snd u = yt
                            so op u x)
              else z = x = t
          (* Derive the maximum as the chain-supremum along
             the deterministic extension. *)
        ) so let hm2 = bigunion (tr_ext_det op succ2 h) in
            maximum (subchain op) (tr_ext_det op succ2 h) hm2
          so maximum (subchain op) (extension op rinv h) hm2
          by (rinv hm2 by tr_ext op succ h hm2
            by transport_criterion op succ h hm2
            by transport_criterion op succ2 h hm2
          (* Check that along the extension, image snd _ is constant.
             Mostly immediate by induction. *)
          so "stop_split" extension op rinv h hm2
          by (forall a b c h2. a = op /\ b = succ2 /\ c = h ->
            ("induction" tr_ext_det a b c h2) -> image snd h2 = image snd h)
          by (forall ch. chain (subchain op) ch /\ inhabited ch ->
            subset ch (tr_ext_det op succ2 h) ->
            (forall h2. ch h2 -> image snd h2 = image snd h) ->
            image snd (bigunion ch) = image snd h
            by sext (image snd (bigunion ch)) (image snd h)
            by (forall x. image snd (bigunion ch) x -> image snd h x
              by exists u. bigunion ch u /\ x = snd u
              so exists h. ch h /\ h u)
            /\ (forall x. image snd h x -> image snd (bigunion ch) x
              by exists h0. ch h0
              so exists u. h0 u /\ snd u = x so bigunion ch u
        (* Final reducibility condition: using the inductive structure
           of the invariant and the special nature of transitions,
           show that limits on the first component reduce to limits
           over a paired chain. *)
      ) so "stop_split"
        (* Inductive invariant is a bit convoluted due to possible
           relational miss. We enforce transport of upper bound from
           the paired chain to the regular one, which may not be enforced
           originally. But that's not important as in that case, it is not
           a true supremum. *)
        let sing = fun h -> forall y z. h y /\ h z -> y = z in
        let prop = fun h -> forall x.
          upper_bound o1 (image fst (get_paired r h)) x ->
          not sing (image fst h) ->
          upper_bound o1 (image fst h) x
        (* Recover the desired lemma from inductive invariant. *)
          forall h. let h1 = image fst h in let hr = get_paired r h in
            let hr1 = image fst hr in
            rinv h /\ not maximum o1 h1 (sup o1 h1) ->
            upper_bound o1 h1 = upper_bound o1 hr1
            by sext (upper_bound o1 h1) (upper_bound o1 hr1)
            by (subset hr1 h1 by forall u. hr u -> h u
              by let (x,y) = u in r x y)
            so (forall u. upper_bound o1 hr1 u ->
              upper_bound o1 h1 u by prop h
              so not (sing h1 so exists v. tr_ext op succ ((=) v) h
              so subchain op ((=) v) h so h v
              so h1 (fst v) so maximum o1 h1 (fst v)
        ) (* Establish the inductive invariant (obviously, by induction) *)
        by (forall u a b c h. p u /\ a = op /\ b = succ /\ c = (=) u ->
          ("induction" tr_ext a b c h) -> prop h)
        by ("stop_split" forall h v. rinv h /\ succ h v /\ prop h ->
          let hv = add h v in prop hv
          by let hr = get_paired r h in let hvr = get_paired r hv in
            let h1 = image fst h in let hv1 = image fst hv in
            let hr1 = image fst hr in let hvr1 = image fst hvr in
            let u = sup op h in let (x,y) = u in let (z,t) = v in
            supremum op h u
          so supremum o1 h1 x
          so (hv1 = add h1 z by sext hv1 (add h1 z)
            by forall w. add h1 z w -> hv1 w
            by if w = z then hv v /\ fst v = z
              else exists u. (hv u by h u) /\ fst u = w)
          so forall xu. upper_bound o1 hvr1 xu /\ not sing hv1 ->
            upper_bound o1 hv1 xu
          by (upper_bound o1 hr1 xu by forall w. hr w -> hvr w
            by let (_,_) = w in hv w)
          so if h u
            then ang h v
              so red_ang_core o1 r o2 inv f h x z y t
              so if x = z
                then sext hv1 h1 by h1 z
                else y = t /\ r z y so (hvr1 z by hvr (z,t))
                  so o1 z xu
                  so maximum o1 hv1 z
            else x = z
              so not (sing h1 so exists v. tr_ext op succ ((=) v) h
                so subchain op ((=) v) h so h v
                so h1 (fst v) so maximum o1 h1 (fst v) so sext hv1 h1
              ) so upper_bound o1 h1 xu
              so o1 x xu
        ) /\ ("stop_split"
          forall ch. chain (subchain op) ch /\ inhabited ch /\
          subset ch prop ->
          let hl = bigunion ch in prop hl
          by let hlr = get_paired r hl in
            let h1 = image fst hl in let hr1 = image fst hlr in
            forall x. upper_bound o1 hr1 x /\ not sing h1 ->
            forall x0. h1 x0 -> o1 x0 x
            by exists u0. hl u0 /\ fst u0 = x0
            so exists x1. h1 x1 /\ x1 <> x0
            so exists u1. hl u1 /\ fst u1 = x1
            so (exists h. ch h /\ h u0 /\ h u1
              so image fst h x0 /\ image fst h x1
              so (forall u. get_paired r h u -> get_paired r hl u
                by let (_,_) = u in hl u)
              so upper_bound o1 (image fst (get_paired r h)) x
              so not sing (image fst h)
              so upper_bound o1 (image fst h) x
            ) by (exists h0. ch h0 /\ h0 u0
              so exists h1. ch h1 /\ h1 u1
              so (h1 u0 by subchain op h0 h1)
              \/ (h0 u1 by subchain op h1 h0)


module SimExtendedProof_Forget

  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import ho_rel.Prod
  use import order.SubChain
  use import order.Product
  use import SimExtendedWf
  use import SimExtendedDef

  (* Utility lemma to transfer minima to sub-chains... *)
  lemma minimum_downward : forall o:erel 'a,h1 h2 x.
    order o ->
    minimum o h2 x /\ subchain o h1 h2 /\ inhabited h1 ->
    minimum o h1 x

  (* Prelude lemma:
     If we have an history that validate any version
     of forget-core, all its prefix validate the 'false' version
     of forget-core with their snd projection. *)
  lemma forget_core_downward :
    forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b,tog r inv f_p h h1 h2.
    order o1 /\ order o2 ->
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    reducible o1 r o2 inv -> forget_core o1 o2 inv tog f_p h h2 ->
    inhabited h1 /\ subchain op h1 h2 ->
    forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p (image snd h1) h1
    by inv h1 /\ h = image snd h2
    so let h0 = image snd h1 in
      let mh = inf o2 h in
      (inhabited h0 by exists u. h0 (snd u) by h1 u)
    so (subchain o2 h0 h by forall a b. h0 a /\ h b /\ not h0 b ->
      o2 a b by exists u. h1 u /\ snd u = a so exists v. h2 v /\ snd v = b
      so op u v)
    so minimum o2 h0 mh
    so mh = inf o2 h0
    so minimum op h1 (f_p mh)
    so (forall h_1 x.
      inhabited h_1 /\ subchain op (add h_1 x) h1 ->
      upper_bound op h_1 x /\ not image snd h_1 (snd x) ->
      let s = sup op h_1 in supremum op h_1 s /\ fst x = fst s
      by subchain op (add h_1 x) h2
    so ("stop_split" forall h_0. subchain o2 h_0 h0 ->
      maximum o2 h_0 (sup o2 h_0) ->
      let h_1 = inf (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h_0 h1) in
      let xt = extension op inv h_1 in
      let s = sup (subchain op) xt in
      minimum (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h_0 h1) h_1 /\
      (h0 <> h_0 -> subchain op s h1)
      by subchain o2 h_0 h
      so let h_2 = inf (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h_0 h2) in
        minimum (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h_0 h2) h_2
      so ("stop_split" h0 <> h_0 ->
        forall h4. sub_proj_as op h_0 h2 h4 ->
          if subchain op h4 h1 then true else false
          by subchain op h4 h2
          so subchain op h1 h4
          so not (subset h0 h_0 so sext h0 h_0)
          so exists u. h0 u /\ not h_0 u
          so exists v. (h4 v by h1 v) /\ snd v = u
          so image snd h4 u
      so (minimum (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h_0 h1) h_2
        by (forall u. sub_proj_as op h_0 h1 u ->
          subchain op h_2 u by sub_proj_as op h_0 h2 u)
        so sub_proj_as op h_0 h1 h_2
      so h_2 = h_1
      so (maximum (subchain op) xt s by inv h_1
        by subchain op h_1 h1 so inhabited h_1
        by image snd h_1 = h_0 /\ h_0 (sup o2 h_0)
      so h0 <> h_0 -> sub_proj_as op h_0 h2 s

  (* Prelude lemma: variation that establish the 'true' version
     of forget-core for the prefix. This way, (unique) witnesses
     for the prefix can be re-established. *)
  lemma forget_core_downward_2 :
    forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b,tog r inv f_p h1 h2 hp2.
    order o1 /\ order o2 ->
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    let hp1 = inter hp2 (preimage snd h1) in
    reducible o1 r o2 inv /\ forget_core o1 o2 inv tog f_p h2 hp2 ->
    inhabited h1 /\ subchain o2 h1 h2 /\ (tog \/ h1 <> h2) ->
    subchain op hp1 hp2 /\ forget_core o1 o2 inv true f_p h1 hp1
    by (subchain op hp1 hp2
      by forall a b. hp1 a /\ hp2 b /\ not hp1 b ->
        op a b || (false by op b a
          so let (_,a) = a in let (_,c) = b in
            h1 a /\ (h2 c by c = snd b) /\ not h1 c
          so a = c by o2 a c /\ o2 c a)
    ) so (h1 = image snd hp1 by sext (image snd hp1) h1
        by forall x. h1 x -> image snd hp1 x
        by h2 x so exists y. hp2 y /\ x = snd y so hp1 y)
      so (inhabited hp1 by exists x. image snd hp1 x by h1 x)
      so forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p h1 hp1
      so (forget_core o1 o2 inv true f_p h1 hp1
        by let st = sub_proj_as op h1 hp1 in
          let h_1 = inf (subchain op) st in
          let xt = extension op inv h_1 in
          let s = sup (subchain op) xt in
          maximum o2 h1 (sup o2 h1) -> subchain op s hp1
        by minimum (subchain op) st h_1
        so transitive (subchain op)
        so (subchain op h_1 hp1 by st hp1)
        so let st2 = sub_proj_as op h1 hp2 in
          (minimum (subchain op) st2 h_1
           by transitive (subchain op)
           so (st2 h_1 by st h_1)
           so forall h0. st2 h0 -> if subchain op h_1 h0 then true else false
           by subchain op h0 h_1 so subchain op h0 hp1 so st h0
        so h_1 = inf (subchain op) st2
        so subchain op s hp2 so subchain op s hp1
        by forall u. s u -> hp1 u
        by (xt s by maximum (subchain op) xt s by inv h_1
          by inhabited h_1 by exists x. image snd h_1 x by h1 x
        so h1 (snd u) by h1 = image snd s)

  (* Critical lemma: move from one victory invariant to the other.
     This lemma notably take care of all instances of maximal extensions
     of a paired history. *)
  lemma inv_implication : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b,r inv f_p h.
    order o1 /\ order o2 ->
    reducible o1 r o2 inv -> forget_inv_a o1 o2 inv f_p h ->
    forget_inv_b o1 o2 inv f_p h
    by let coref = forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p h in
      let coret = forget_core o1 o2 inv true f_p h in
      let op = rprod o1 o2 in
      let hp = inf (subchain op) coref in
      let mxh = sup o2 h in let mh = inf o2 h in
      minimum (subchain op) coref hp
    so (* Case when h has a max ('playable' history).
          Perform an effective maximal extension. *)
      if maximum o2 h mxh
      then let xt = extension op inv hp in
        let hpe = sup (subchain op) xt in
        maximum (subchain op) xt hpe
        so (forget_core o1 o2 inv true f_p h hpe
          by image snd hpe = h
          so (subchain op hp hpe by xt hp)
          (* First two conditions are directly transferred. *)
          so (minimum op hpe (f_p mh) by minimum op hp (f_p mh))
          so ("stop_split"
            forall h1 x. inhabited h1 /\ subchain op (add h1 x) hpe /\
            upper_bound op h1 x /\ not image snd h1 (snd x) ->
            let s = sup op h1 in supremum op h1 s /\ fst x = fst s
            by subchain op (add h1 x) hp
              || (false by subchain op hp (add h1 x)
                so subchain op h1 hpe
                so subchain op hp h1
                so subset (image snd hp) (image snd h1)
                so hpe x so image snd hpe (snd x))
          (* Third condition: directly transferred for h0 <> h,
             new instance otherwise. *)
          so "stop_split"
          forall h0. subchain o2 h0 h /\ maximum o2 h0 (sup o2 h0) ->
            let h1 = inf (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h0 hpe) in
            let xt2 = extension op inv h1 in
            let s = sup (subchain op) xt2 in
            minimum (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h0 hpe) h1
            /\ subchain op s hpe
          by if h <> h0
              let h1' = inf (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h0 hp) in
                minimum (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h0 hp) h1'
              so (minimum (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h0 hpe) h1'
                by transitive (subchain op)
                so sub_proj_as op h0 hp h1'
                so sub_proj_as op h0 hpe h1'
                so forall h3. sub_proj_as op h0 hpe h3 -> subchain op h1' h3
                || (false by subchain op h3 h1' so sub_proj_as op h0 hp h3)
              so h1 = h1'
              so subchain op s hp
              (* For h = h0: note that the minimum should be hp.
                 Any counter-example would satisfy coref, which is impossible
                 since h is the minimal witness. *)
              ("stop_split" minimum (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h hpe) hp
                by forall h3. sub_proj_as op h hpe h3 ->
                  if subchain op hp h3 then true else false
                  by subchain op h3 hp
                  so forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p h h3
                  by image snd h3 = h so inhabited h3
              so h1 = hp
              so s = hpe
        (* Unicity in case of extension: note that any two witnesses
           fall subject to their respective extension conditions,
           hence are equal by subchain antisymmetry. *)
        so "stop_split" (forall hp'. coret hp' -> hp' = hpe
          by subchain op hp' hpe /\ subchain op hpe hp'
        by (forall hp0. coret hp0 ->
          let h0 = inf (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h hp0) in
          hp = h0
          by minimum (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h hp0) h0
          so (inhabited h0 by image snd h0 mxh)
          so forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p h hp0
          so (forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p h h0 by subchain op h0 hp0)
          so subchain op hp h0
          so sub_proj_as op h hp0 hp
        so (forall hp1 hp2. coret hp1 /\ coret hp2 -> subchain op hp1 hp2
          by let h1 = inf (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h hp1) in
            let h2 = inf (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h hp2) in
          h1 = hp = h2
          so let xt = extension op inv h1 in
            let s = sup (subchain op) xt in
            subchain op s hp2
          so (maximum (subchain op) xt s by inv h1 by inv hp1
            so inhabited h1 by image snd h1 mxh
          so subchain op hp1 s by xt hp1
            by minimum (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h hp1) h1
      else (* Case h limit: coret = coref, so we conclude
              by minimum unicity. *)
        (forget_core o1 o2 inv true f_p h hp by forall h0.
          subchain o2 h0 h /\ maximum o2 h0 (sup o2 h0) -> h0 <> h)
        so forall hp'. coret hp' -> hp' = hp
        by sext hp' hp
        by (subchain op hp hp'
          by forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p h hp')
        so "stop_split" not (exists x y. hp' (x,y) /\ not hp (x,y)
          so (h y by image snd hp' = h /\ snd (x,y) = y)
          so not maximum o2 h y
          so exists t. h t /\ not o2 t y
          so image snd hp = h
          so exists u. hp u /\ snd u = t
          so let (z,_) = u in op (z,t) (x,y)

  (* Other important lemma: infer ordering between
     different forget_core witness.
     If we have a unique true-witness for a 'small' history,
     any witness for a strictly larger history will be bigger.
     This is essential to recover ordering between witness from
     a projected history.
     Proof: a small witness can be reconstructed as a prefix from the
     larger history (using the second downward lemma),
     which by unicity is the desired one. *)
  lemma core_monotonicity :
    forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b,r inv f_p h1 hp1 h2 hp2.
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    order o1 /\ order o2 ->
    reducible o1 r o2 inv /\ forget_inv_b o1 o2 inv f_p h1 ->
    forget_core o1 o2 inv true f_p h1 hp1 ->
    forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p h2 hp2 ->
    subchain o2 h1 h2 /\ h1 <> h2 ->
    subchain op hp1 hp2
    by if not inhabited hp1 then true else
      let hp_1 = inter hp2 (preimage snd h1) in
      subchain op hp_1 hp2 /\ forget_core o1 o2 inv true f_p h1 hp_1
    so hp1 = hp_1

  (* Another critical lemma: propagate invariant by one real step. *)
  lemma forget_step : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b,r inv f_p h1 hp1 x y z.
    order o1 /\ order o2 ->
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    reducible o1 r o2 inv /\ forget_inv_b o1 o2 inv f_p h1 ->
    forget_core o1 o2 inv true f_p h1 hp1 ->
    supremum op hp1 (x,y) /\ o2 y z /\ not h1 z ->
    let h2 = add h1 z in let hp2 = add hp1 (x,z) in
    inv hp2 -> forget_inv_a o1 o2 inv f_p h2
    by let core = forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p h2 in
      minimum (subchain op) core hp2
    by order (subchain op)
    so (subchain o2 h1 h2 by upper_bound o2 h1 z by upper_bound o2 h1 y)
    so h1 <> h2
    so (maximum o2 h2 z by forall a. h2 a -> o2 a z
          by if a = z then o2 a z else o2 a y by upper_bound o2 h1 y)
    so z = sup o2 h2
    (* Within core: direct proof. *)
    so ("stop_split" forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p h2 hp2
      by (image snd hp2 = h2 by sext (image snd hp2) h2
        by (forall t. image snd hp2 t -> h2 t
          by exists u. hp2 u /\ snd u = t
          so (h1 t by hp1 u) \/ (t = z by u = (x,z))
        ) /\ (forall t. h2 t -> image snd hp2 t
          by if t = z then hp2 (x,z) /\ snd (x,z) = z else
            h1 t so image snd hp1 t
            so exists u. (hp2 u by hp1 u) /\ snd u = t
      so let mh = inf o2 h1 in
        minimum o2 h2 mh
      so mh = inf o2 h2
      so (subchain op hp1 hp2 by upper_bound op hp1 (x,z)
        by upper_bound op hp1 (x,y) /\ op (x,y) (x,z))
      so (maximum op hp2 (x,z) by upper_bound op hp2 (x,z)
        by upper_bound op hp1 (x,y) /\ op (x,y) (x,z))
      so minimum op hp2 (f_p mh)
      so ("stop_split"
        forall h_1 t. inhabited h_1 /\ subchain op (add h_1 t) hp2 /\
        upper_bound op h_1 t /\ not image snd h_1 (snd t) ->
        let s = sup op h_1 in supremum op h_1 s /\ fst t = fst s
        by if subchain op (add h_1 t) hp1 then true else
          subchain op hp1 (add h_1 t)
        so (h2 (snd t) by hp2 t)
        so not (h1 (snd t) so image snd hp1 (snd t)
          so exists u. hp1 u /\ snd u = snd t
          so add h_1 t u so t = u || (false by h_1 u)
          so forall v. add h_1 t v -> not (not hp1 v
            so op t v so t = v || (false by op v t by h_1 v))
        so not h_1 t
        so sext h_1 hp1
        so t = (x,z)
      so ("stop_split"
        forall h0. subchain o2 h0 h2 /\ maximum o2 h0 (sup o2 h0) ->
        let st = sub_proj_as op h0 hp1 in
        let st2 = sub_proj_as op h0 hp2 in
        let h_1 = inf (subchain op) st in
        let xt = extension op inv h_1 in
        let s = sup (subchain op) xt in
        h0 <> h2 ->
        (if subchain o2 h0 h1 then true else false
          by subchain o2 h1 h0 so sext h0 h2
        ) && (minimum (subchain op) st2 h_1
          by minimum (subchain op) st h_1
          so st h_1
          so st2 h_1
          so forall u. st2 u -> if subchain op h_1 u then true else false
          by subchain op u h_1 so subchain op u hp1 so st u
        ) && h_1 = inf (subchain op) st2
        && (subchain op s hp2 by subchain op s hp1)
      ) so let st = sub_proj_as op h2 hp2 in
        (minimum (subchain op) st hp2 by st hp2 /\
        forall hp. st hp -> subchain op hp2 hp
        by sext hp hp2
        by subchain op hp hp2
        so image snd hp = h2 /\ h2 z
        so exists t. hp t /\ snd t = z
        so t = (x,z)
        so forall t. hp2 t ->
          not (not hp t so op (x,z) t /\ op t (x,z))
      so hp2 = inf (subchain op) st
    (* Minimality: From the minimum existence condition of hp3,
       downward lemma and unicity,
       derive the decomposition hp1+{(a,z)} prefix hp3.
       From step condition of hp3, we then get a = x, hence
       the wanted inequality.
    so ("stop_split" forall hp3. core hp3 -> subchain op hp2 hp3
      by let st = sub_proj_as op h2 hp3 in
        let h_1 = inf (subchain op) st in
        minimum (subchain op) st h_1
      so subchain op h_1 hp3
      so (chain op h_1 by forall a b. h_1 a /\ h_1 b -> op a b \/ op b a
        by hp3 a /\ hp3 b /\ chain op hp3)
        (* Show that h_1 as a unique element with snd projection z
            (and hence that it must be its maximum). *)
      so ("stop_split"
        forall a b. h_1 a /\ h_1 b /\ snd a = z = snd b /\ op a b -> a = b
        by let h__1 = fun u -> h_1 u /\ op u a in
        (subchain op h__1 h_1 by forall c d. h__1 c /\ h_1 d /\ not h__1 d ->
          op c d || (false by op d c so op c a so op d a by transitive op))
        so (image snd h__1 = h2 by sext (image snd h__1) h2
          by (forall x. image snd h__1 x -> h2 x by image snd h_1 x)
          /\ (forall x. h2 x -> image snd h__1 x
            by if x = z then (image snd h__1 z by h__1 a)
            else image snd h_1 x so exists u. h__1 u /\ snd u = x
              by h_1 u /\ snd u = x
              so not (op a u so o2 z x so o2 x z)
        so st h__1
        so subchain op h_1 h__1
      so (forall a b. h_1 a /\ h_1 b /\ snd a = z = snd b -> a = b
        by op a b \/ op b a)
      so image snd h_1 z
      so exists a. h_1 a /\ snd a = z
      so (maximum op h_1 a by forall x. h_1 x -> if op x a then true else false
        by op a x so o2 z (snd x) so o2 (snd x) z by h2 (snd x)
        so x = a
      (* Show that removing a must yield hp1, and that it is a
        prefix of hp3. *)
      so let hp_1 = remove h_1 a in
        subchain op hp_1 h_1
      so subchain op hp_1 hp3
      so ("stop_split" hp_1 = hp1
        by let hp__1 = inter hp3 (preimage snd h1) in
          inhabited h1
        so subchain op hp__1 hp3 /\ forget_core o1 o2 inv true f_p h1 hp__1
        so hp__1 = hp1
        so sext hp__1 hp_1
        by (forall x. hp_1 x -> hp__1 x
           by h_1 x so hp3 x so (h2 (snd x) by image snd hp3 = h2)
           so snd x <> z
         ) /\ forall x. hp__1 x -> not (not hp_1 x
           so hp3 x so not h_1 x so op a x so o2 z (snd x)
           so o2 (snd x) z by h2 (snd x) by h1 (snd x)
      (* Deduce that the step condition of hp3 apply,
         so that hp2 is actually h_1, wihtin hp3. *)
      so (h_1 = add hp1 a by sext h_1 (add hp1 a))
      so fst a = x
      by not image snd hp1 z
      so upper_bound op hp1 a
      so inhabited hp1
      so let s = sup op hp1 in supremum op hp1 s /\ fst a = fst s
      so s = (x,y)

  use import SimDef
  use import choice.Choice
  use import order.ProductChain

  (* Limit pairing: we can reconstruct paired supremum
     from supremum on second history alone. *)
  lemma derive_supremum : forall o1:erel 'a,o2:erel 'b,r inv hp y.
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    let h2 = image snd hp in
    order o1 /\ order o2 /\ pairing_pull_limits o1 r o2 /\ inhabited hp ->
    reducible o1 r o2 inv /\ inv hp /\ supremum o2 h2 y ->
    let a = sup op hp in supremum op hp a
    (* Since we already have the second component, we only need to show
       that the first one exists. *)
    by let h1 = image fst hp in
      let x = sup o1 h1 in
      (supremum op hp (x,y) so a = (x,y))
    by supremum o1 h1 x
    (* Discard the trivial case where h1 admit a maximum. *)
    by if maximum o1 h1 x then true else
    (* Reduce the supremum analysis to a subset of hp,
       decomposed as source chain + monotonic mapping. *)
    let hr = get_paired r hp in
    let hr1 = image fst hr in
    let f = fun x -> choice (fun y -> hr (x,y)) in
    let hrf = image f hr1 in
    upper_bound o1 h1 = upper_bound o1 hr1
    so (forall x. hr1 x -> hr (x,f x))
    so (chain o1 hr1 by chain op hr)
    so (monotone_on hr1 o1 f o2 by forall x y. hr1 x /\ hr1 y /\ o1 x y ->
      o2 (f x) (f y) by op (x,f x) (y,f y) || (false by op (y,f y) (x,f x)))
    so rel_mapping hr1 f r
    (* Inhabitation of [hr1]: tricky part. If it is not inhabited,
       then any inhabitant of [h1] is the minimum of [o1].
       Since h1 is inhabited, [h1] is a singleton, and has a max,
       a situation we already treated. *)
    so ("stop_split" if inhabited hr1 then true else false
      by let ia = inf o1 all in
        (forall x. h1 x -> x = ia
          by minimum o1 all x by forall u. o1 x u
          by upper_bound o1 hr1 u)
      so exists a. (h1 (fst a) by hp a)
      so sext h1 ((=) ia)
      so maximum o1 h1 ia
    ) so ("stop_split" supremum o2 hrf y
      by (forall v. hrf v -> h2 v by exists u. hr1 u /\ f u = v so hr (u,v))
      so upper_bound o2 hrf y
      so forall u. upper_bound o2 hrf u -> o2 y u
      by upper_bound o2 h2 u by forall z. h2 z -> o2 z u
      by exists a. hp a /\ snd a = z
      so h1 (fst a)
      so not (upper_bound o1 hr1 (fst a) so maximum o1 h1 (fst a))
      so exists t. hr1 t /\ not o1 t (fst a)
      so let b = (t,f t) in hr b
      so (op a b || (false by op b a) by chain op hp /\ hp b)
      so o2 z (snd b) /\ o2 (snd b) u
    so let s = sup o1 hr1 in (supremum o1 h1 s so s = x)
    by supremum o1 hr1 s

  use import ho_set.SetBigOps
  use import ho_rel.RelSet
  use import game.Game
  use import game_no_strat.StratLessDef

  lemma sim_forget : forall o1:erel 'a,g2:game 'b,r p q inv f_p.
    let gp = extended_game o1 r g2 in
    let o2 = g2.progress in
    let op = rprod o1 o2 in
    order o1 /\ pairing_pull_limits o1 r o2 /\ antec_choice p f_p ->
    victory_invariant gp p q inv /\ reducible o1 r o2 inv ->
    let coref = forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p in
    let coret = forget_core o1 o2 inv true f_p in
    let inv_a = forget_inv_a o1 o2 inv f_p in
    let inv_b = forget_inv_b o1 o2 inv f_p in
    let p2 = image snd p in let q2 = image snd q in
    victory_invariant g2 p2 q2 inv_a /\ victory_invariant g2 p2 q2 inv_b
    (* Base case: prove inv_a directly, inv_b fall. *)
    by ("stop_split" forall y. p2 y ->
      let ey = (=) y in
      (inv_a ey by let u = f_p y in p u /\ snd u = y
       so let eu = (=) u in
         (forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p ey eu
         by minimum o2 ey y so y = inf o2 ey
         so sext (image snd eu) ey
         so (forall h1 x. inhabited h1 /\ subchain op (add h1 x) eu /\
           not image snd h1 (snd x) -> false
           by exists y. h1 y so eu y /\ eu x
         so (forall h0. subchain o2 h0 ey /\ maximum o2 h0 (sup o2 h0) ->
           let st = sub_proj_as op h0 eu in
           let h1 = inf (subchain op) st in
           h0 = ey && (minimum (subchain op) st eu
             by (st eu by reflexive (subchain op))
             /\ forall h. st h -> subchain op eu h
             by subchain op h eu /\ inhabited h
             by image snd h y
           ) && h1 = eu
       ) so minimum (subchain op) (coref ey) eu
       by (forall hp. forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p ey hp ->
         subchain op eu hp)
      ) && inv_b ey
    ) (* Chain case: thanks to the implication,
         reduce to a true limit chain of inv_b,
         and prove the result satisfy inv_a. Then both propagations
         follows. *)
    /\ ("stop_split" forall ch. chain (subchain o2) ch /\ inhabited ch ->
      let hl = bigunion ch in
      (subset ch inv_b -> if ch hl then inv_b hl else
        ("stop_split" inv_a hl
         (* Create the chain of unique coret witnesses,
            and apply limit propagation for inv. *)
         by let chp = related coret ch in
         (* Show that it is a chain using the monotonicity lemma. *)
           chain (subchain op) chp by forall hp1 hp2. chp hp1 /\ chp hp2 ->
           subchain op hp1 hp2 \/ subchain op hp2 hp1
           by exists h1. ch h1 /\ coret h1 hp1
           so exists h2. ch h2 /\ coret h2 hp2
           so inv_b h1 /\ forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p h1 hp1
           so inv_b h2 /\ forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p h2 hp2
           so if h1 = h2 then hp1 = hp2 else
             (subchain op hp1 hp2 by subchain o2 h1 h2)
           \/ (subchain op hp2 hp1 by subchain o2 h2 h1)
         so (inhabited chp
           by exists h. ch h so exists hp. chp hp by coret h hp)
         so subset chp inv
         so supremum (subchain o2) ch hl so upper_bound (subchain o2) ch hl
         so let hlp = bigunion chp in
           supremum (subchain op) chp hlp so upper_bound (subchain op) chp hlp
           (* Show that it is indeed within (coref hl) by
               unrolling definitions, then prove minimality
               using monotonicity lemma. *)
         so ("stop_split" forget_core o1 o2 inv false f_p hl hlp
             by inv hlp
             so ("stop_split" sext (image snd hlp) hl
               by (forall x. image snd hlp x -> hl x
                 by exists y. hlp y /\ snd y = x
                 so exists hp. chp hp /\ hp y
                 so exists h. ch h /\ coret h hp
                 so h x
               ) /\ (forall x. hl x -> image snd hlp x
                 by exists h. ch h /\ h x
                 so exists hp. coret h hp so chp hp
                 so exists y. hp y /\ snd y = x
                 so hlp y
             so exists h. ch h so subchain o2 h hl
             so exists hp. coret h hp so chp hp
             so let mh = inf o2 h in
               minimum o2 h mh so minimum o2 hl mh so mh = inf o2 hl
             so (minimum op hlp (f_p mh)
               by subchain op hp hlp
               so minimum op hp (f_p mh))
             so ("stop_split" forall h1 x.
               inhabited h1 /\ subchain op (add h1 x) hlp ->
               upper_bound op h1 x /\ not image snd h1 (snd x) ->
               let s = sup op h1 in supremum op h1 s /\ fst x = fst s
               by hlp x so exists hp. chp hp /\ hp x
               so subchain op hp hlp so exists h. coret h hp
               so subchain op (add h1 x) hp by forall u. add h1 x u -> hp u
               by u = x || (hp u by h1 u so hlp u so op u x so not op x u)
             so (forall h0. let s0 = sup o2 h0 in
                 subchain o2 h0 hl /\ maximum o2 h0 s0 ->
                 h0 s0 so hl s0 so exists h. ch h /\ h s0
                 so (subchain o2 h0 h || (false by subchain o2 h hl
                   so subchain o2 h h0 so forall x. h0 x -> not (not h x
                   so hl x so o2 x s0 so not o2 s0 x)))
                 so exists hp. coret h hp so chp hp
                 so let h1 = inf (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h0 hp) in
                   minimum (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h0 hp) h1
                 so (minimum (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h0 hlp) h1
                   by transitive (subchain op)
                   so sub_proj_as op h0 hp h1
                   so sub_proj_as op h0 hlp h1
                   so forall h3. sub_proj_as op h0 hlp h3 ->
                     if subchain op h1 h3 then true else false
                   by subchain op h3 h1 so sub_proj_as op h0 hp h3
                 so h1 = inf (subchain op) (sub_proj_as op h0 hlp)
                 so let xt = extension op inv h1 in
                   let s = sup (subchain op) xt in
                   subchain op s hlp
                 by subchain op s hp /\ subchain op hp hlp
         so ("stop_split" forall hlp2. coref hl hlp2 -> subchain op hlp hlp2
           by upper_bound (subchain op) chp hlp2
           by forall hp. chp hp -> subchain op hp hlp2
           by exists h. ch h /\ coret h hp
           so h <> hl
           so subchain o2 h hl
         so minimum (subchain op) (coref hl) hlp
        && inv_b hl)
      && (subset ch inv_a -> inv_a hl by subset ch inv_b)
    ) (* Supremum case: direct application of step lemma.
         The paired supremum is obtained by the pairing limit lemma. *)
    /\ ("stop_split" forall h y. supremum o2 h y ->
      (inv_a h -> inv_a (add h y)) /\ (inv_b h -> inv_b (add h y))
      by if h y then h = add h y by sext h (add h y) else
      inv_b h -> inv_a (add h y)
      by exists hp. coret h hp
      so let a = sup op hp in
        supremum op hp a
      so let (_,z) = a in z = y
      so inv (add hp a)
    ) (* Step case: derive the step from the extended game,
         ensuring that the step picked must be an inherited one
         by taking a maximal history. Then propagation lemma conclude. *)
    /\ ("stop_split"
      forall h y. not inhabited (inter h q2) /\ maximum o2 h y /\ inv_b h ->
      (exists a. g2.transition y a /\ not a y /\
        (subset a (next_hist inv_a h) /\ subset a (next_hist inv_b h)
        by subset a (next_hist inv_a h)))
      by exists hp. coret h hp
      so (* First note that hp admit a max as well,
            cause: it must have a sup, and by extension maximality
            this must be a max. *)
        let s = sup op hp in
        let st = sub_proj_as op h hp in
        let h1 = inf (subchain op) st in
        st h1 so subchain op h1 hp
        so let xt = extension op inv h1 in
          ("stop_split" upper_bound (subchain op) xt hp
           by forall u. xt u -> subchain op u hp
             by let sx = sup (subchain op) xt in
             (maximum (subchain op) xt sx by inv h1 by inhabited h1
              by image snd h1 y)
             so subchain op u sx /\ subchain op sx hp
        so (supremum op hp s by inhabited hp) so snd s = y
        so ("stop_split" maximum op hp s
          by hp s
          by let hpn = add hp s in
            (xt hpn by inv hpn
             so (subchain op h1 hpn by subchain op hp hpn)
             so sext (image snd hpn) h
             by (forall z. h z -> image snd hpn z by image snd h1 z)
             /\ forall z. image snd hpn z -> h z
               by exists a. hpn a /\ snd a = z
               so hp a \/ z = y
          so subchain op hpn hp
      so op = gp.progress
      so not (inhabited (inter hp q) so exists u. inter hp q u
        so inter h q2 (snd u))
      so (* Hence hp can be played in the extended game,
            and propagation for inv apply. Moreover, maximality
            kicks in again and prove that the step must be an inherited
            one. The base is obviously the desired transition
            (validated by the step lemma) *)
         exists ap. gp.transition s ap /\ not ap s
           /\ subset ap (next_hist inv hp)
      so let (x,_) = s in
        ("stop_split" not exists x'. o1 x x' /\ r x' y /\ ap = (=) (x',y)
        so x = x' by o1 x' x by op (x',y) s by
          let hpn = add hp (x',y) in
          subchain op hpn hp
        by xt hpn by inv hpn
        so (subchain op h1 hpn by subchain op hp hpn
          by upper_bound op hp (x',y)
          by upper_bound op hp (x,y) /\ op (x,y) (x',y) /\ transitive op)
        so sext (image snd hpn) h
        by (forall z. h z -> image snd hpn z by image snd h1 z)
        /\ forall z. image snd hpn z -> h z
        by exists a. hpn a /\ snd a = z
        so hp a \/ z = y
      so extended_transition o1 r g2 (x,y) ap
      so exists a. g2.transition y a /\ ap = set_with_left x a
      so not a y
      so subset a (next_hist inv_a h)
      by forall z. a z -> inv_a (add h z)
      by not h z /\ o2 y z
      so next_hist inv hp (x,z) by ap (x,z)


(* Conclusion for SimExtended proofs. *)
module SimExtendedProof

  use import Util
  use import game.Game
  use import SimDef
  use import SimExtendedDef
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import ho_rel.RelSet
  use import choice.Choice
  use import game_no_strat.InvExtra
  use import SimExtendedWf
  use import SimExtendedProof_Enrich
  use import SimExtendedProof_Reduce
  use import SimExtendedProof_Forget

  lemma simulation_to_extended : forall g1 g2,r:rel 'a 'b.
    let o1 = g1.progress in
    let gp = extended_game o1 r g2 in
    let er = extended_rel r in
    let invf = explicit_invf r g2 in
    let invl = explicit_invl g1.progress r g2 in
    (step_simulate g1 r g2 so step_simulate_by g1 r g2 invf invl) ->
    simulate_alt g1 er gp
    by forall p q i. victory_invariant g1 p q i ->
      exists i2. victory_invariant gp (related er p) (related er q) i2
    by i2 = extended_inv o1 r g2.progress q (crop o1 q i) invf invl

  lemma proj2_related : forall s:set ('a,'b).
    let a = related proj2 s in let b = image snd s in
    a = b by sext a b
    by (forall x. b x -> a x by exists y. s y /\ (proj2 y x by snd y = x))
    /\ (forall x. a x -> b x
      by exists y. s y /\ (snd y = x by proj2 y x so let (_,t) = y in t = x))

  lemma simulation_from_extended : forall o,r:rel 'a 'b,g:game 'b.
    let o2 = g.progress in
    let gp = extended_game o r g in
    order o /\ pairing_pull_limits o r o2 -> simulate gp proj2 g
    by simulate_alt gp proj2 g
    by forall p q i. victory_invariant gp p q i ->
      let pr = related proj2 p in
      let qr = related proj2 q in
      (exists i2. victory_invariant g pr qr i2)
    by let ch = fun z y s x -> s x /\ r x y /\ o z x in
      let fa = fun z y s -> choice (ch z y s) in
      (red_ang_choice o r fa by
        forall z y s x. s x /\ r x y /\ o z x ->
        let u = fa z y s in s u /\ r u y /\ o z u
        by ch z y s u by ch z y s x)
    so let ang = red_ang o r o2 i fa in
      let ri = strong_u_acc_s (span_game gp) (crop_ang i ang) p in
      victory_invariant gp p q ri /\ reducible o r o2 ri
    so let ch = fun y u -> p u /\ snd u = y in
      let f_p = fun y -> choice (ch y) in
      (antec_choice p f_p by forall y. image snd p y ->
        let v = f_p y in p v /\ snd v = y by ch y v
        by exists u. p u /\ snd u = y so ch y u)
    so victory_invariant g pr qr (forget_inv_a o o2 ri f_p)

  lemma extended_rel_proj2_composition : forall r:rel 'a 'b.
    let er = extended_rel r in
    let rc = compose er proj2 in
    rc = r by rext rc r by forall x y. r x y -> rc x y
    by let z = (x,y) in er x z /\ proj2 z y

  clone SimExtended with goal simulation_to_extended,
    goal simulation_from_extended,
    goal make_reducible_invariants,
    goal simulation_to_extended_explicit,
    goal proj2_related,
    goal extended_rel_proj2_composition,
    goal simulation_from_extended_invariant_link,
    goal simulation_from_extended_explicit


(* Put everything together. *)
module SimProof

  use import SimDef
  use import game.Game
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import ho_rel.RelSet

  lemma rel_set_compose : forall r1:rel 'a 'b,r2:rel 'b 'c,s.
    let rc = compose r1 r2 in
    let a = related rc s in
    let b = related r1 s in
    let c = related r2 b in
    a = c by sext a c by forall z. c z -> a z
    by exists y. r2 y z /\ b y so exists x. r1 x y /\ s x so rc x z

  lemma simulation_comp : forall g1:game 'a,r12,g2:game 'b,r23,g3:game 'c.
    simulate g1 r12 g2 /\ simulate g2 r23 g3 ->
    simulate g1 (compose r12 r23) g3

  use import SimComplete
  use import SimExtended
  use import order.SubChain
  use import order.ProductChain

  lemma simulation : forall g1,r:rel 'a 'b,g2.
    step_simulate g1 r g2 -> simulate g1 r g2
    by let o1 = g1.progress in
      let lr = complete_rel o1 in
      let gc1 = completed g1 in
      simulate g1 lr gc1
    so let cr = complete_lift o1 r in
      step_simulate gc1 cr g2
    so let ecr = extended_rel cr in
      let ol1 = gc1.progress in
      let o2 = g2.progress in
      let gp = extended_game ol1 cr g2 in
      simulate gc1 ecr gp
    so pairing_pull_limits ol1 cr o2
    so simulate gp proj2 g2
    so simulate gc1 (compose ecr proj2) g2
    so simulate g1 (compose lr cr) g2

  use import ho_set.SetBigOps
  use import game_no_strat.StratLessDef
  use import game_no_strat.InvExtra
  use import SimExplicitDef

  lemma simulation_explicit : forall g1,r:rel 'a 'b,g2 invf invl f.
    step_simulate_by g1 r g2 invf invl ->
    let o1 = g1.progress in let o2 = g2.progress in
    let cr = complete_lift o1 r in
    let lr = complete_rel o1 in
    let ecr = extended_rel cr in
    let cg1 = completed g1 in
    let ol1 = cg1.progress in
    red_ang_choice ol1 cr f ->
    forall p f_p q inv.
      let pl = related lr p in
      let epl = related ecr pl in
      let pr = related r p in
      let qr = related r q in
      let finv = sim_explicit g1 r g2 invf invl f p q f_p inv in
      victory_invariant g1 p q inv /\ antec_choice epl f_p ->
      victory_invariant g2 pr qr finv
      (* Unroll the constructions in cascade. *)
      by let linvf = complete_invf o1 r invf in
        let linvl = complete_invl o1 invl in
        step_simulate_by cg1 cr g2 linvf linvl
      so let cinv = crop o1 q inv in
        victory_invariant g1 p q cinv /\ cropped o1 q cinv
      so let linv = complete_inv o1 cinv in
        let ql = related lr q in
        victory_invariant cg1 pl ql linv
      (* Actually, linv is already cropped, so there is
         no need to crop it any further. *)
      so ("stop_split" cropped ol1 ql linv
        by forall hh h. linv hh /\ inter hh ql h ->
          maximum ol1 hh h
        by exists x. maximum o1 h x /\ q x
        so let h0 = inf ol1 hh in
          let x0 = sup o1 h0 in
          let df = remove h0 x0 in
          let hhl = bigunion hh in
          let hhd = diff hhl df in
          (o1 x0 x by subchain o1 h0 h /\ h0 x0)
        so (maximum o1 hhd x by inter hhd q x by hhd x
          by not (df x so o1 x x0))
        so (upper_bound o1 hhl x by forall y. hhl y -> o1 y x
          by hhd y \/ (o1 y x0 /\ transitive o1 by df y))
        so forall h1. hh h1 -> if subchain o1 h1 h then true else false
        by subchain o1 h h1 so sext h h1 by forall y. h1 y -> not (not h y
          so x = y by o1 x y so o1 y x)
      so let gp = extended_game ol1 cr g2 in
        let eql = related ecr ql in
        let pinv = extended_inv ol1 cr o2 ql linv linvf linvl in
        victory_invariant gp epl eql pinv
      so let ang = red_ang ol1 cr o2 pinv f in
        let rinv = strong_u_acc_s (span_game gp) (crop_ang pinv ang) epl in
        victory_invariant gp epl eql rinv /\ reducible ol1 cr o2 rinv
      so finv = forget_inv_a ol1 o2 rinv f_p
      so victory_invariant g2 (image snd epl) (image snd eql) finv

  clone Sim with goal simulation_comp,
    goal simulation

  clone SimExplicit with goal simulation_explicit


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