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(* Encoding of ordered transition systems into games. *)

(* Definition of ordered transition systems. *)
module OrderedTransition

  use import int.Int
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import order.Ordered
  use import fn.Image
  use import fn.Fun
  use import transition.Trace

  constant pos : set int = (<=) 0

  (* FIXME: same problem with 'by' introduction that with the traces. *)
  lemma existence : exists r:erel 'a,pi:'a -> 'o,o:erel 'o.
    order o /\ (forall a b. r a b -> o (pi a) (pi b)) /\
    (forall t. t.rel = r /\ not t.finite ->
      (exists sp. supremum o (image (compose pi t.nth) pos) sp)
      by false)
    by r = (fun _ _ -> false) /\ o = (=)
    so forall t. t.rel = r /\ not t.finite -> r (t.nth 0) (t.nth 1)

  type otrans 'a 'o = {
    transition : erel 'a;
    projection : 'a -> 'o;
    progress : erel 'o;
  } invariant { order progress }
  invariant { forall a b. transition a b ->
    progress (projection a) (projection b) }
  invariant { forall t. t.rel = transition /\ not t.finite ->
    exists sp. supremum progress (image (compose projection t.nth) pos) sp }

  meta remove_prop lemma existence


module OTGameCommon

  use import int.Int
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import game.Game as G
  use import order.LimUniq
  use import fn.Image
  use import fn.Fun
  use import transition.Trace
  use export OrderedTransition

  type state 'a 'o =
    | Transient 'a int
    | Limit 'o

  predicate substate (s:otrans 'a 'o) (s1 s2:state 'a 'o) =
    match s1, s2 with
    | Transient x n, Transient y m ->
      n <= m /\ s.progress (s.projection x) (s.projection y) /\
      (n = m -> x = y)
    | Transient x n, Limit y -> s.progress (s.projection x) y
    | Limit x, Limit y -> s.progress x y
    | _ -> false

  lemma substate_order : forall s:otrans 'a 'o.
    let o = substate s in order o
    by (forall a b. o a b /\ o b a -> a <> b -> false
      by match a, b with
      | Transient x n, Transient y m -> false by n = m
      | Limit x, Limit y -> false by antisymetric s.progress
      | _ -> false
    so forall a b c. o a b /\ o b c -> o a c
      by match a, b, c with
      | Transient x n, Transient y m, Transient z o -> n <= o
      | Transient x _, (Transient _ _| Limit _), Limit z ->
        s.progress (s.projection x) z
      | Limit x, Limit y, Limit z -> transitive s.progress
      | _ -> false

  predicate next_state (s:otrans 'a 'o) (s1 s2:state 'a 'o) =
    match s1, s2 with
    | Transient x n, Transient y m -> m = n + 1 /\ s.transition x y
    | _ -> false

  function join_lim (st:set 'a) (sl:set 'o) : set (state 'a 'o) =
    fun x -> match x with
    | Transient x _ -> st x
    | Limit x -> sl x

  predicate ot_trace_witness (s:otrans 'a 'o) (x:'a)
                             (q:set 'a) (qi:set 'o) (t:trace 'a) =
    t.rel = s.transition /\ t.nth 0 = x /\
    if t.finite then q (t.nth t.length) else
    qi (sup s.progress (image (compose s.projection t.nth) pos))

  predicate ot_enforce_ex (s:otrans 'a 'o)
                          (p:set 'a) (pi:set 'o)
                          (q:set 'a) (qi:set 'o) =
    subset pi qi /\ forall x. p x -> exists t. ot_trace_witness s x q qi t

  predicate ot_trace_covered (s:otrans 'a 'o)
                             (q:set 'a) (qi:set 'o) (t:trace 'a) =
    (exists n. 0 <= n /\ (t.finite -> n <= t.length) /\ q (t.nth n))
    \/ (not t.finite /\
      qi (sup s.progress (image (compose s.projection t.nth) pos)))
    \/ (t.finite
      /\ exists t2. subtrace t t2 /\ (t2.finite -> t2.length > t.length))

  predicate ot_enforce_unv (s:otrans 'a 'o)
                           (p:set 'a) (pi:set 'o)
                           (q:set 'a) (qi:set 'o) =
    subset pi qi /\ forall t. t.rel = s.transition /\ p (t.nth 0) ->
      ot_trace_covered s q qi t

  let ghost function game_ex_ot
    (s:otrans 'a 'o) : game {state 'a 'o}
  = { G.progress = substate s;
      G.transition = fun x xs -> pure { image (=) (next_state s x) xs } }

  let ghost function game_unv_ot
    (s:otrans 'a 'o) : game {state 'a 'o}
  = { G.progress = substate s;
      G.transition = fun x xs -> pure { inhabited xs /\ xs = next_state s x } }


module OTGame "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => OTGameProof *)

  use import game.Game
  use export OTGameCommon

  axiom ot_enforce_ex : forall s:otrans 'a 'o,p pi q qi.
    have_uniform_winning_strat (game_ex_ot s)
                               (join_lim p pi)
                               (join_lim q qi) <->
    ot_enforce_ex s p pi q qi

  axiom ot_enforce_unv : forall s:otrans 'a 'o,p pi q qi.
    have_uniform_winning_strat (game_unv_ot s)
                               (join_lim p pi)
                               (join_lim q qi) <->
    ot_enforce_unv s p pi q qi


module OTGameProof

  use import int.Int
  use import transition.TraceConstructors
  use import transition.TraceGame
  use import order.Ordered
  use import order.Chain
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_rel.RelSet
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image
  use import choice.Choice
  use import game.Game as G
  use import OTGameCommon
  use import game.BasicStrats
  use import game_simulation.Sim

  predicate ecart (s:otrans 'a 'o) (d:int) (t:trace 'a) (st:state 'a 'o) =
    t.rel = s.transition /\
    match st with
    | Transient x n ->
      d <= n /\ t.finite /\ t.length = n - d /\ t.nth (n-d) = x
    | Limit o -> let trs = image (compose s.projection t.nth) pos in
      not t.finite /\ supremum s.progress trs o

  let rec lemma increasing_trace (s:otrans 'a 'o) (t:trace 'a)
                                 (u v:int)
    requires { t.rel = s.transition }
    requires { 0 <= u <= v /\ (t.finite -> v <= t.length) }
    ensures  { s.progress (s.projection (t.nth u)) (s.projection (t.nth v)) }
    variant { v }
  = if u <> v then increasing_trace s t u (v-1)

  lemma simulations : forall s:otrans 'a 'o,d:int.
    let rf = ecart s d in let rb = flip rf in
    let ge = game_ex_ot s in let gu = game_unv_ot s in
    let get = game_ex_trace in let gut = game_unv_trace in
    let o = substate s in
    (simulate get rf ge by step_simulate get rf ge)
    /\ (simulate gut rf gu by step_simulate gut rf gu)
    /\ (simulate ge rb get by step_simulate ge rb get)
    /\ (simulate gu rb gut by step_simulate gu rb gut)
    by ("stop_split" forall x x2 y. next_trace x x2 /\ rf x y ->
      (exists y2. next_state s y y2 /\ rf x2 y2)
      by match y with Limit _ -> false
      | Transient v0 n -> v0 = x.nth x.length
        so let v1 = x2.nth x2.length in
          let y2 = Transient v1 (n+1) in
          (next_state s y y2
           by s.transition v0 v1 by v0 = x2.nth (x2.length - 1))
        so rf x2 y2
    ) /\ ("stop_split" forall x x2 y. next_state s x x2 /\ rb x y ->
      (exists y2. next_trace y y2 /\ rb x2 y2)
      by match x, x2 with Limit _, _ | _, Limit _ -> false
        | Transient v0 _, Transient v1 _ ->
          let y2 = add_suffix_trace y v1 in
          next_trace y y2 /\ rb x2 y2
    so ("stop_split" forall x y xs. get.G.transition x xs /\ rf x y ->
      have_winning_strat ge y (related rf xs)
      by exists x2. next_trace x x2 /\ xs = (=) x2
      so exists y2. next_state s y y2 /\ rf x2 y2
      so ge.G.transition y ((=) y2) /\ subset ((=) y2) (related rf xs)
    ) /\ ("stop_split" forall x y xs. ge.G.transition x xs /\ rb x y ->
      have_winning_strat get y (related rb xs)
      by exists x2. next_state s x x2 /\ xs = (=) x2
      so exists y2. next_trace y y2 /\ rb x2 y2
      so get.G.transition y ((=) y2) /\ subset ((=) y2) (related rb xs)
    ) /\ ("stop_split" forall x y xs. gut.G.transition x xs /\ rf x y ->
      have_winning_strat gu y (related rf xs)
      by xs = next_trace x /\ inhabited xs
      so let ys = next_state s y in
        gu.G.transition y ys /\ subset ys (related rf xs)
    ) /\ ("stop_split" forall x y xs. gu.G.transition x xs /\ rb x y ->
      have_winning_strat gut y (related rb xs)
      by xs = next_state s x /\ inhabited xs
      so let ys = next_trace y in
      gut.G.transition y ys /\ subset ys (related rb xs)
    ) /\ ("stop_split" forall ch f. chain subtrace ch /\ inhabited ch ->
      monotone_on ch subtrace f o /\ rel_mapping ch f rf ->
      let s1 = sup_chain_trace ch in
      let s2 = sup o (image f ch) in
      supremum subtrace ch s1
      && (supremum o (image f ch) s2 /\ rf s1 s2
        by if ch s1
          then maximum o (image f ch) (f s1) so s2 = f s1
            so rf s1 s2
          else not s1.finite
            so (forall n. 0 <= n -> exists x. ch x /\ n <= x.length)
            so (s1.rel = s.transition by exists t0. ch t0
              so rf t0 (f t0) so subtrace t0 s1)
            so let fc = compose s.projection s1.nth in
              let sc = image fc pos in
              exists s_2. supremum s.progress sc s_2
            so let l2 = Limit s_2 in rf s1 l2
            so (supremum o (image f ch) l2 so s2 = l2)
            by (forall st. image f ch st -> o st l2
              by exists t. ch t /\ f t = st so t.finite /\ rf t st
              so match st with Limit _ -> false
              | Transient _ _ -> subtrace t s1
                so t.nth t.length = s1.nth t.length
                so sc (fc t.length)
            ) /\ (forall lu. upper_bound o (image f ch) lu -> o l2 lu
              by match lu with
              | Transient _ n -> false
                by let u = (if n >= 0 then n else -n)
                           + (if d >= 0 then d else -d)
                           + 1 in
                  0 <= u
                so exists t. ch t /\ u <= t.length so t.finite
                so image f ch (f t) /\ rf t (f t)
                so o (f t) lu so match (f t) with Limit _ -> false
                | Transient _ _ -> true
              | Limit u -> s.progress s_2 u by upper_bound s.progress sc u
                by forall n. pos n -> s.progress (fc n) u
                by exists t. ch t /\ n <= t.length so t.finite
                so subtrace t s1
                so t.nth n = s1.nth n /\ t.nth t.length = s1.nth t.length
                so s.progress (fc n) (fc t.length) /\ rf t (f t)
                so image f ch (f t)
                so match f t with Limit _ -> false
                  | Transient x _ -> s.progress (fc t.length) u
                    by s.projection x = fc t.length /\ o (f t) lu
    ) so ("stop_split" forall ch f. chain o ch /\ inhabited ch ->
      monotone_on ch o f subtrace /\ rel_mapping ch f rb ->
      let s2 = sup_chain_trace (image f ch) in
      let s1 = sup o ch in
      supremum subtrace (image f ch) s2 /\
      supremum o ch s1 /\
      rb s1 s2
      by let g = fun x -> choice (inter ch (preimage f ((=) x))) in
        let ch0 = image f ch in
        (forall x. ch0 x ->
          f (g x) = x /\ ch (g x) by exists y. ch y /\ f y = x
            so inter ch (preimage f ((=) x)) y)
      so (forall x. ch x -> let z = g (f x) in z = x
        by f z = f x /\ ch z
        so rf (f x) x /\ rf (f z) z
        so match x, z with
          | Limit u, Limit v ->
            let fc = compose s.projection (f x).nth in
            u = sup s.progress (image fc pos) = v
          | Transient _ _, Transient _ _ -> true
          | _ -> false
      so (image g ch0 = ch)
      so rel_mapping ch0 g rf
      so (monotone_on ch0 subtrace g o
        by forall u v. ch0 u /\ ch0 v /\ subtrace u v -> if o (g u) (g v)
          then true else false
          by o (g v) (g u) so u = v by subtrace (f (g v)) (f (g u)))
      so (inhabited ch0 by exists x. ch x so ch0 (f x))
      so chain subtrace ch0

  lemma det_ecart : forall s:otrans 'a 'o,p d.
    let r = ecart s d in let rb = flip r in
    let rp = related rb p in
    subset (related r rp) p by forall x. related r rp x -> p x
    by exists t. rp t /\ r t x
    so exists y. p y /\ rb y t so x = y by match x, y with
      | Limit u, Limit v ->
        let fc = compose s.projection t.nth in
        u = sup s.progress (image fc pos) = v
      | Transient _ _, Transient _ _ -> true
      | _ -> false

  lemma ot_enforce_ex : forall s:otrans 'a 'o,p pi q qi.
    let jp = join_lim p pi in let jq = join_lim q qi in
    let ge = game_ex_ot s in let get = game_ex_trace in
    (have_uniform_winning_strat ge jp jq ->
      ot_enforce_ex s p pi q qi
      by let r = flip (ecart s 0) in
        let rjp = related r jp in let rjq = related r jq in
        have_uniform_winning_strat get rjp rjq
      so (subset pi qi by forall u. pi u -> qi u
        by let lu = Limit u in
          jp lu
        so have_winning_strat ge lu jq
        so jq lu \/ (false by exists a. ge.G.transition lu a
          so exists y. next_state s lu y
          so match y with Limit _ -> false | Transient _ _ -> true end)
      ) /\ forall x. p x ->
        let t = singleton_trace s.transition x in
        (rjp t by r (Transient x 0) t)
        so have_winning_strat get t rjq
        so exists tex. rjq tex /\ subtrace t tex
        so ot_trace_witness s x q qi tex
        by exists st. jq st /\ r st tex so ecart s 0 tex st
        so match st with
          | Limit u -> true
          | Transient _ _ -> true
    ) /\ (ot_enforce_ex s p pi q qi ->
      have_uniform_winning_strat ge jp jq
      by forall x. jp x -> have_winning_strat ge x jq
      by match x with
      | Limit _ -> jq x
      | Transient vx d -> let r = ecart s d in
        let rb = flip r in
        let rjp = related rb ((=) x) in let rjq = related rb jq in
        (have_uniform_winning_strat get rjp rjq
         by forall t. rjp t -> have_winning_strat get t rjq
         by exists tex. ot_trace_witness s vx q qi tex
         so ecart s d t x
         so subtrace t tex so rjq tex
         by let v = if tex.finite
           then Transient (tex.nth tex.length) (tex.length + d)
           else let fc = compose s.projection tex.nth in
             Limit (sup s.progress (image fc pos))
           in jq v /\ r tex v
        ) so have_uniform_winning_strat ge (related r rjp) (related r rjq)
        so (subset ((=) x) (related r rjp) by related r rjp x
          by rb x (singleton_trace s.transition vx)
        ) so have_uniform_winning_strat ge ((=) x) jq

  lemma ot_enforce_unv : forall s:otrans 'a 'o,p pi q qi.
    let jp = join_lim p pi in let jq = join_lim q qi in
    let gu = game_unv_ot s in let gut = game_unv_trace in
    (have_uniform_winning_strat gu jp jq ->
     ot_enforce_unv s p pi q qi
     by let r = flip (ecart s 0) in
       let rjp = related r jp in let rjq = related r jq in
       have_uniform_winning_strat gut rjp rjq
     so (subset pi qi by forall u. pi u -> qi u
       by let lu = Limit u in
         jp lu
       so have_winning_strat gu lu jq
       so jq lu \/ (false by exists a. gu.G.transition lu a
         so exists y. next_state s lu y
         so match y with Limit _ -> false | Transient _ _ -> true end)
     ) /\ forall t. t.rel = s.transition /\ p (t.nth 0) ->
       ot_trace_covered s q qi t
       by let t0 = singleton_trace s.transition (t.nth 0) in
         subtrace t0 t
       so (rjp t0 by let x = Transient (t.nth 0) 0 in jp x /\ r x t0)
       so have_winning_strat gut t0 rjq
       so will_reach_trace_in t0 rjq
       so if maximal_trace t
         then has_midpoint_in t0 t rjq
           so exists t1. subtrace t0 t1 /\ subtrace t1 t /\ rjq t1
           so if t1.finite
             then (q (t1.nth t1.length)
                 by exists y. jq y /\ r y t1 so match y with
                   | Limit _ -> false
                   | Transient _ _ -> true
               so t.nth t1.length = t1.nth t1.length
               so 0 <= t1.length /\ (t.finite -> t1.length <= t.length)
             else (t1 = t by subtrace t t1)
               so let fc = compose s.projection t.nth in
                 let u = sup s.progress (image fc pos) in
                 qi u by exists y. jq y /\ r y t so match y with
                 | Limit v -> u = v
                 | Transient _ _ -> false
         else exists t2. next_trace t t2
           so t.finite /\ subtrace t t2 /\ t2.length > t.length
    ) /\ (ot_enforce_unv s p pi q qi ->
      have_uniform_winning_strat gu jp jq
      by forall x. jp x -> have_winning_strat gu x jq
      by match x with
      | Limit _ -> jq x
      | Transient vx d -> let r = ecart s d in
        let rb = flip r in
        let rjp = related rb ((=) x) in let rjq = related rb jq in
        (have_uniform_winning_strat gut rjp rjq
         by forall t. rjp t -> have_winning_strat gut t rjq
         by forall t2. subtrace t t2 /\ maximal_trace t2 ->
           has_midpoint_in t t2 rjq
         by ot_trace_covered s q qi t2
         so (exists n. 0 <= n /\ (t2.finite -> n <= t2.length) /\ q (t2.nth n)
           so let t3 = prefix_trace n t2 in
             subtrace t t3 /\ subtrace t3 t2
           so rjq t3 by let vn = Transient (t2.nth n) (n+d) in
             jq vn /\ rb vn t3
         ) \/ (let fc = compose s.projection t2.nth in
           let sc = image fc pos in
           let u = sup s.progress sc in
           not t2.finite /\ qi u
           so subtrace t t2 /\ subtrace t2 t2
           so rjq t2 by let lu = Limit u in
             jq lu /\ (rb lu t2 by ecart s d t2 lu)
         ) \/ (false by t2.finite
           && exists t3. subtrace t2 t3 /\ (t3.finite -> t3.length > t2.length)
           so let t4 = prefix_trace (t2.length + 1) t3 in
             next_trace t2 t4 by subtrace t2 t4
        ) so have_uniform_winning_strat gu (related r rjp) (related r rjq)
        so (subset ((=) x) (related r rjp) by related r rjp x
          by rb x (singleton_trace s.transition vx)
        ) so have_uniform_winning_strat gu ((=) x) jq

  clone OTGame with goal ot_enforce_ex, goal ot_enforce_unv


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